Legislative Council: Thursday, October 25, 2018


Shelter SA

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:59): My question is to the Minister for Human Services about Shelter SA. Can the minister advise the chamber about the role of Shelter SA's Homeless Connect: Health and Housing Expo as part of Anti-Poverty Week?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:59): I thank the honourable member for her question and her interest in this area. Shelter SA is an organisation well-known to many members. It is an advocacy organisation operating in the community services sphere, with a particular focus on homelessness and the services that can and need to be provided to homeless people, as well as focusing on housing issues more broadly. I thank them for their advocacy in this sector. Shelter SA recently held a homelessness expo, which I was delighted to be involved with. The member for Hurtle Vale, shadow minister Nat Cook, was also in attendance, and we were welcomed by Uncle Moogy.

The event was held in Whitmore Square. A range of service providers were there, including those who are clearly well-known to us, including the Hutt St Centre and a range of the non-government service providers in this space, as well as some health providers and other particular community service organisations. The purpose of the expo is to provide information to people who may be homeless but also to those who have a particular interest in this area. We were quite lucky with the weather. It did hold out and I think they were quite pleased with the attendance. It has been an annual event that they have held as part of the events that they do to improve the awareness in our community for people who may need services in this area. It is a much-welcomed event, and I thank them for the efforts that they went to, to put that event on.