Legislative Council: Thursday, May 17, 2018


Women with Disabilities Forum

The Hon. J.S. LEE (15:16): My question is to the Minister for Human Services. Can the minister update the chamber about the Women with Disabilities Forum?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (15:16): I thank the honourable member for her question. A forum for women with disabilities was organised by the Department of Human Services on 10 May at the Fullerton Park Community Centre. It combined efforts from the Office for Women and the disability policy unit of DHS. The facilitator was Lorna Hallahan, who is probably well-known to a number of people. She works for Flinders University and is a lady with a lived experience of disability.

I attended because I was very keen. I think this is a very important area of policy work to be undertaken, particularly in light of the direction of disability inclusion, which is framed by developments with the NDIS, providing choice and control to people with disabilities, and also our state Disability Inclusion Bill. Many people would know Margie Charlesworth, who is from Women with Disabilities SA. She attended, along with a range of other people as well. The topics to be looked at included issues to do with health, mental health, housing—I think justice was potentially on the list as well—and other areas that the participants would see fit to advance the cause of inclusion.

A report will be prepared by DHS and I think that will be very important in the development of the next phase of this important area. Some of these women, obviously with disabilities, can suffer significant disadvantages. We know that the rate of domestic violence among women with disabilities is higher than among the general population. They can have difficulties accessing services, such as pap smears and a range of other things. These were specific things that were on the agenda. So I look forward to receiving that report from my department so that we can look towards advancing these issues.