House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Belair Train Service

Mr DULUK (Davenport) (15:14): A supplementary: of the $12 million allocated, how much of that $12 million has been spent on the Belair line?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (15:15): As to the precise breakdown across the lines, my understanding is that—off the top of my head, and I will check this—there have been four main areas of endeavour. Certainly, the Belair line led to that increase in reliability which I mentioned earlier, and in fact I think that was a reversal of the fortunes of the Belair line in reliability since the decision was taken in 1995 to convert the Belair line to single-track running, which of course has always inconvenienced people along that line.

Nonetheless, like other issues we have been discussing in this chamber in recent weeks, we have been grappling with the outcome of that decision by the former Liberal government. But the other three areas of endeavour, as I understand it, have been in the railway yards at the Adelaide Railway Station, also on the Outer Harbor line, and also on the Gawler line. The breakdown of that work to date—and my understanding is I don't believe it is quite complete yet, that program. But as to the level of detail in terms of what was spent where, I will bring that back to the chamber.