Hansard Dynamic Member Index
BONAROS, Constadina
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Inquiry into Aboriginal Heritage
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide University Bill
- Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill
- Antisemitism
Assange, Mr J.
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Tissue Donation Statements) Amendment Bill
- Brumfitt, Ms T.
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Child Protection
- Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act Regulations
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Child and Young Person's Visitor) Amendment Bill
- City of Campbelltown By-Laws
City of Mitcham By-Laws
City of Playford By-Laws
- City of Port Adelaide Enfield By-Laws
City of Prospect By-Laws
- City of Unley By-Laws
- Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment Bill
- Climate Change
- Contingent Notice
- Controlled Substances (Pure Amounts) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances Act, Fees Notice
- Coronial Recommendations
- Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicle) Act Regulations
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations - Prescribed Places) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Human Remains) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation Act Regulations
- Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment Bill
- Dementia
- District Council of Franklin Harbour By-Laws
- District Council of Karoonda East Murray By-Laws
- District Council of Mount Remarkable By-Laws
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Electricity Act Regulations
- Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment Bill
Ersin Tatar
- Establishment of Adelaide University
- Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment Bill
- First Nations Voice Bill
- Food (Restrictions on Advertising Junk Food) Amendment Bill
- Forfeiture Bill
- Freedom of Information Act Regulations
Gambling Administration (Limitation on Advertising) Amendment Bill
- Gambling Harm Minimisation
- Gambling in South Australia
Gender Equality Bill
- 2023-03-08
- Gig Economy
- Gonis, Mr B.
- Grocery Pricing
- Health Care (Acquisition of Property) Amendment Bill
- Hellenic Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Heritage Places (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment Bill
- Hogan, Ms M.
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- International Cleaners Day
- International Nurses Day
- International Women's Day
- Iranian Protests
- Israel-Palestine Conflict
- Land Acquisition Regulations
- Legalisation of Cannabis
Legislative Review Committee
- Loneliness
- Lymphoedema
- Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment Bill
- Menopause
- Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Mining (Environmental Impact of Private Mines) Amendment Bill
- Ministerial Diaries
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment Bill
- National Volunteer Week
- New Women's and Children's Hospital (Relocation of SA Police Facilities) Amendment Bill
- New Women's and Children's Hospital Bill
- Office for Early Childhood Development Bill
- OPCAT Agreement
- Parliamentary Committees
- Parthenon Sculptures
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
Payroll Tax
Payroll Tax Relief
- Pelvic Pain
- Period Poverty
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Gas Infrastructure) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act, Fees Notice
- Pnevmatikos, Hon. I.
- Poker Machines
- President, Election
- Preventive Health SA Bill
- Private Parking Areas (Shopping Centre Parking Areas) Amendment Bill
- Prohibited Persons Regulations
- Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- Public Holidays Bill
- Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment Bill
- Questions on Notice
- Regional Bank Closures
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Presumptive Firefighter Injuries) Amendment Bill
Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Corporation (Constitution of Board of Management) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Scheme
- Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in South Australia
- Salvemini, Mr L.
- Seafood Labelling Scheme
Select Committee on Health Services in South Australia
- Select Committee on Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
Select Committee on Return to Work SA Scheme
Select Committee on the Return to Work SA Scheme
- Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Employment Tribunal Act General Rules
- South Australian Motor Sport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Museum
- South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment Bill
Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio and Other Justice Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 3) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 4) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Civil Enforcement) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Education, Training and Skills Portfolio) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gambling - Mandatory Pre-Commitment System) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gambling - Opening Hours and Signage) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Other Gases) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ombudsman and Auditor-General) (Terms of Office) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sexual Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Use of Devices in Vehicles) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) Bill
- Strangers Gallery Renaming
- Succession Bill
- Summary Offences (Invasive Images and Depictions) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill
- Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Investment in Russian Assets) Amendment Bill
- Supreme Court (Distribution of Business) Amendment Bill
- Telepharmacy Regulations
The Flinders Ranges Council By-Laws
- The Greek Brides of the Begona
- Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Importing and Packing of Tobacco Products) Amendment Bill
Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Tobacco Product Prohibitions) Amendment Bill
- Transplantation and Anatomy (Disclosure of Information and Delegation) Amendment Bill
- Unmet Needs Report
- Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- Wakefield Regional Council By-Laws
- Women's World Cup
- Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- World Teachers' Day
- Young Offenders Act Regulations
- Youth Justice
- Youth Treatment Orders
Adelaide Casino
Adelaide Oval Alcohol Sales
Aerial Culling
- Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Bail Conditions
Child Protection
Children in State Care
- Code of Ethics
Commercial Fisheries Review
- 2022-11-29
Commercial Fishing Industry
Commissioner for Equal Opportunity Annual Report
Convicted Arsonists
- 2023-05-02
Correctional Facilities Drug Treatment Programs
- 2023-10-18
Correctional Services
- 2024-08-27
- COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccinations
- Cross Border Commissioner
- Custody Notification Service
Dust Diseases
- Dust Diseases Compensation
Electricity Costs in Remote Aboriginal Communities
- 2023-10-18
- Establishment of Adelaide University
Eyre Peninsula Desalination Project
- 2023-05-02
Feral Dogs
- 2023-10-17
- First Nations Voice To Parliament
- First Nations Voice, Parliamentary Sitting
Fisheries Sector
Fishing Industry
- Forensic Science SA
- Gambling Reform
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Housing Crisis
Indigenous Communities, Electricity
Indigenous Health Workers
Jenkins, Mrs A.
- 2023-07-06
Juvenile Incarceration Rates
- 2023-06-13
Kangaroo Island Country Cabinet
- Legislative Review Committee
Marine Scalefish Fishery
Medical Specialists, Enterprise Bargaining
- Members, Conflicts of Interests
- Mental Health
Mobile Phone Detection Cameras
Morrison, Mr W.F.
- Motorcycle Rider Training
Online Gambling
OPCAT Agreement
Paid Period Leave
Poker Machines
Premier's Excellence Awards
Public Hospital Doctors
Recreational Fishing App
- Recreational Fishing Licences
Regional Air Services
Return to Work Scheme
- 2022-06-16
- Right to Protest
SafeWork SA
- SafeWork SA Review
- Sanitary Products in Schools
Seafood Industry
Self-Represented Hearings
- Sentencing for Violent Offenders
- Sexual Assaults in Schools
- Sexual Offences Finalised in the Nunga Court
Shark Management
- 2023-05-02
SkyCity Adelaide
Snapper Fishery
- Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
- State Coroners Office
Suicide Prevention
- Summary Offences Act
- Tame, Ms G.
Teenage Gambling
- Victims of Crime Payments
- Vulnerable Children
- Vulnerable Indigenous Children
Whyalla Hospital and Health Service
Wichen, Mr J.
