Legislative Council: Thursday, September 26, 2019


Health and Medical Industries

The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS (15:11): My question is to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. Can the minister update the council on the release of the discussion paper for health and medical industries as part of the broader growth state initiative?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:11): I thank the honourable member for his ongoing interest in our growth state initiative and particularly the health and medical industries sector. Earlier this week, I outlined to the chamber how industry consultation had recently kicked off on growing the food, wine and agribusiness sector, through a discussion paper that will eventually evolve into an industry-owned sector plan. I am pleased to inform the chamber that the health and medical industries sector has also begun an extensive period of industry consultation to help shape this important multibillion dollar sector.

The health and medical industries sector is already a significant contributor to South Australia's economy and we see many more opportunities to grow this further. We already boast one of the largest health science precincts in the Southern Hemisphere and have a track record and capability and ambition to continue the development and scaling of distinctive medical technologies and services.

The sector already contributes $4.2 billion to the state's economy, employing nearly 24,000 South Australians, but we want to take this sector to the next level, and this consultation process is about seeking industry input on what the important opportunities are for further growth and what policy initiatives will be required to support that.

We see great potential for this sector to grow and to be a large contributor to reaching our overall goal of 3 per cent GSP growth. Increasing investment into this sector and growing our exports is a key priority for the Marshall Liberal government. Feedback on this consultation period will inform the development of the final industry sector plan for health and medical industries, so I urge those working in the sector to provide their feedback.

Eight specialty areas have been identified within the health and medical industries sector for targets for growth, and they include the ageing and care industry, biotechnology, clinical trials, digital health, medical devices, medical tourism, nutraceuticals and traditional medicine, and pharmaceuticals. Similar to the way we have structured the food and—

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Ridgway, you are reading from a media release. That's not appropriate. Sit down. Don't do it again. It's in breach of the standing orders of introducing material that is already in the public arena.