Legislative Council: Thursday, September 26, 2019



Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates the Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia for hosting the Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum of South Australia (HOTA SA) and Raksha Bandhan festival in 2019.

2. Acknowledges the outstanding contributions of individuals and pays tribute to award recipients in five different categories:

(a) HOTA Volunteer Award;

(b) Youth Award;

(c) Entrepreneur Award;

(d) Woman of Substance Award;

(e) Senior Citizen Award.

3. Commends the Hindu Organisations, Temples and Associations Forum for establishing the Hindu Helpline for Australia.

4. Recognises the achievements and contributions of the Hindu communities in South Australia—socially, culturally and economically.

(Continued from 11 September 2019.)

The Hon. T.T. NGO (16:16): I rise to speak on this motion and acknowledge the Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia for hosting the Hindu Organisation, Temples and Association Forum (HOTA). I also acknowledge their work in organising the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan on 3 August 2019.

I congratulate the collaborative HOTA Forum, designed by Vishva Hindu Parishad. This forum brings together Hindu community organisations, temples, institutions and associations. This platform not only strengthens the Hindu community from within, but also provides resources to collectively shape the Hindu identity and strengthen pride. I congratulate those involved on the contribution this platform is making to this community.

Groups within the Hindu society are actively working for the resurgence of Hinduism; however, their work has been hindered by a lack of coordination between leading organisations. This platform now brings the Hindu community together in different galvanising ways. It pools together resources, shares information about activities of other Hindu organisations, and strengthens collaborations. All of this contributes to the broader community.

I acknowledge this year marks the second time the HOTA Forum has been held alongside the celebration of Raksha Bandhan in South Australia. Last August, over 40 organisations and groups came together to celebrate this Hindu festival. The HOTA Forum promoted the meaning and these key themes of the Festival: to pledge support to each other, respecting women in our community, and promoting universal fellowship. All are worthy and honourable causes with a place in our broader South Australian society. This festival also enables community members to make connections and celebrates the achievements of community work and volunteers.

I would like to acknowledge the work that volunteers do in organising such events and festivals. It is tiring work but so valuable in recognising traditions and maintaining practices which help others from different communities to feel at home in South Australia. These events and festivals also make our state a more vibrant and engaging place to live. Considering the mission of the HOTA Forum is to bring together all Hindu organisations and their philosophy of strength, this platform must be commended. I acknowledge and commend their inspiring work and reaffirm the significant contribution of the HOTA Forum to the multicultural landscape of South Australia.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (16:20): I am very proud to witness the Hindu community going from strength to strength and I think it is wonderful that the Hon. Tung Ngo has also recognised that the HOTA Forum presents an empowering platform for outstanding volunteers in the Hindu community of South Australia. I want to thank the Hon. Tung Ngo for his contribution today and for his ongoing support for our multicultural communities.

It was noted earlier in my previous contribution that there were some 40 diverse organisations that came together this year and last year to show support for each other, for fellowship and harmonious development. Since moving the motion, I have been informed that the Hindu Council of Australia has not confirmed that they would like to be officially associated with the VHP HOTA Forum of SA, as was previously advised to my office. Therefore, I would like to amend the record by informing this chamber that the Hindu Council of Australia should not be included on the previous additional list of Hindu organisations that I named in my earlier contribution. However, both organisations have indicated support for each other for various activities.

Overall, I am very pleased to learn about the positive feedback from participating partners of the HOTA Forum. It is indeed a great honour for me to present awards to all the deserving winners, which included respectable seniors, outstanding volunteers, amazing women of substance, distinguished business entrepreneurs and energetic young people.

Once again, my special thanks and congratulations to VHP and HOTA partners for their collective wisdom, their friendship and contributions to serve our community. I look forward to continuing to work closely with everyone to strengthen the social cohesion and achieving more positive outcomes for our community. Thank you to all honourable members in the Legislative Council for your support for this important motion. I commend the motion to the chamber.

Motion carried.