- Wind Farms
Women's and Children's Hospital
- Working with Children Checks
- Workplace Injuries
- World Gin Day
- Youth Detention
- Youth Justice Services
BOURKE, Emily Sarah
- Acorn Program
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
- Adelaide Parklands
- Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Bill
- Antisemitism
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- Appropriation Bill 2022
- Australian Hotels Association (South Australian Branch)
- Australian Masters Games
- Autism
- Autism Strategy
- Autism Support in Businesses
- Autism Works
- Autistic Women and Girls
- Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Child Protection
- Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment Bill
- Commonwealth Games
- COVID-19 Response
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Dunstan, Hon. D.A.
- Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment Bill
Environment, Resources and Development Committee
Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Waste in South Australia
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Inquiry into the Urban Forest
- Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill
- Explosives Bill
- Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment Bill
- First Nations Voice Bill
- Food (Restrictions on Advertising Junk Food) Amendment Bill
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
- Kernewek Lowender
- Marie Claire Women of the Year Gala
- Matter of Privilege
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment Bill
- National Volunteer Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Overland Telegraph Line
- Petrakis, Ms A.
- Pnevmatikos, Hon. I.
- Printing Committee
- Public Holidays Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rawinski, Ms P.
- Regional South Australia
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on Health Services in South Australia
- Singapore Airlines
- South Australia Police
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 4) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Use of Devices in Vehicles) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) Bill
- Strangers Gallery
Strangers Gallery Renaming
- Supply Bill 2022
- Weavers, Sam
- Women's World Cup
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
World Autism Awareness Day
- World Autism Month
- World Teachers' Day
- Questions
- Allied Health Professionals in Schools
Assistant Minister for Autism
Assistant Minister to the Premier
- Autism Assessments
Autism Funding
Autism Inclusion Teachers
Autism Lead Teachers
Autism SA
Autism Services
Autism Support in Preschools
Eid Festival
- Minister Assisting the Premier
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
Parliamentary Secretary
Premier's Comments
Schools, Specialist Support
- Wellbeing Specialists
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
Adelaide Parklands
- Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Bill
- Agricultural Industry
- Agricultural Town of the Year
AgriFutures Rural Women's Award
- Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2022
- Arnold, Hon. P.B.
- Ash Wednesday Bushfires
- Australian Hotels Association (South Australian Branch)
- Australian Soccer
- Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Tissue Donation Statements) Amendment Bill
Budget and Finance Committee
- Cameron, Hon. T.G.
- Cashmore, Hon. J.L.
- Child Protection
- Climate Change
- Commonwealth Games
Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla
- Cost of Living
- Coulter, Dr J.
Country Shows
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
Cross Border Commissioner Bill
- Daffodil Day
- Doig, Brevet Sergeant Jason Christopher
- DonateLife Week
- Dunstan, Hon. D.A.
- E-Petitions
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electricity Privatisation
- Emergency Animal Diseases
- Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment Bill
- European Parliament Regulation of Prostitution Report
- Evans, Dr A.L.
- Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Feral Deer
- Fire Danger Season
- First Nations Voice Bill
- First Nations Voice Repeal Bill
- Fisheries Management Act Fees Notice
- Food (Restrictions on Advertising Junk Food) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Greyhound Racing) Amendment Bill
- Fruit Fly
- Future of Our Children
- Gender
- Grocery Pricing
- Hall, Mr Raymond Steele
- Health Care (Acquisition of Property) Amendment Bill
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Hogan, Ms M.
- Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill
Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
- 2023-11-14
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigations
- International Day of Rural Women
- International Day of the Midwife
- International Volunteer Day
- Iranian Protests
- Israel
- Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University
- Judicial Conduct Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legacy Centenary Torch Relay
- Legacy Week
- Legalisation of Cannabis
Limestone Coast Timber Industry
- 2022-11-02
- Livestock (Emergency Animal Disease) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Defaulting Council) Amendment Bill
Matter of Privilege
- Members, New and Former
- Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Ministerial Diaries
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal Bill
- Mouse Control
- Nankivell, Mr W.F.
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill
- National Forestry Day
- National Landcare Week
- National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment Bill
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Native Bird Hunting
- Natural Resources Committee
Natural Resources Committee: Riverland Fact-Finding Visit
Organ Donation
- Overland Telegraph Line
- Parliamentary Committees
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- Plebiscite (South East Council Amalgamation) Bill
- Pnevmatikos, Hon. I.
- Preventive Health SA Bill
- Public and Active Transport
Questions on Notice
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Fees) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Recreational Fishers
- Regional Bank Closures
- Regional Health Services
Regional South Australia
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
River Murray Flood
- 2023-02-08
- 2023-06-28
- Rossi, Mr J.P.
- SA Water, Staff Bonuses
- Sayer, Ms. C
- Select Committee on 2022-23 River Murray Flood Event
- Select Committee on Dolphins in Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and Port River
- Select Committee on Health Services in South Australia
Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast
Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast and Other Regions of South Australia
- Select Committee on Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
Select Committee on Water Supply Needs of Eyre Peninsula
- Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification
- Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Museum
- South Australian Police
- Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- St Florian's Day
- State Labor Government
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Parliament - Executive Officer and Clerks) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Small Business Commission and Retail and Commercial Leases) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Use of Devices in Vehicles) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) Bill
- Strangers Gallery Renaming
Struan Research Centre
Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- 2023-09-27
- 2024-05-01
- Supply Bill 2022
- Supply Bill 2023
- Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Tobacco Product Prohibitions) Amendment Bill
- Trade Offices
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Transplantation and Anatomy (Disclosure of Information and Delegation) Amendment Bill
- Veterinarian Suicide Prevention
- Veterinary Services Bill
Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- Women's World Cup
- World Fisheries Day
- World Rivers Day
- World Teachers' Day
World Water Day
- Young Offenders Act Regulations
- Zoos SA
- Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
- Aboriginal Fisheries Officer Career Pathway Program
