Legislative Council: Thursday, October 17, 2019


Poker Machine Payouts

The Hon. C. BONAROS (15:06): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Treasurer, representing the Attorney-General in another place, a question about poker machine payouts.

Leave granted.

The Hon. C. BONAROS: Like others in this chamber, I was deeply disturbed at the alleged robbery and assault of an elderly southern suburbs woman in her home only a few hours after she had received a sizeable payout on a poker machine. Eva Donlon, 82, was allegedly robbed and assaulted by two men who posed as tradesmen to enter her house at the Woodcroft Caravan Park only hours after she won $6,500 on poker machines at the Lonsdale Hotel.

It is believed the men witnessed Ms Donlon receive her payout in cash and followed her home as she left the hotel in the wee hours of the night. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured in the robbery, and the men were arrested a few days later. The matter, as I understand it, is currently before the courts, which will no doubt deal with the alleged perpetrators appropriately. My questions are:

1. Has the Attorney-General ordered the Office of Consumer and Business Services, the government agency responsible for poker machine governance in SA, to investigate why the Lonsdale Hotel paid out Ms Donlon's windfall in cash, something that, while not illegal, as this case proves, has the potential to put people's lives in unnecessary danger?

2. Does the Attorney agree that current legislation needs to be improved to make it compulsory for poker machine winnings over $1,000 to be paid out by cheque, and not only if requested by the player?

3. Does the Attorney have any knowledge and/or information where similar robberies have occurred when people have received larger poker machine windfalls, and will she provide details of such?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:08): I am pleased to refer the honourable member's question to the Attorney-General and bring back a reply.