Legislative Council: Thursday, October 25, 2018


Personal Explanation

Superloop Adelaide 500

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:21): I seek leave to make a brief personal explanation, if I may, and clarification.

Leave granted.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: During question time, the Hon. Mr Hunter asked about googling Superloop. I am not quite sure what he was doing because I have it here: the Superloop Adelaide 500, 'Strap yourself in. Better internet is here.' Whether it was too much traffic to the site that he was having difficulty with, I am sure he will be able to find Superloop for the Superloop Adelaide 500 whenever he looks.

The PRESIDENT (15:22): The Hon. Mr Ridgway, the council granted you leave. That is not really a matter of personal explanation, and then it meandered into a debate. Just for future reference, I would ask you to reconsult your standing orders.