House of Assembly: Thursday, November 19, 2015


Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Clause 11, page 10, line 22—After 'a council' insert ', other than an exempt council,'

No. 2. Clause 11, page 11, line 15—After 'Fund' insert:

but the designated amount on account of that royalty must be paid into the prescribed fund for the purposes of the Local Government Research and Development Scheme

No. 3. Clause 11, page 11, after line 16—Insert:

designated amount means the amount that represents 40 cents per tonne of extractive minerals recovered under this section, other than extractive minerals recovered by operation of section 20C of the Highways Act 1926;

exempt council means, in relation to a financial year commencing on or after 1 July 2015, a council whose total annual revenue for the financial year immediately preceding the relevant financial year, as reported in its audited financial statements, does not exceed the prescribed amount;

No. 4. Clause 11, page 11, after line 18—Insert:

(3) Section 294(8)—after the definition of minerals insert:

prescribed amount means—

(a) in relation to the 2015/2016 financial year—$5 million;

(b) in relation to a succeeding financial year—the amount obtained by multiplying $5 million by a proportion obtained by dividing the CPI for the March quarter of the immediately preceding financial year by the CPI for March 2015;

prescribed fund means the Local Government Taxation Equivalents Fund under section 31A of the Local Government Finance Authority Act 1983;

No. 5. Clause 24, page 17, line 7—Delete 'asset' and substitute 'item of property'

No. 6. Clause 24, page 18, line 40—Delete 'assets' and substitute 'property'

No. 7. Clause 24, page 19, line 17—Delete '1 year' and substitute '5 years'

No. 8. Clause 25, page 22, after line 8—Insert:

(ab) a lease granted under the Aquaculture Act 2001, including a sublease of such a lease; or

No. 9. Clause 26, page 23, line 24—Delete 'types' and substitute 'classes'

No. 10. Clause 26, page 23, line 25—

Delete 'type of property chargeable with duty and a type' and substitute:

class of property chargeable with duty and a class

No. 11. Clause 26, page 23, line 28—Delete 'types' and substitute 'class'

No. 12. Clause 26, page 23, line 29—Delete 'type' and substitute 'class'

No. 13. Clause 26, page 23, line 32—Delete 'types' and substitute 'classes'

No. 14. Clause 27, page 24, line 27—After 'interest' insert 'under the conveyance'

No. 15. Clause 27, page 24, line 29—After 'agreement' insert:

or on account of an assessment under subsection (1b) (as the case requires)

No. 16. Clause 38, page 29, line 25—Delete 'and the term includes goods that' and substitute 'where those goods'

No. 17. Clause 50, page 37, after line 38—Insert:

(2a) For the purposes of subsection (1) and (2), the date that is relevant to a determination as to whether land is qualifying land is the date of the relevant conveyance or transfer.

No. 18. Clause 50, page 37, line 39—Delete 'subsection (4)' and substitute 'subsections (4) and (6)'

No. 19. Clause 50, page 37, line 41—Delete '(but before 1 July 2017)'

Consideration in committee.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendments be agreed to.

It is my considered opinion that this house should agree to the honourable members' amendments. They are wise and considered and we will accept them regardless of their lack of representative vigour, which we enjoy in this house.

Motion carried.