- Aboriginal Lands Weed Management
Adelaide Beach Management Review
- Administration of Grants
Affordable Housing
Agricultural Industry
Agricultural Sector
- Agricultural Town of the Year
- Agritech Grants
- AgTech Adoption Program Funding
Agtech Growth Fund
- AgTech Growth Fund
- AgTech Revolution Program
Ambulance Ramping
- 2022-10-18
- 2022-11-15
- 2022-11-30
- 2023-03-07
- 2023-03-22
- 2023-03-23
- 2023-11-14
- 2023-11-28
- 2024-06-19
- 2024-08-27
- 2024-08-28
Assistant Minister to the Premier
Auditor-General's Report
- Australian Slaughterhouse Standards
- Autism Education Advisory Group
- Autism SA Grants
Autism Support
Avian Bird Flu
Avian Influenza
- Barossa Contemporary Festival
- Barossa New Water Project
- Bats
- Belair Railway Line
Best of Wine Tourism Awards
- 2022-11-17
- Biosecurity Act
Biosecurity Legislation
- Biosecurity, Kangaroo Island
Black Frost
- Blue Swimmer Crabs
Bordertown Water Supply
Building Better Regions Fund
- Carbon Farming
- Carbon Farming Road Map
Cashless Debit Card
Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
- 2023-08-29
- Charter Boat Management Plan
Child Protection
- 2023-03-21
Citrus Industry
- 2022-07-07
Coastal Management
- Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum
Commercial Fisheries
Commercial Fisheries Review
- Commercial Fishing Sector
Commercial Horticulture
- Commonwealth Infrastructure Funding
- Compulsory Land Acquisition
- Conservation Council
- Construction Industry
Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union
- 2023-03-08
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
- Coorong Fish Deaths
- Coroner's Court
- Coroners Court Funding
Cost of Living
- Cost of Sunday Sitting
- Cost-Recovery Review Process
Council Amalgamations
- Country Cabinet
- Crop and Pasture Report
Crop and Pasture Seeding Intentions Report
Cross Border Commissioner
- Cross Border Commissioner Office
- Dance Hub SA
Director of Public Prosecutions Office
Dog Fence
- 2022-11-02
Domestic Violence Victims
- Drought
Drought Assistance
- Drought Round Tables
- Early Closure Grant
- Education Department
- eID Committee
Election Commitments
Electronic Identification
Electronic Identification Tags
- Electronic Planes Trial
- Emissions Reduction
- Entrepreneurial Education Strategy
- Environmental Crimes
Exotic Animal Diseases
- External Consultants
- Extinction Rebellion
Eyre Peninsula Desalination Plant
Eyre Peninsula Desalination Project
- 2023-07-06
- Eyre Peninsula Weather Forecasting
Farmer Wellbeing
Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
Feral Animal Control
- 2023-02-07
Feral Animals
Feral Deer
Feral Dogs
- Feral Goats
Feral Pigs
First Nations Voice to Parliament
First Nations Voice To Parliament
- First Nations Voice, Parliamentary Sitting
Fisheries Sector
Flinders Ranges Sacred Sites
- Flood Recovery
- Flood Recovery Grant
- Flood Recovery Packages
Food Production
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Foot-And-Mouth Disease
- 2022-07-07
- Footrot
Forensic Science SA
- Forest Industries
- Forest Industries Feasibility Study
Forestry Industry
Forestry Plantations
- 2023-02-21
- ForestrySA
Fox Bounty
- Fresh Produce Markets
- Friends of Park Grants
Frost Damage
Fruit Fly
- 2022-05-19
- 2022-06-14
- 2022-07-07
- 2022-10-20
- 2022-11-29
- 2022-11-30
- 2023-03-21
- 2023-07-06
- 2023-11-16
- Fruit Fly Outbreak
- Full-Time Staff Movement
- Generator Grant
- Genetically Modified Crops
Giant Australian Cuttlefish
Giant Crab Harvest
- Gladstone Gaol
- Glenthorne National Park
Government Grants
- Grain and Pulse Production
- Grain Industry
- Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery
- Heritage Agreement Grants
High School Aquaculture Programs
- Horticultural Food Safety Regulations
Housing Affordability
- Human Trafficking
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigation
- Industrial Relations
- Infrastructure Project Funding
- Instant Asset Write-off
Japanese Encephalitis
- Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
- Job Vacancies
Kangaroo Island Country Cabinet
- Kangaroo Island, Feral Pigs
Keeping Farmers Farming
- Landscape Administration Fund
- Landscapes Priorities Fund
- Levee Embankments Remediation and Construction Grant
Limestone Coast Cancer Services
Limestone Coast Timber Industry
- Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan Review
Live Animal Export
Live Sheep Export
- 2024-06-19
- Livestock Industry
Local Government Elections
Lower River Murray Levees
Major Infrastructure Projects
Marine Scalefish Fishery
- 2023-11-28
- Michelle De Garis Kindergarten
Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector
- Minister's Regional Travel
Ministerial Conduct
- Ministerial Staff
- Ministerial Travel
Mount Barker
Mount Gambier Saleyards
- National Disaster Fund Budget
- National Water Agreement
- No-Alcohol and Low-Alcohol Wine Research Facility
North-South Corridor
Nuclear Energy
- Office of the Assistant Minister to the Premier Resources
Ombudsman Investigation, Member for Bragg
One Biosecurity Program
- Overland Train Service
- Parks 2025 Initiative
- Parks Renewal Investment
- Parliamentary Secretary
Pastoral Board
- Personal Hardship Emergency Grant
Plant Proteins Project
- 2022-07-07
- Port Augusta Alcohol Restrictions
- Port River Dolphins
- Power Supply
- Preschool Staffing
Primary Industries and Regions Department
- 2023-11-28
- Primary Produce Exports
- Primary Production Irrigation Grant
- Public Sector Executives
- Public Sector Wages
Qantas Chairman's Lounge Membership
Questions on Notice
- 2022-05-03
- Quota Based Fisheries Record
RecFish SA
- Recreation, Sport and Racing Department
Recreational Fishing
- Recreational Fishing Survey
- Red Meat and Wool Growth Program
- Regional Childcare Services
Regional Council Amalgamations
- 2022-09-08
Regional Development
- Regional Development Australia
Regional Emergency Accommodation
Regional Growth Fund
- 2022-10-20
- 2022-11-02
Regional Housing
Regional Labour Force
Regional Radiation Treatment Services
- Regional Roads
- Regional Unemployment
- Renewable Energy
- Replacement Fruit Trees Partnership Program
Return to Work Scheme
River Murray Flood
- Riverland Businesses
Riverland Community Legal Services Program
Riverland Crops
Riverland Flood Response
Riverland Wine Industry Blueprint
- Road Safety
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Show, Biosecurity
Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia
Rural Business Support
- SA Drought Hub
SA Health Focus Week
SafeWork SA
- SARDI Researchers
- SARDI's West Beach Headquarters
- Sardine Management Plan
- Schools, Specialist Support
- Seaweed Hatchery
- Serology Capacity
Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification
- 2023-05-03
- 2023-06-15
Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification System
Sheep Blowfly Eradication
Sheep Electronic Identification Rollout
- Shop Trading Hours
- Small Business Grants
Soil Health
Soil Science Challenge
- South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year Award
- South Australian Employment Tribunal
South Australian Research and Development Institute
- South Australian Treaty
- South East Drainage Network
- South East Field Days
Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
State Budget
- Sterile Blowfly Program
- Sterile Insect Technology
- Sterile Insect Technology Facility
Strathalbyn Abattoir
Struan Research Centre
- Tarrkarri Centre for First Nations Cultures
Tee Tree Gully Council
- Threatened Species
- Thriving Communities Program
Thriving Regions Fund
Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus
- Trees on Farms Initiative
Truro Bypass Project
Varroa Mite
Veterinarian Suicide Prevention
Veterinary Practices
- Veterinary Services Bill
- VetLab
Virtual Fencing Investigation
- 2022-11-02
Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Water and Environment Department
Water Buybacks
- Water Security Strategy
- Weed Management Programs
Whyalla Hospital and Health Service
Wild Dog Management
- Wine Expansion and Recovery Program
Wine Grapegrowers
Wine Industry
- 2022-09-28
- 2022-11-15
- 2023-02-21
- 2024-05-15
- 2024-09-25
- Witton Bluff Base Trail Project
- Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's and Children's Hospital Gender Clinic
- Work Health and Safety
- World Gin Day
Wortley, Hon. R.p.
Yabby Nets
- Youth Crime
- Al Nakba Anniversary
- Australia Sri Lanka Association
- Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment Bill
- Early Childhood Education
- Engineers
- Ersin Tatar
- International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
- Iran, Human Rights
- Israel-Lebanon Conflict
- Member, New
- Office for Early Childhood Development Bill
- Parliamentary Committees
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Abortion Legislation
- ACTU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Congress forum
- Australian Native Plants
- Best of Wine Tourism Awards
- Election Commitments
- Indigenous Australians, Union Movement
- Jackson, Mr C.
- Jeffriess, Mr B.
- Legal Services Commission
- National Survivors' Day
- Office of the Public Advocate
- Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society
- Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in South Australia
- SA Music Awards
- Tree Breeding Australia
- Unclaimed Goods Act
- Victims of Crime
- Wine Industry
- Women in Seafood Australasia
- Women Lawyers Association
- Women Lawyers Association Awards
- Working Women's Centre
FRANKS, Tammy Anne
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Inquiry into Aboriginal Governance
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Inquiry into Aboriginal Heritage
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Report 2022-23
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Brighton Cement
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
- Adelaide University Bill
- African Communities Council of South Australia
- Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill
- Antisemitism
- Appropriation Bill 2023
- Ash Wednesday Bushfires
Assange, Mr J.
- AUKUS Deal
- Brumfitt, Ms T.
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
Cannabis Legalisation Bill
- Cat Management
Child Protection
- 2024-08-28
- Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Child and Young Person's Visitor) Amendment Bill
- Cost of Living
- Coulter, Dr J.
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Crown and Anchor Hotel
- Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Dunstan, Hon. D.A.
- Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Waste in South Australia
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Inquiry into the Urban Forest
- Establishment of Adelaide University
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Eurovision Song Context
- Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill
- Facial Recognition Technology
- Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment Bill
- Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
Fire Danger Season
- First Nations Voice Bill
First Nations Voice Repeal Bill
- Fossil Fuel NonProliferation Treaty
Freedom of Information (Greyhound Racing) Amendment Bill
- 2024-05-15
- Gender
- Gender Dysphoria
- Gender Equality Bill
- Gig Economy
- Granite Island Little Penguins
- Green Bans
- Greenslide
- Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill
Greyhound Racing
- Grocery Pricing
- Hogan, Ms M.
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
Independent Office of Animal Welfare Bill
- International Cleaners Day
- International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia
- International Day of Rural Women
- International Women's Day
- Iranian Protests
- Israel
- Israel-Palestine Conflict
- Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University
Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis
- Kings Reserve
Legalisation of Cannabis
LIV Golf
- Live Animal Export
- Local and Live Creative Venues
- Mabil, Mr A.
- Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment Bill
- Member for Black's Remarks
- Murray-Darling Basin
- National Gas (South Australia) (Market Transparency) Amendment Bill
National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment Bill
- National Threatened Species Day
- Native Bird Hunting
- Native Vegetation (Revegetation Projects Register) Amendment Bill
- Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Parliamentary Committees
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Gas Infrastructure) Amendment Bill
- Pnevmatikos, Hon. I.
- Poker Machines
- President, Election
- Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- Public Holidays Bill
- Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment Bill
- Public Service
- Refugee Week
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Corporation (Constitution of Board of Management) Amendment Bill
Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Constitution of Board) Amendment Bill
- 2023-08-30
- River Murray Flood
- Roach, Mr A.
- Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in South Australia
- Select Committee on Damage, Harm or Adverse Outcomes Resulting from ICAC Investigations
Select Committee on Dolphins in Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and Port River
- Select Committee on Kangaroo Management
- Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment Bill
- Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Film Corporation
- South Australian Motor Sport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Motor Sport (Parklands) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Museum
- South Australian Police
- Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- Sportswashing
Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- 2023-02-22
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis Defence) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Investment in Russian Assets) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Act Anniversary
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Transplantation and Anatomy (Disclosure of Information and Delegation) Amendment Bill
- Trevitt, Ms S.
