House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Public Sector Employees

318 The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (25 July 2018). How many targeted voluntary separation packages (TVSPs) have been offered across the public sector since the 19 March 2018?

(a) Which departments and agencies have they been offered in?

(b) Which classification levels have these been offered in?

(c) What is the estimated dollar value of these offers since the 19 March 2018?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised:

Agency Name No. of TVSP offered $ Value (approximate)
Attorney General's Department 55 $6,513,001.52
Department for Environment and Water 5 $523,500.82
Department of Human Services 57 $3,920,066.76
Department for Industry and Skills 7 $941,036.96
Department of the Premier and Cabinet 1 $104,285.71
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure 3 $282,746.20
Defence SA 1 $93,842.61
Department of Treasury and Finance 1 $113,243.52
Department for Education 2 $276,813.52
SA Health Northern Adelaide Local Health NetworkModbury Hospital & Lyell McEwin HospitalSA Health Central Adelaide Local Health Network – Queen Elizabeth Hospital 6 $398,816.11
SA Health Central Adelaide Local Health Network – Royal Adelaide Hospital 1 $46,652.94
SA Health Southern Adelaide Local Health Network – Repatriation General Hospital 1 $46,182.12
SA Health Central Adelaide Local Health NetworkSA Dental Service, Mental Health Services & Ambulatory & Primary Health Care 1 $101,277.81
TAFE SA 4 $530,589.91
Total 145 $13,892,056.79

Table 1 shows the number of employees for whom calculations were prepared by Shared Services SA for the purpose of agencies making an offer of a TVSP during the period 19 March 2018 to 21 August 2018 (145), including the value of these TVSP offers (approximately $13.9 million). Note that due to a time lag from offer to separation, offers for this period will not correspond directly with acceptances for the same period.

Shared Services SA have advised that the classification level for each of these employees is not readily.