Legislative Council: Thursday, September 26, 2019


SA Housing Authority

The Hon. I. PNEVMATIKOS (15:08): Supplementary arising from the original answer: if this assists, will the minister explain why the shadow minister for human services in the other place has received reports of a 70-year-old widow being forcibly downsized, being advised that she will be forcibly downsized?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:08): One always needs to take the allegations of Labor members with a pinch of salt because when one investigates the facts they are usually quite different. Once again, may I offer that, if there is a particular situation that honourable members would like to provide to me and to my officers, we will look into that and get back to them with a response.

The PRESIDENT: A further supplementary, the Hon. Ms Pnevmatikos.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, I have one of your own members standing, wanting to ask a supplementary.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, please. I am really keen for the Hon. Ms Pnevmatikos to have an opportunity to run this line of inquiry. The Hon. Ms Pnevmatikos.