- Uluru Statement from the Heart
- Veterinary Services Bill
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex
- Whalers Way Sanctuary
- Women's World Cup
Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill
Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- 2023-08-31
- 2023-11-15
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Press Freedom Day
Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Royal Commission
- Aboriginal Heritage Consultation Process, Riverlea Park
Aboriginal Heritage, Buckland Park
Aboriginal Remains, Riverlea Park
- Aboriginal Women's Gathering
Adelaide Beach Management Review
Adelaide Crows Camp 2018
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
Animal Ritual Slaughter
Animal Welfare
APY Art Centre Collective
- APY Executive Board
Auditor-General's Report
Australian Radioactive Waste Agency
- Australian Slaughterhouse Standards
Barngarla People, Litigation
- Biomedical Sector
- Cabinet Documents
Cashless Debit Card
- Ceduna
Centre for First Nations Cultures
Child Protection
Children and Young People (Safety) Act Review
Climate Change Action Plan
Coastal Sand Erosion
Code of Ethics
- Commissioner for Equal Opportunity Annual Report
- Conversion Practices
Coorong Fish Deaths
Corflute Signs
- Country Fire Service
Country Fire Service Volunteers
Cross Border Commissioner
- 2023-02-08
- Custody Notification Service
- Declared Public Precincts
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
- Dredging Program
- Dust Diseases
- Election Commitments
Emergency Services Workers
Eyre Peninsula Desalination Project
Facial Recognition Technology
- 2022-06-16
- Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
Feral Animal Management
Feral Deer
- 2022-07-07
Feral Pigs
- First Nations Voice to Parliament
First Nations Voice To Parliament
Flinders Ranges
- Food Production
- Footrot
Forensic Medical Examinations
- Fossil Fuel Investment
- Four-Day Work Week
- Freedom of Information Processing
- Fruit Netting
Ghost Mushroom Lane
- Government Procurement
Great Wine Capitals Industry Forum
Greyhound Racing
Harassment in the Parliamentary Workplace
- Historical Homosexual Convictions
Holding on to Our Future Report
- Human Trafficking
- Indigenous Australians, State Archives
- Indigenous Australians, Stolen Wages
- Indigenous Communities, Electricity
- Indigenous Voice in Parliament
Industrial Hemp
- 2022-07-07
- Industrial Manslaughter
Industrial Relations
- 2022-11-15
- Institutional Racism
Japanese Encephalitis
- 2023-02-07
Koala State Numberplates
LIV Golf
LIV Golf Tournament
Live Animal Export
Live Sheep Export
- 2023-05-02
Mabo Day
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
Microalgae Biosequestration
National Redress Scheme
- 2023-05-16
National Threatened Species Day
Native Bird Hunting
Northern Adelaide Plains Primary Producers
Nuclear Waste
- 2022-06-14
Nursing Workforce Strategy
- 2023-02-07
Office of Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis
- Operation Anatis
Operation Paragon
- Paid Period Leave
- Parental Alienating Behaviours
Parliamentary Sitting Schedule
- Parliamentary Standards
PIRSA and RSPCA Contractual Funding Deeds
Police Complaints
Police Complaints and Discipline Act
- Police Integrity
Portable Long Service Leave
Primary Industries and Regions Department
- Prohibition of Nazi Symbols
- Public Holidays
Questions on Notice
Regional Emergency Accommodation
- 2023-02-07
- Retail Workers
- River Murray Flood, Fish Kills
Riverland Flood Response
Sacred Mound Springs
SafeWork SA
- 2022-05-05
- Sand Dredging
- SAPOL General Orders
Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides
- Select Committee on Dolphins in Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and Port River Report Recommendations
Select Committee on Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- Sex Work and Money Laundering
Sexual Assault
- Silicosis
SkyCity Adelaide
South Australian Treaty
Stirling Village Fire
- Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
- Strathalbyn and District Health Service
Summary Offences Act
- Surveillance Devices Act 2016
Tarrkarri Centre for First Nations Cultures
Tennis Australia and Child Labour Laws
TikTok App
- 2023-03-07
- Transgender Health Care
- 2022-05-17
- Unesco City of Music
- UNESCO City of Music
Union Advertising
- Vailo Adelaide 500
- VALO Adelaide 500
- Veterinary Students
- Wirangu Native Title Claim
- Youth Detention
GAME, Sarah Leslie
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide University Bill
- AnglicareSA
- Ash Wednesday Bushfires
- Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill
- Brumfitt, Ms T.
- Cash in Society
- Child Protection
- Childhood Dementia
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) (Child and Young Person's Visitor) Amendment Bill
- 2022-09-07
- Children Living in Residential Care
- Cigarette Waste
- City to Bay Fun Run
- Controlled Substances (Nicotine) Amendment Bill
- Country Shows
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment Bill
- Daffodil Day
- Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Education and Children's Services (Parental Primacy) Amendment Bill
- Educational Disadvantage
- Educational Equity
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Energy Prices
- Environment Protection (Objects of Act and Board Attributes) Amendment Bill
- Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Establishment of Adelaide University
- Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill
- Federal Budget
- First Nations Voice Bill
- First Nations Voice Repeal Bill
First Nations Voice to Parliament
- Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill
- Grocery Pricing
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Iranian Protests
- Israel
- Israel-Palestine Conflict
- Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis
- Legacy Week
- Lions Australia
- Livestock (Emergency Animal Disease) Amendment Bill
- Mabil, Mr A.
- Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment Bill
- Male Life Expectancy
- Meals on Wheels
- Methamphetamines
- Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Ministerial Diaries
- Minor Parties in Parliament
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Previous Offences) Amendment Bill
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill
- New Women's and Children's Hospital Bill
- Nicotine Vaping
- Nuclear Energy
- Office for Early Childhood Development Bill
- Office for Men
Parental Alienating Behaviours
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- Payroll Tax
- Payroll Tax Relief
- Philanthropy
- Plebiscite (South East Council Amalgamation) Bill
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Preventive Health SA Bill
- Private Parking Areas (Shopping Centre Parking Areas) Amendment Bill
Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- 2022-09-07
- Prostitution
- Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment Bill
- Public Holidays Bill
Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment Bill
- R U OK? Day
- Regional Bank Closures
- Religious Institutions
- Renewable Energy
- Repat Health Precinct
- Residential Tenancies
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Rent Control) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Presumptive Firefighter Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Rotary Club of Adelaide
- Rural and Regional South Australia
- Salvation Army Sobering-Up Unit
- Select Committee on Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- Social Workers Registration (Commencement) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Museum
South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment Bill
- Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- St Florian's Day
- Stalking Victims
- Stamp Duties Act 1923
- Stamp Duty
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Children in Care) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Loss of Fetus) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis Defence) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Emissions Reduction Objectives) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ombudsman and Auditor-General) (Terms of Office) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Small Business Commission and Retail and Commercial Leases) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements) Bill
- Student Absenteeism
- Summary Offences (Dog Theft) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Nazi Symbol Prohibition) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- Supreme Court (Distribution of Business) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Urgent Mental Health Care Centre
- Veterans' Mental Health
- Veterinary Industry
- Veterinary Services Bill
- Vietnam War Anniversary
- Virtual War Memorial
- Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
World Teachers' Day
- Youth Opportunities
Aboriginal Children and Young People in Care
Aboriginal Smoking Rates
Acute Behavioural Assessment Units
- Agricultural Teacher Shortage
- Alcohol Induced Liver Disease and COVID-19
Aspire Program
- Beef Cattle Industry
- Bow and Crossbow hunting
- Bowhunting Bans
- Cabinet Documents
Cancer Vaccine Trials
- 2024-08-27
- Cattle Industry Fund
- Ceduna
Child and Young Person's Visitor
- Child Custody
Child Gender Dysphoria
Child Protection
COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccinations
COVID-19 Vaccinations
COVID-19 Vaccine, Freedom of Information
Crime in Port Augusta
- Deepfake Images
Downy and Powdery Mildews
- Early Years Learning Framework
Education Security
- Educational Outcomes for Boys
- Electricity Network Stability
Electronic Patient Record System
- Emissions Trading Scheme
- Energy and Water Billing Complaints
Eyre Peninsula Overtaking Lanes
- Farmers
Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
- Feral Animal Control
First Nations Voice to Parliament
- First Nations Voice, Parliamentary Sitting
- Footrot
Foster and Kinship Care
- Foster and Kinship Care Inquiry
- Fox Baiting
- Gender Unicorn
- Hunting and Conservation
- Hydrogen Jobs Plan
- Hydrogen Production
- Immigration Policy
- Kalimna Hostel Site
Local Government Elections
- Male Life Expectancy
Men's Health
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Services
Ministerial Travel
- Mount Gambier Mental Health Services
- Murray Bridge Public Transport
National Paedophile Register
Office for Women
- Paediatric Health Services
Parental Alienating Behaviours
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
Port Lincoln Hospital Security
- Port Lincoln Roads
- Port Lincoln RSL
- Project Costs
- Psychosocial Support
- Public School Security
Public Schools, Absenteeism
- Public Sector Executives
- Public Service Salaries
- Regional Childcare Services
- Regional Fresh Water Supply
- Regional Road Conditions
Retail Energy Prices
River Murray Flood Response
- SA Health
- Seafood Industry
South Australian Housing Authority
Southern Intermediate Care Centre
- Specialised Health Screening Rates
- Stillbirth Statistics
Strathalbyn and District Health Service
- Student Engagement and Attendance
Student Support Services
- Unethical Hunting Practices
- University Merger Funding
Urgent Mental Health Care Centre
Vaping Action Plan
- Veterans Ministerial Council
- Voice Secretariat
- Renewable Energy
Select Committee on Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
GIROLAMO, Heidi Margaret
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2023
Brumfitt, Ms T.
