Legislative Council: Thursday, September 26, 2019


SafeWork SA

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (15:17): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before directing a question to the Treasurer regarding SafeWork SA.

Leave granted.

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: The opposition has been informed today of reports of a significant workplace incident which occurred at 8.20am this morning at a major apartment development in Bowden. We were informed that a floor collapsed while concrete was being poured and a worker fell through to the level below. We were further informed that emergency services arrived promptly, but it took SafeWork SA almost two hours to arrive, and that was at 10.02am. We have also been advised that, prior to SafeWork SA arriving, there were no officials available to secure the site for investigation. My four questions to the Treasurer are:

1. Does SafeWork SA have a mandated target time to respond to very serious incidents?

2. Why did it take almost two hours for them to respond today?

3. Has the Treasurer been made aware of this incident?

4. Have budget cuts so negatively impacted on SafeWork SA such that they are no longer able to perform their duties properly?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:18): I can answer the last question first. Simply, the answer is no. Certainly in relation to discussions, I think last year, possibly this year as well, in relation to budget cuts or efficiency dividends for Treasury, which includes now SafeWork SA, my explicit direction was that the investigation and inspection arms of SafeWork SA were to be spared from any savings task. That's the simple answer to a simple question. In relation to whether I have been advised, just prior to coming into question time, at some stage today, I was advised that there had been, regrettably, a workplace incident where a worker had been injured. That was, I think, the third question.

In relation to mandated times, I am not sure whether strictly the term is mandated, so there is nothing in law that requires the arrival of an inspector or investigator, on my understanding. I will take advice on that. My quick advice, which is subject to getting a formal brief, which I have not had yet, but to share that quick advice, SafeWork SA advised my office that, with incidents of this particular nature, SafeWork SA seeks to get an officer or inspector there on the particular day the incident occurs. The honourable member's question was whether something was mandated. I think my advice is that that is not the case. If my advice needs further clarification, I will bring that back to the house at the earliest opportunity.