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Mobile Phone Detection Cameras
414 The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO ().29 October 2024). Can the Treasurer advise:
1. A budget estimate of fines to be collected in 2024-25 from mobile phone detection cameras broken down by camera location.
2. What is the total dollar amount of total fines and expiations collected? Please provide in table format, for financial years 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 for each of the below questions.
3. What is the number of total fines and expiation collected?
4. What is the dollar amount of fines and expiations collected by the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit broken down by the following categories for each of the below questions: demerit traffic, non-demerit traffic, parking, other SAPOL, court fines, victims of crime (non-levy), salary overpayments, Electoral Commission, Department of Education, Department of Primary Industries and Regions, SA Ambulance, SA Housing Authority, other state debt, and any other categories?
5. What is the number of fines and expiations that have entered into an arrangement with the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit?
6. What is the number of fines and expiations overdue?
7. What is the dollar amount of fines and expiations overdue?
8. What is the dollar amount of overdue penalty fines?
9. What is the number of overdue penalty fines?
10. How many penalties (non-fines) have been enforced?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State): The Treasurer has advised:
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) advises there are currently five priority locations across Adelaide where mobile phone detection cameras are installed. As provided in the 2023-24 state budget, budgeted expiations to be issued as a result of mobile phone detection cameras for 2024-25 is $24.454 million.
The SA Police have only commenced the issuing of the penalty of $556 plus a $102 victims of crime Levy and three demerit points from offences detected by mobile phone detection cameras from 19 September 2024.
They continue to release expiation data for the five active locations publicly, with the latest information released within a media release dated 30 December 2024.
Due to the issuing only commencing from 19 September 2024, further detailed information regarding total expiations collected and the number managed though the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit is not yet available.