Legislative Council: Thursday, October 17, 2019


Trade Missions

The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (15:10): Supplementary: in terms of the expo that you just identified, who actually plans the itinerary? Does the minister or his office have any input in terms of selection of the companies that register interest?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:11): In relation to input or in the selection of companies, no, we want every company in South Australia to export and to grow. We would love to have them there. I think they self-select a bit on the cost of attendance, and there is a whole range of things and whether it fits their particular business plan or their marketing plan in particular.

Arranging of the itinerary is done by the department. I will have a range of meetings. I haven't seen the final program yet, but I know there are some meetings in Guangzhou, because we have a new staff member starting in Guangzhou, and I am sure they will be meeting with Xiaoya Wei in Shanghai. I am sure there will be a range of meetings. I think I have been advised that there is one 1½-hour slot left available in the four days for meetings, and I am sure that will be filled before I get there.