Legislative Council: Thursday, May 17, 2018


Enterprise Pathology Laboratory Information System

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:46): My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. When did the minister first become aware of the delay in testing the possible lost specimens and the lack of tracking through the EPLIS system, and what measures did the minister immediately put in place? I will indicate that we, on this side, will not be interjecting during the answer to allow the minister proper consideration so that he can get accurately everything he knew, and when, on the record. I will not make a habit of this but I would advise the minister to be very careful about how he answers. The tone and temper of his response will be listened to, not just by us and those reporting but by those affected.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Order! Minister.

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:47): I am not sure whether the honourable member is asking me about my time as a minister or my time in this house, but it would be clear that as a shadow minister for health I had a number of conversations, particularly with Professionals Australia, about their concerns about the former government's management of SA Pathology.

In relation to my own service as government, I have referred already to my swearing in day. I think that was Thursday 22 March. My recollection was the first time it was raised to me formally was by a letter from Professionals Australia, dated 23 March, in terms of issues in relation to SA Pathology. As a result, I met with Professionals Australia on 6 April. I took with me a deputy chief executive of my department, and one of the clear outcomes of that meeting was that, because of our concern about communications between the union and management of SA Pathology, he was going to undertake to speak to SA Pathology and, I think, meet Professionals Australia within the following week.

From that time, I have been actively monitoring the developments in relation to EPLIS, and obviously they continue with my appointment on Tuesday of a task force. I think I told the house yesterday that the head of the task force would be meeting SA Pathology tomorrow. I am aware from discussions with my officers today that he has been having discussions with SA Pathology staff today. I am grateful to Mr Tom Stubbs for his work as head of the task force to identify what has happened and what needs to be done to get to make things right.