Legislative Council: Thursday, October 25, 2018


Superloop Adelaide 500

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:37): Supplementary question: does this sponsorship contract with Superloop have any side deals?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:37): I have no idea what the member opposite is talking about—side deals. Can she explain if it's a phenomenon that happens in the union movement or in the Labor Party? My understanding is that it is a three-year deal, which we are fabulously excited about. Hopefully, when we have negotiated with supercars and we get a clearer picture of the event beyond 2021, Superloop will be involved. Mr Kelton from Superloop was very excited today. It is a great opportunity for their business. They want to grow their business, as I explained, and hopefully employ 200 staff in Adelaide in the next couple of years. They see this as an opportunity to grow their brand and to grow their recognition and product range. I have no idea what the member opposite is referring to in side deals. It may be some legacy of her many years of involvement with the union movement.

The PRESIDENT: If you don't know, the Hon. Mr Ridgway, then sit down! The Hon. Mr Stephens, you have the call and then I will come back to the Hon. Clare Scriven.