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Victor Harbor Road Intersection
413 The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson) (18 September 2018). Can the Minister confirm:
1. The timeline to fix the dangerous intersection of Victor Harbor Road, Seaview Road and Budgens Road at McLaren Vale?
2. What measures will be taken to allow for the safe movement of the many heavy vehicles from the local quarries which are usually towing massive trailers, which pull out of Seaview Road to do right hand turns across traffic doing 80 km/h on to Victor Harbor Road.
The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning):
I have been advised by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) that road upgrades identified to improve the safety and reliability of travel for all road users travelling along the Victor Harbor Road to and from the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula, include:
road widening, shoulder sealing and overtaking lanes along Victor Harbor Road,
the duplication of Victor Harbor Road from Old Noarlunga to McLaren Vale; and
the duplication of Victor Harbor Road to Mount Compass.
These initiatives are not currently funded. The timing of these works will be considered in the context of the diverse range of priorities for the transport system across the state and will be subject to further detailed studies and design.
DPTI has reviewed the intersection of Seaview, Budgens and Victor Harbor Roads and the current layout and traffic control devices are considered to be operating satisfactorily. There are adequate sight distances (which is in accordance to the current standards), when exiting Budgens and Seaview Roads.
An investigation will be undertaken to provide potential improvements for heavy vehicle movements at the intersection.