Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 05, 2025


SA Ambulance Service

413 The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO ().29 October 2024). Can the Minister for Health and Wellbeing advise:

1. What is the dollar amount of SA Ambulance service fees and charges collected, broken down by incident response type for each of the below questions: Retrievals for compensable patients, emergency, non-emergency, and treat no transport?

Please provide in table format, for financial years 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 for each of the below questions.

2. What is the total number of SA Ambulance service fees and charges collected?

3. What is the dollar amount of overdue SA Ambulance service fees and charges?

4. What is the number of overdue SA Ambulance service fees and charges?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State): The Minister for Health and Wellbeing has advised:

1. As outlined in the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) annual report, in the financial year 2023-24, SAAS received income of $129,425,000 for ambulance services rendered.

SAAS estimates that in a financial year, revenue fees received are on average broken into the following rounded percentages:

Emergency fees 91%
Non-emergency fees 5%
Treat no transport 2%
Compulsory third party insurance 2%

2. As outlined in the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) annual reports, SAAS received the payment of the following amount in fees and charges:

2021-22 $123,921,000
2022-23 $177,264,000
2023-24 $133,946,000

SAAS does not undertake reporting on the number of individual accounts for fees and charges.

3. As outlined in the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) annual reports, SAAS has the following amounts of current debtors as at the 30 July of the respective year:

2021-22 $54,113,000
2022-23 $59,402,000
2023-24 $53,320,000

SAAS does not undertake reporting on the amount owing on fees and charges alone, this is managed by SA Government Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit.

4. SA Ambulance Service does not undertake reporting on the number of fees and charges owed, this is managed by SA Government Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit.