House of Assembly: Thursday, November 19, 2015


Housing SA

In reply to Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (28 July 2015). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): I have been advised:

As more recent data is available, figures for the end of the financial year are provided. As at 30 June 2015, the total number of public and Aboriginal housing tenants was 39,546.

These tenants held the following types of lease:

2,579 tenants were on a probationary lease;

5,145 tenants were on a fixed-term lease including:

143 tenants were on a one-year fixed-term lease.

192 tenants were on a two-year fixed-term lease.

1,868 tenants were on a five-year fixed-term lease.

2,942 tenants are on a ten-year fixed-term lease.

477 tenants were on a short-term lease;

123 tenants were on a direct lease;

31,190 tenants were on an ongoing lease; and

32 tenants held a lease classified as 'other' (eg specialised housing leases and data-related timing input).