Legislative Council: Thursday, October 17, 2019


Luxe Haus

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:33): My questions are to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. Has the minister attended any round tables or travelled on any trade missions or other trips with Randall Tomich, and did the minister meet Corey Ahlburg at any events with Tomich Wines?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:34): I just want to add some clarification. When you're in opposition you don't do trade missions. You might do a parliamentary trip; you might go, as I went once, on the Hong Kong spirit and wine show where, along with a whole range of other wine exhibitors, Mr Tomich was there. But I don't do trade missions. I'm flattered to think that members opposite thought that while I was an opposition member I could lead trade missions—because maybe we were doing more for the economy.

I certainly did some overseas trips and certainly went to some wine shows where I helped to support the wine industry, and some of those Mr Tomich was there. As I said earlier, Mr Ahlburg may have been at some of those. I don't have any specific recollections of exactly whether he was at some. As I said earlier in my response, in my recollection Mr Ahlburg was present at some of those events, and it's likely there's been occasions since when we would have both been guests at the same event.