Legislative Council: Thursday, September 26, 2019


MATES In Construction

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:32): Supplementary: given the honourable member says that this is only a small amount of funding, the funding is for the life skills training, is he saying that that life skills training is not a valuable use of funds and is not important?

The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (14:33): Here again, Mr President, the Hon. Clare Scriven is trying to put words in my mouth. What I did say is that the minister is planning a meeting with the chairman of MATES in Construction, Mr Michael Harper, as soon as that can be arranged. I will, if possible, join that meeting. If you had listened to my original answer, I said we will be exploring other funding opportunities to assist MATES in Construction.

The PRESIDENT: I will allow one more supplementary.