Budget and Finance Committee
- Business in South Australia
- City to Bay Fun Run
- Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment Bill
- Cost of Living
- Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Electricity Distribution and Transmission Network
- Electricity Privatisation
- Fair Work (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment Bill
- Financial Hardship
- First Nations Voice Bill
- Gas (Ban on New Connections) Amendment Bill
- Gas (Other Gases) Amendment Bill
- Gender
- Gig Economy
- Hall, Mr Raymond Steele
- International Cleaners Day
- Israel
Mabil, Mr A.
- Marshall Liberal Government Budgetary Management
- Mining (Environmental Impact of Private Mines) Amendment Bill
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Ministerial Reliability Instrument) Amendment Bill
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill
- National Electricity Law (South Australia) (Consumer Data Right) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) (East Coast Gas System) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) (Market Transparency) Amendment Bill
- Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Palliative Care
- Payroll Tax
- Payroll Tax Relief
- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment Bill
- Philanthropy
- Premier's Priorities
Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment Bill
- Public Holidays Bill
- Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment Bill
- Questions on Notice
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Scheme
- Sasanelli, Dr N.
Select Committee on Recycling of Soft Plastics and other Recyclable Material
- Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment Bill
- Social Development Committee: Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Soft Plastics Recycling
- 2023-05-03
- State Assets (Privatisation Restrictions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Emissions Reduction Objectives) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Gas Pipelines) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Other Gases) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws)(Regulatory Sandboxing) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Investment in Russian Assets) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2022
- Trade and Investment
- Trade Offices
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- Wine Exports
- Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Dust) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Press Freedom Day
- Youth
Aboriginal Detention
- Aboriginal Monuments
- Aboriginal Remains, Riverlea Park
Adelaide Beach Management Review
Aerial Culling
Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Agricultural Sector, Business Confidence
- Ambulance Ramping
- APY Executive Board
APY Lands Tuberculosis Outbreak
- Auditor-General's Report
Australian Education Union
- Autism Assessments
- Autism Friendly Charter
Autism Funding
Autism Inclusion Teachers
Autism SA
Autism Services
- Autism Support
Autism Support in Preschools
- Betting Operations Tax
- Biosecurity
- Biosecurity Act
- Business Migration Nominations
- Business Migration Program Objectives
- Cabinet Documents
- Centre for First Nations Cultures
- Coastal Management
- Community Grants
- Compulsory Third-Party Insurance
Construction Industry Apprenticeships
- 2023-02-07
- Construction Industry Training Fund
Construction Industry, Business Confidence
- Contractor Invoices
Coronation of King Charles III
Cost of Living Concession
- Cost of Living Concessions
- Council Amalgamations
- Council Elections
- Country Cabinet
- Court Infrastructure
- Credit Rating
- Data Protection
Declared Public Precincts
- Defence Industry Employees
- Defence SA Projects
- Deputy Premier Staffing
- Disability Advisory Council
Disability Employment
- Disability Funding
- Disability Services
- Driving Offences
Drought Assistance
- Early Intervention and Child Protection Matters
- Economic Recovery Fund
- Election Commitments
Electoral Act
- Energy and Mining Department Employees
- Energy and Mining Projects
- Energy Bill Relief Rebate
- Energy Industry Employees
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Exotic Animal Diseases
- Exploration License
- Export Accelerator Program
- Export Fundamentals Program
- Eyre Peninsula Desalination Project
Farmer Wellbeing
- 2023-05-30
Federal Voice Referendum
Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
Forensic Science SA
- 2023-09-14
- Forensic Science SA Awards
Forestry Industry
- Forestry Plantations
- Funds SA
GFG Alliance
- Governance and Sustainability Funding
Government Procurement
Government Reviews
- Great Wine Capitals Awards
Great Wine Capitals Industry Forum
Green Industries Fund
- Holding on to Our Future Report
Human Services Department
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigation
- Industrial Relations
- International Education
- Invest SA
- IT Procurements
- Job Creation
- Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation
- Legal Services Commission
Local Government Elections
- Major Infrastructute Projects
Member for Bragg, Speaker's Statement
Mineral Exploration
- Mining Industries Employees
- Minister's Register of Interests
- Minister's Youth Advisory Council
Ministerial Responsibility
- Ministerial Travel
- Mobile Phone Ban
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Trade Program
- Office of the Agent-General
Ombudsman Investigation, Member for Bragg
- Operation Ironside
Parliamentary Secretary
- Parliamentary Sitting Schedule
- Parole Board
- Petrol and Energy Costs
PIRSA Scorecard
- 2022-11-15
Police Mounted Operations Unit
- Portable Long Service Leave
Premier's Comments
- Primary Producers, Special Driving Permits
- Proceeds of Crime Legislation
- Project 250
Public Holidays
- 2023-02-21
Public Sector Disability Employment Data
- Public Sector Industrial Relations
- Public Sector, Formal Complaints
Public Trustee
- 2023-08-29
Qantas Chairman's Lounge Membership
Questions on Notice
- Recycling and Modernisation Fund
- Regional Emergency Accommodation
Regional Roads
- 2023-06-14
- Regional Unemployment
- Remote Visitors
Return to Work Scheme
- Riverland Flood Response
- SA Courts System Delays
- Sand Dredging
Schools, Specialist Support
- 2023-06-13
- Seafood Industry
- Seaton Redevelopment
Shop Trading Hours
- Single-Use Plastics
Skills Shortages
- South Australian Employment Tribunal
- South Australian Space Industry Centre Projects
- Space Industry Employees
- State Budget
- Stronger Together Program
Super SA
Super SA Cybersecurity Incident
- Thriving Communities Program
- Trade and Investment Department
- Treaty and Truth
Truro Bypass Project
- Union Advertising
- Virtual Business Matching
Voluntary Assisted Dying
Wine Industry
Work-From-Home Arrangements
- Workers Compensation Premiums
- Youth Gangs, Port Augusta
HANSON, Justin Eric
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Roller Derby
- Adelaide University Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2023
- Australian Diamonds Netball Team Sponsorship
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autism Strategy
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee: Police Complaints and Discipline Act
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations - Prescribed Places) Amendment Bill
- Crown and Anchor Hotel
- Election Campaign
- Electricity Privatisation
- Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Event Tourism
- Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill
- Federal Voice to Parliament Referendum
- First Nations Voice Bill
- First Nations Voice to Parliament
- Freedom of Information (Greyhound Racing) Amendment Bill
- Future Employment
- Government Initiatives
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill
- Industrial Manslaughter
- Joy Baluch AM Bridge
- Langham, Mr. T.
