Legislative Council: Thursday, October 25, 2018


South Australian Tourism Commission

The Hon. T.T. NGO (15:04): My question is to the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. Will the minister explain why advertising agency KWP is good enough to provide services for a NT tourism contract but isn't good enough to provide services for the SA tourism contract?

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Ridgway, the question was directed towards you.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:04): Sorry, Mr President, I was distracted. Could I ask the member to repeat the question?

The Hon. T.T. NGO: Will the minister explain why the advertising agency KWP is good enough to provide services for a NT tourism contract but isn't good enough to provide services for the SA tourism contract?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: I thank the honourable member for his question. It's an interesting question but the member would be familiar with the process because I think I answered somewhere between 40 and 50 questions on the TBWA procurement. That was done through a proper transparent procurement process, started by the member opposite's very good friend Leon Bignell when he was minister—

The PRESIDENT: Refer to him by electorate.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: As the member for Mawson, former minister for tourism, sport, recreation, racing and agriculture, only surpassed by the member opposite's very good friend and close relationship with the former member for Waite, Martin Hamilton-Smith. He called him a good egg; I'm not sure that's what I would call him. Nonetheless, I am getting distracted.

There was a procurement process that the Tourism Commission went through. As we know it was basically all but completed prior to the election. I'm not privy to that process. There was a ranking and they went through all of the people who were bidding and tendering to do that particular work, and TBWA was successful—it was the chosen one. I don't know what process the Northern Territory government went through but, given that it is a Labor government up there, I'm sure with a quick phone call you could work it out. I'm pleased that KWP obtained work in the Northern Territory but I have no idea if we are comparing apples with apples and the same sort of creative services.

I spoke at length yesterday about our Rewards Wonder campaign and the great success that it has been. We have had a tremendous start with the new advertising campaign and I wish KWP and the Northern Territory all the best in whatever they are doing. We do actually collaborate quite a lot, as members would be aware. We share a border. There is quite a lot of work done on the Explorers Way, which is the touring route from Darwin to Adelaide. It is important that the Northern Territory has a strong offering because, of course, that draws tourists into the City of Darwin and feeds them down to us.

I think I mentioned earlier in the week that we spoke at the trade and tourism ministers' meeting in Melbourne where the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory was very keen to share the opportunities between the two states. He openly admits that they don't have any wine but they have barramundi and all sorts of exciting things in the Northern Territory—so we can collaborate together. I wish Northern Territory tourism and KWP all the best in their relationship in Darwin.