Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr WILLIAMS (MacKillop) (25 June 2008).
The Hon. P.F. CONLON (Elder—Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Minister for Energy):
2006-07 Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Energy
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
Stormwater Management Fund | $6,131,487 | To fund Stormwater Management for the Catchment Management Subsidy Scheme | Y |
Salisbury Council | $2,767,019 | Contribution from Australian Government for road construction | Y |
Stormwater Management Fund | $2,717,000 | To fund stormwater management for Gawler River | Y |
Local Government | $1,618,991 | Under the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 and regulations, levies are applied to recreational boats and placed in the Recreational Boating Facilities Funds for the purposes of maintaining and improving facilities for Recreational boating within South Australia | Y |
Barossa Council, Berri Barmera Council, Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council, Kangaroo Island Council, District Council of Mt Barker, District Council of Mt Remarkable, Murray Mallee Community Transport Scheme, City of Victor Harbor, District Council of Yorke Peninsula, Australian Red Cross | $1,068,602 | To provide coordination of transport services available in regional centres for people that are disadvantaged in access to transport services—e.g. patients attending doctors appointments | Y |
Stormwater Management Fund | $473,663 | To fund stormwater management for Flood mitigation | Y |
National Transport Commission | $373,000 | To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda | Y |
Peterborough Council | $200,000 | General upgrade of the Steamtown Rail Museum | Y |
Various councils | $128,829 | Undertake median maintenance to a higher standard than contract maintenance would deliver | Y |
Cwth Secretariat—Canberra | $120,533 | To fund the operations of a number of working groups undertaking energy related projects on a national level | Y |
KESAB | $35,000 | For KESAB to provide support to volunteers who undertake litter collection and clean up roadsides | Y |
Adelaide Hills Council | $33,500 | For construction of Charleston foot bridge | Y |
University of South Australia | $17,820 | A scholarship for women intending to pursue a program in civil engineering at the University of South Australia | Y |
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
Stormwater Management Fund | $4,100,000 | To fund Stormwater Management for the Catchment Management Subsidy Scheme | Y |
City of Marion | $2,400,000 | To contribute to the construction of the 1.4 km New Connector Road at Hallett Cove | Y |
Local Government | $1,494,818 | Under the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 and regulations, levies are applied to recreational boats and placed in the Recreational Boating Facilities Funds for the purposes of maintaining and improving facilities for Recreational boating within South Australia | Y |
Barossa Council, Berri Barmera Council, Clare and Gilbert, Valleys Council, Kangaroo Island Council, District Council of Mt Barker, District Council of Mt Remarkable, Murray Mallee Community Transport SchemeCity of Victor Harbor, District Council of Yorke Peninsula, Australian Red Cross | $1,082,177 | To provide coordination of transport services available in regional centres for people that are disadvantaged in access to transport services—e.g. patients attending doctors appointments | Y |
National Transport Commission | $404,200 | To contribute to the national road, rail and intermodal transport reform agenda | Y |
SAFECOM on behalf of the Public Safety Communications Executive Committee. | $211,451 | To assist with actioning the recommendations from the Independent Review of the GRN subsequent to the Lower Eyre Peninsula bushfires and develop traffic mitigation strategies, business risk assessment etc as a basis for future procurement and investment decisions | Y |
Various councils | $155,373 | Undertake median maintenance to a higher standard than contract maintenance would deliver | Y |
Stormwater Management Fund | $70,386 | To fund stormwater management for Flood mitigation | Y |
KESAB | $35,000 | For KESAB to provide support to volunteers who undertake litter collection and clean up roadsides | Y |
University of South Australia | $10,800 | A scholarship for women intending to pursue a program in civil engineering at the University of South Australia | Y |
The 2007-08 actuals are subject to change following the annual audit of the financial statements.
2006-07 Minister for Road Safety
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
Charles Sturt, Gawler, Adelaide, Onkaparinga, Playford, Salisbury, Robe, Port Lincoln, Grant, Tumby Bay, Wattle Range & Mount Barker | $409,053 | To improve strategic planning for bicycle networks and facilities and to improve the safety and extent of cycling networks through infrastructure improvements | Y |
One Tree Hill Road, City Play | $213,252 | Shoulder Sealing | Y |
Cox Hill Bet Piggott-Wheatsheaf Road | $200,000 | Line marking treatment of roadside hazard, guard rail protection and installation of retro-reflective raised pavement markers | Y |
Council—non profit entity | $177,228 | Widen rd and form shoulders at curve as well as line marking, treatment of roadside hazards, guardrail, signage & rrpms | Y |
Councils, not for profit entity, and Community Groups sporting group, cultural group, etc | $140,881 | Grants for Initiatives to assist with promoting, educating the community on road safety | Y |
Alexandrina Council | $138,288 | Randell Road improvements | Y |
Sellicks Beach/Justs, Onkaparinga | $90,000 | Junction realignment | Y |
Sturt Valley Road, Adelaide Hill | $36,500 | Improve delineation, bridge barriers, improve sight distance at intersection | Y |
Hill Street, Campbelltown CC | $24,800 | Relocate priority to Hill Street. Improve advance warning signs and remove spoon drains | Y |
Vine/Edward, Campbelltown CC | $7,500 | Continue median through intersection | Y |
Hogarth/Goodman, Playford | $6,575 | Install left turn lane on Hogarth Road to improve channelisation and reinforce traffic control signage | Y |
Alexandrina Council | $5,952 | Lake Plains improvements | Y |
Hill/McShane, Campbelltown CC | $2,000 | Improve advance warning and delineation of intersection on all approaches | Y |
Name of Grant Recipient | Amount of Grant | Purpose of Grant | Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N) |
Charles Sturt, Gawler, Adelaide, Onkaparinga, Playford, Salisbury, Robe, Port Lincoln, Grant, Tumby Bay, Wattle Range & Mount Barker | $418,384 | To improve strategic planning for bicycle networks and facilities and to improve the safety and extent of cycling networks through infrastructure improvements | Y |
Port Lincoln, Streaky Bay, Adelaide, Playford, Unley, Mitcham & Charles Sturt | $309,487 | To improve the safety and extent of bicycle networks ( with a particular focus on safety) on Local Roads by facilitating the installation of bicycle lanes, off road shared use paths and safe road crossings | Y |
City of Onkaparinga & City of Marion | $258,500 | To assist the construction of shared use paths along existing and disused rail corridors. In 2007-08 funding was used to help complete the Coast to Vines Trail along the disused Willunga to Marino Rail corridor | Y |
Mitcham City Council | $190,000 | Install roundabout | Y |
Local Governments and Individuals | $170,142 | Promoting travelling Smarter and more Environmental friendly travelling ways for example ride to work | Y |
Mitcham City Council | $160,000 | Upgrade guard fence and install new sections, seal shoulders and install warning signs, CAMs RRPMs | Y |
Salisbury City Council | $10,454 | Modify western approach to roundabout—install road lighting, advance warning signs and street furniture | Y |
Salisbury City Council | $7,663 | Modify western approach to roundabout—install road lighting, advance warning signs and street furniture | Y |
Salisbury City Council | $6,620 | Modify western approach to roundabout—install road lighting, advance warning signs and street furniture | Y |
The 2007-08 actuals are subject to change following the annual audit of the financial statements.