- Legalisation of Cannabis
- Local Government (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- May Day
- Media Reporting
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Repeal Bill
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Ministerial Reliability Instrument) Amendment Bill
- Payroll Tax Relief
- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Adelaide Park Lands) Amendment Bill
- Pnevmatikos, Hon. I.
- President, Election
- Public Holidays Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Regional Housing
- Residential Tenancies
- Residential Tenancies (Protection of Prospective Tenants) Amendment Bill
- Single-Use Plastics
- Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Education, Training and Skills Portfolio) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Succession Bill
- Supply Bill 2023
- World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ANZAC Day Dawn Service
- Aboriginal Frontline Leadership Program
- Aboriginal Law Student Mentoring Program
- Aboriginal Rangers
- Adelaide Film Festival
- AFL Mob Breakfast
- Agricultural Sector
- Agricultural Town of the Year Award
- AgriFutures Rural Women's Award
- Amica One
- Are You Safe at Home? Day
- Augmented Reality Technology
- Augusta Zadow Awards
- Australian of the Year Awards
- Best of Wine Tourism Awards
- Biosecurity, Kangaroo Island
- Blackwood Reconciliation Walk
- Charter Boat Fishing Industry
- Closing the Gap
- Closing The Gap Partnership Agreement
- Commercial Fishing Industry
Country Cabinet
- Crawford Fund Forum
- Distillers South Australia Industry Forum
- Dog Fence
- Fay Fuller Foundation Reconciliation Action Plan
- Feral Deer
- Feral Pigs
- Fire Towers
- Fishcare Volunteers
- Fisheries Management
- Fishing Allocations
- Flood Recovery Charity Match
- Forensic Science SA Awards
- Forestry Centre of Excellence
- Forestry Industry
- Frontline Retail Workers
- Fruit Fly
- Ghost Mushroom Lane
- Goolwa Pipi Season
- Great Wine Capitals Awards
- Great Wine Capitals Global Network
Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards
- Hood, Hon. B.R.
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Limestone Coast Emerging Leaders Program
- Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Areas
- Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration
- Mobile Network Extension Devices Pilot Program
- Mukapaanthi Monument
- Murraylands and Riverland Strategic Plan
- National Law Week
- Ngurunderi Sculpture
- No-Alcohol and Low-Alcohol Wine Research Facility
- Nunga Courts
- One Basin CRC and CRC Saafe
- Penola North Fire Tower
- President's NAIDOC Awards
- Purple House
- Referendum Working Group
- Regional Showcase
- River Murray Flood
- Rural Women's Awards
Safe Work Month
- SafeWork SA Investigations
- Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification
- Shop Trading Hours
- Single Touch Payroll
- Snapper Fishery
- Spirit of Excellence in Agriculture Awards
- Stay Afloat
- Stealthing
- Sterile Insect Technology
- Tarnanthi Festival
- Tauondi Aboriginal Community College
- Thriving Communities Program
- Victims' Day
Walk for Justice
- Wild Dog Management
- Woodville High School Reconciliation Action Plan
- Woodville-West Torrens Football Club
- Workplace Harassment
- World Gin Day
- World Potato Congress
- Young Lawyer of the Year Award
HENDERSON, Laura Aberdeen
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Inquiry into Aboriginal Heritage
- Address in Reply
- Budget and Finance Committee
Child Protection
- Child Sexual Assault
- Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill
- Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla
- Cost of Living
- Daffodil Day
- Domestic and Family Violence
- End Youth Suicide Week
- Endometriosis
- Federal Voice Referendum
- First Nations Voice Bill
- Gender
- Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month
- Henderson, Hon. L.A.
- Iranian Protests
- Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University
Legacy Week
- Lions Australia
- Members' Staff
- National Police Remembrance Day
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
R U OK? Day
- SA Youth Week
- Select Committee on 2022-23 River Murray Flood Event
- Select Committee on Matters Relating to the Timber Industry in the Limestone Coast and Other Regions of South Australia
Select Committee on Support and Mental Health Services for Police
- South Australia Police
South Australian Police
- 2023-06-28
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- World Mental Health Day
World Teachers' Day
Aboriginal Children and Young People in Care
- Adelaide Beach Management Review
- Ambulance Ramping
- APY Executive Board
- APY Lands, Policing
- Assistant Minister for Autism
Auditor-General's Report
- 2023-05-02
Autism Lead Teachers
Cancer Nurse Practitioners
Child Protection
Child Sex Offenders
Children in State Care
- Coastal Management
Commercial Fisheries Review
Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union
Council Amalgamations
Davenport Community
Director of Public Prosecutions Office
- District Court
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Victims
- Federal Voice Referendum
- First Nations Rangers
First Nations Voice to Parliament
First Nations Voice To Parliament
- 2023-06-01
- First Nations Voice, Treaty, Truth
Foster and Kinship Care
- Frontline Workers
- Genetically Modified Crops
- Government Accountability
Government Advertising
- Great Wine Capitals Industry Forum
Immigrant Detention
- 2023-11-30
Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigation
Intervention Orders
- Justice Reform Initiative
- Live Sheep Export
- Livestock Theft
- Local Government Elections
- Minister's Recreational Fishing Advisory Council
- Mount Barker
- Operation Ironside
- Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture
- Optus Blackout
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Secretary
- Parliamentary Sitting Schedule
- Police Employees Psychological Review
- Premier's Delivery Unit
- Regional Housing
Regional Mental Health Services
- Regional Roads
- Retail Workers
- Return to Work Scheme
- Riverland Flood Response
- Royal Adelaide Show, Biosecurity
- Serial Sex Offenders
Sexual Assault
- 2022-11-15
Sexual Consent Laws
- Shop Trading Hours
South Australian Jobs
- 2023-05-02
- Strong Families, Strong Communities
- Summary Offences Act
- Surveillance Equipment
- Ten-Pound Pom Scheme
Victims of Crime
Victims of Crime Payments
- 2022-09-28
Voluntary Assisted Dying
Vulnerable Children
- Whyalla Hospital and Health Service
Witton Bluff Base Trail Project
- Worker Safety in Hospitality
- Youth Offending
HOOD, Benjamin Robin
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Inquiry into Aboriginal Heritage
- Australian Hotels Association (South Australian Branch)
- Child Protection
- Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union
- Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla
- Country Fire Service
- Country Shows
- Daffodil Day
- Doig, Brevet Sergeant Jason Christopher
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Electricity Privatisation
- First Nations Voice To Parliament
- Gender
- Gender-Affirming Care for Minors
- Grocery Pricing
International Day of the Midwife
- International Nurses Day
- International Women's Day
- Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis
- Labor Government
- Member, New
- Motor Vehicles (Previous Offences) Amendment Bill
- Mount Gambier
- Mount Gambier, Public Transport
- National Agriculture Day
- Palliative Care
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- R U OK? Day
- Road Safety
- Southern Ocean Wind Farm
- Southern Ports Highway
- St Florian's Day
- Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
- Taiwan
- Termination of Pregnancy (Termination and Live Births) Amendment Bill
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- World Teachers' Day
- World Tourism Day
- Animal Welfare
Bordertown Water Supply
Cashless Debit Card
- Crime Rates
- Cross Border Commissioner
- First Nations Voice Elections
Giant Pine Scale
- Industrial Relations
Instant Asset Write-off
- Kalangadoo Police Station
- Landscape South Australia Act
Limestone Coast
Live Sheep Export
Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan
- Mobile Phone Connectivity
Mobile Phone Towers
- 2023-11-30
Mount Gambier and District Saleyards
Mount Gambier In Home Hospice Care
Mount Gambier, Public Transport
- Murray River Water Pipeline
Offshore Renewable Energy
- Regional Public Transport
Regional Radiation Treatment Services
Regional Roads
- Road Toll
South-East Region
- Unions in Workplaces
- Voluntary Intoxication Laws
- Wichen, Mr J.
