House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Modbury Hospital

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland) (15:16): My question is to the Minister for Health. How has the new rehabilitation centre at Modbury Hospital improved health services in Adelaide's northern suburbs?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (15:16): Very well, and I thank the member for his question. Last weekend I was very pleased—

Mr Pisoni interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is called to order.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: —to attend an open day at Modbury Hospital which was held for local residents to visit the new state-of-the-art rehabilitation centre and to see the fantastic facilities and services that are now available in our northern and north-eastern suburbs. The open day was a huge success, with over 600 people attending. There were tours of the new centre, a sausage sizzle, face painting for the kids and an ambulance on display at the front of the hospital which proved to be very popular. It was an absolutely great day and the feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive. A few examples of the comments people provided on their feedback for the day—

Ms Bedford interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Florey is called to order.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: —are as follows:

The centre is amazing and innovative. I am sure it will make a huge difference for patients.


Very informative sessions. The whole complex exceeded my expectations of as I've had experience in a Rehab Centre, which was most beneficial to my recovery physically, mentally and emotionally. Well done to all involved.


Such an important part of our north and north-east community.

I spoke to many people on the day, all of whom had nothing but good things to say about the facility.

Mr Gardner interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: You would think the member for Morialta would be a bit quiet when it comes to matters of preselection. The huge interest shown by the local community is testament to the improvements that this government is making to health services in the north. Modbury Hospital is now the major rehabilitation hub for the northern suburbs.

Previously, the majority of residents in the north needing ongoing rehabilitation services were obliged to travel significant distances to access them. However, now the community has access to top-level rehabilitation care in world-class facilities on their doorstep. The new rehabilitation centre is part of the government's $32 million investment in the Modbury Hospital and has enabled it to double the number of rehabilitation patients it sees every day. It has 18 treatment rooms, a gym, a hydrotherapy pool, a laboratory for analysing patient mobility, prosthesis services, and a kitchen and laundry where clients can relearn and practise everyday tasks.

The facility brings together allied health specialists, including physios, occupational therapists and speech therapists, with medical and nursing staff, thereby improving the communication and collaboration between health professionals. This ultimately means patients get better care, they recover more quickly and they can return home from hospital sooner. However, improved access to rehabilitation is only one of the many improvements we have made to health services in the North.

Modbury Hospital continues to operate a specialist-led emergency department 24 hours a day, seven days a week, staffed by emergency department specialists capable of providing emergency assessment and treatment to all patients presenting to them. In addition, Modbury is now the North's major hub for elective surgeries, expecting to perform 1,800 more elective procedures and care for an additional 3,000 patients a year. Our most recent data shows that the number of day surgeries at Modbury has increased by around 20 per cent, which equates to an extra 60 day surgeries a month.

That may not be important to the Leader of the Opposition, who has the benefit of private health cover, but if you're a patient in the northern or north-eastern part of the state and you are waiting to get elective surgery, believe me it is very important indeed.