Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2025-03-04 Daily Xml


Whyalla Dry Zone Proposal

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:30): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking questions of the Attorney-General regarding Whyalla city council.

Leave granted.

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO: The Whyalla city council has commenced community consultation regarding a proposed city-wide dry zone in response to growing concerns about alcohol-related behaviour. Mayor Phill Stone has noted that while a dry zone could be implemented it is a lengthy legal process that requires thorough public consultation and government approval. My questions are:

1. What discussions has the government had with the Whyalla city council regarding the proposed city-wide dry zone?

2. Has the government provided any guidance or support to the council regarding potential alternative measures to address alcohol-related antisocial behaviour?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State) (14:31): I thank the honourable member for her question. Matters to do with liquor licensing fall under the jurisdiction of the Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs, the Hon. Andrea Michaels. I can say, though, in relation to any possible request that comes the government's way, we will of course always consider any requests that are put forward. I am not sure whether it's the commissioner for liquor licensing who determines those requests or the minister.

I can say, though, I have had the opportunity, as I mentioned earlier—being in Whyalla yesterday—to speak to Mayor Stone. The city-wide dry zone wasn't mentioned, which is understandable. There are many, many things on the minds of civic leaders in Whyalla at the moment.