Legislative Council: Thursday, October 17, 2019


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The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:24): Supplementary: how does the minister reconcile his statement from parliament yesterday, 'I don't recall meeting any of those people,' of which Mr Ahlburg was the particular person, with what he is now telling the chamber? Was he lying then or is he lying now?

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, the first part of that supplementary was appropriate. The second half was out of order.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:25): Sadly, half of his questions are out of order.

The PRESIDENT: No, I rule when they are out of order, the Hon. Mr Ridgway.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: The question was, 'Has the minister met with', and as minister I had not met with, I have not met with and I have no intention of meeting with Mr Ahlburg. I have not met with Mr Ahlburg. So you can understand, I am open and transparent. I came across Mr Ahlburg. I believe he was at some of those events I went to in China.