Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (1 July 2008).
The Hon. J.D. HILL (Kaurna—Minister for Health, Minister for the Southern Suburbs, Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts): I have been advised:
The following is provided regarding grants in 2006-07 and 2007-08 by Primary Industries and Resources SA in relation to my portfolio of Minister for the Southern Suburbs. Other ministers will respond separately to grants by PIRSA that relate to their portfolio.
Please note, that the question asks whether expenditures made were subject to a grant agreement, as required by Treasurer's Instruction No.15 (TI 15). Grants that have been made to other State Government agencies, universities or are less than $10,000 are not required to have a grant agreement and are reflected as 'Not Applicable' in the appropriate column.
Primary Industries and Resources SA—Office for the Southern Suburbs
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
City of Onkaparinga | 128,000 | Anti-graffiti funding—conduct programs that would address the concerns about the growing levels of graffiti in the Southern Suburbs. | Y |
City of Marion | 120,000 | Anti-graffiti funding—conduct programs that would address the concerns about the growing levels of graffiti in the Southern Suburbs. | Y |
Deloitte | 31,234 | Development of 'Building the Southern Wave' report | Y |
TOTAL 2006-07 | 279,234 |
Primary Industries and Resources SA—Office for the Southern Suburbs
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
Flinders University | 20,000 | Medical Devices Partnership Program. | Not Applicable |
TOTAL 2007-08 | 20,000 |
* Not Applicable—not subject to Treasurer's Instruction No. 15.