Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (30 June 2008).
The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton—Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): Employment in South Australia has been increasing for fifteen consecutive months and is at an historical high of 778,400.
Between March 2002 and June 2008, approximately 88,000 jobs have been created in South Australia. This is equivalent to a rate of jobs growth of 12.8 per cent.
That the national rate of jobs growth has been significantly influenced by strong rates of employment growth in Queensland (26.0 per cent since March 2002) and Western Australia (20.8 per cent).
Over the past year to June 2008, employment in South Australia has increased by 20,700 or 2.8 per cent. This is notably higher than the national rate of jobs growth for the same period (2.4 per cent).