House of Assembly: Thursday, November 19, 2015


Government Advertising

Mr KNOLL (Schubert) (14:51): My question is to the Premier. Premier, given the funding in the Auditor-General's Report tabled today in relation to the government's Federal Cuts Hurt campaign states that, 'We consider that a reasonable person could misinterpret the message as being political, as the advertising highlights a dispute with another tier of government, held by an opposing political party, and features the Premier's image on the campaign website,' will the government now seek reimbursement for that campaign?

The SPEAKER: Point of order.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: Point of order: 97, sir. The member for Schubert does not have leave to make an explanation or to put facts and argument to the house.

Mr GARDNER: That's a bogus point of order, sir. You have ruled on this very matter on a number of occasions in recent weeks. I think the member for Wright should be thrown out for wasting everyone's time.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: Sir, standing order 97 requires that a question is put to a minister and no other facts or argument can be put to the house without the leave of the house.

The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order, and I ask the member for Schubert to ask a question—just ask a question. Interrogate—

Mr KNOLL: Premier—

The SPEAKER: —the Premier.

Mr KNOLL: —will the government now seek reimbursement for the Federal Cuts Hurt campaign from the ALP?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:53): No. One of the key findings of the Auditor-General's Report is, contrary to the bleating of those opposite, they confirm that the federal government did in fact cut pensioner concessions. So, an independent Auditor-General's Report has looked at our advertising, at the gravamen of our advertising campaign Federal Cuts Hurt. We had confirmation in black and white from an independent authority that in fact the cuts were made. I must say, it is the best $1.1 million the state has ever spent and, from deep fine leg, we might have even run out a prime minister. Can I say that we have also put South Australia on the map because they know that we are standing up for South Australia.