Legislative Council: Thursday, October 25, 2018


South Australian Tourism Commission

The Hon. T.T. NGO (15:07): Supplementary: in an answer given by the minister on 3 May 2018 about the same subject, the minister said:

Since the announcement of the contract, the Premier and I have met with the chief executive and chair of the SATC board to clarify the process and confirm actions to be taken to ensure that South Australian companies would be in the best position to win possible future contracts.

Has a review of the tender process occurred, and what changes have been made to the contract process?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:08): I thank the honourable member for his question. Certainly, he quotes me accurately. We met with the chair and the chief executive and talked about a range of opportunities. I think if the member had been listening to my Rewards Wonder answer yesterday there was a whole range of tourism operators—61 were showcased in that—and a number of local production houses were used in the production. Sure, TBWA are based in Melbourne but nearly all of the work was done for them by local South Australian companies.

I think it's important that the procurement process is, if you like, sanctioned by the Procurement Board. It is at arm's length—it's certainly extremely at arm's length from the minister because the minister doesn't actually ever get involved, nor does cabinet. That process is robust. I'm not sure that we committed to a review of the procurement process but if we did I will check my answer from back then. Clearly, there is always a desire to make sure that we help South Australian companies. That is why we had 51 artists.

The Hon. Ms Franks from the Greens asked me questions yesterday about the artists in the promotion, the five days of streaming involving 51 local artists, 61 tourism business and local production houses. That advertising campaign, which will go on for more than 12 months, actually showcases a whole stack of local businesses and musicians, and gives work to local production houses. Sure, the head contract has gone to a Victorian company, which, incidentally, now has an office in Adelaide and are employing staff here, but all the other work has gone to South Australians and South Australian companies.