Legislative Council: Thursday, October 17, 2019


Trade Missions

The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (15:11): Have you as the minister, in terms of the planning that goes around trade missions, either requested or directed a particular invite to a business?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:12): No, what I do is I say to businesses, 'If you're interested in exporting, contact the department and see whether you would like to fit into a program that we are doing. Or if you are just ready to go, go to Japan and talk with Sally Townsend, go to Shanghai and talk to Xiaoya Wei.' There are a number of opportunities to be able to promote your product, whether it is a wine product or any other product or service that we are selling. That's the reason we are opening trade offices and putting people on the ground. It is so any time we have a South Australian business that wishes to export and grow our economy, grow jobs and support South Australia, they don't have to wait for a trade mission like the former government did with the big travelling caravan. They can actually go at any time. If there is a business opportunity, we want them to go.