- Working Holiday Visas
- Answers
HOOD, Dennis Garry Edward
- Address in Reply
- Antisemitism
- Cashmore, Hon. J.L.
- Climate Change
- Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla
- Drug Decriminalisation
Electricity Costs
- Evans, Dr A.L.
- Explosives Bill
First Nations Voice Bill
- 2023-02-23
- Gender
- Hall, Mr Raymond Steele
- Israel
- KittyKeeper Mobile Game
- Meals on Wheels
- National Electricity (South Australia) (Orderly Exit Management Framework) Amendment Bill
- Nuclear Energy
- Payroll Tax
- Regional Government Service Location
- Religious Discrimination
- Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Gig Economy
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- Aboriginal Fisheries Officer Career Pathway Program
- Adult Adoptions
Age of Criminal Responsibility
Agtech Field Days
Alleged Sex Offenders, Bail
- Ambulance Ramping
APY Lands
- 2024-08-29
Automotive Trades Workforce
Bail Conditions
- 2023-05-16
Biosecurity Legislation
Child Sex Offender Register
- Childcare Services
Cost of Living
Coward Punch Laws
Criminal Sentencing
Director of Public Prosecutions Office
- 2023-09-26
- Electoral Commissioner
- Engineered Stone
Frontline Retail Workers
Gender-Specific Language
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Indictable Offences
- Indigenous Culture
- Indigenous Students Education
- Industrial Relations Reform
- Live Sheep Export
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
- McKenzie, Mr I.B.
- Minister's Regional Travel
Mobile Phone Detection Cameras
- National Reconciliation Week
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Waste
Ombudsman Investigation, Member for Bragg
Overland Train Service
- Parliamentary Secretary
Parliamentary Standing Orders
Police Cautions
- 2023-06-13
- Port Augusta Alcohol Sales Ban
- Premier's Taskforce
- Puberty Blocker Access
- Public School Teachers
- Regional Housing
Regional Radiation Treatment Services
- Regional Rail
- Reserved Judgement Timeliness Benchmarks
Return to Work Scheme
- SA Courts System Delays
- SafeWork SA
- Seafood Industry
Sentencing for Violent Offenders
- 2023-06-27
Serial Sex Offenders
- Sex and Gender Change Registration
Shop Trading Hours
- Silicosis
- Single Touch Payroll
- South Australian Court System
Suspended Sentences
- Terror Suspects
TikTok App
Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus
Treatment of Prisoners
Victims of Crime Fund
- 2023-02-08
Victims of Crime Payments
- Violent Offender Sentencing
- Whyalla Hospital and Health Service
- Women in Sport
Youth Crime
- 2024-10-15
- Youth Detention
Youth Offending
HUNTER, Ian Keith
- Australian Soccer
Conversion Practices
- Duncan, Dr G.i.o.
- Duncan, Dr G.I.O.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Ombudsman
- President, Election
- Select Committee on Return to Work SA Scheme
- Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Amendments to the National Health and Medical Research Council Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Clinical Practice and Research
- Social Development Committee: Funding for Children and Students with Additional Learning Needs in Public Schools and Preschools Petition
Social Development Committee: Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- South Australian Police
- Statutes Amendment (Parliament - Executive Officer and Clerks) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
- Questions
LEE, Jing Shyuan
- Address in Reply
Adelaide Festival Centre
- Adelaide University Bill
African Communities Council of South Australia
- Antisemitism
- Australia Sri Lanka Association
Australian Hotels Association (South Australian Branch)
Australian Red Cross
- Bill Stress Index
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Business Events Adelaide
- Cashmore, Hon. J.L.
- Ceylon Tamil Association of South Australia
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee) Amendment Bill
- Chinatown Adelaide South Australia
- Cigarette Waste
- City to Bay Fun Run
- Co.As.It. (SA)
Community Centre Week
- Community Education
- Conservation and Hunting Alliance of South Australia
- Ersin Tatar
- Establishment of Adelaide University
- Eurovision Song Context
- Extreme Weather Response
- Fall of Saigon 49th Anniversary
- Fall of Saigon Commemoration
- Galipo Foods
- Gawler Show Society
Gonis, Mr B.
- Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector Bill
- Hall, Mr Raymond Steele
- Harmony Week
- Hospitality Industry
- Hotel Industry Awards
- International Volunteer Day
- Iranian Protests
- Israel
- Israel-Palestine Conflict
- Italian Community
- Joint Committee on Establishment of Adelaide University
- Lions Australia
- LIV Golf
- Mabil, Mr A.
- Mental Health Coalition
Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia
National Volunteer Week
Nonna's Cucina
- Nurses and Midwives
- Office for Early Childhood Development Bill
- Pakistan Floods
- Parthenon Sculptures
- Philanthropy
- Prohibition of Neo-Nazi Symbols
- R U OK? Day
Refugee Week
Restaurant & Catering Australia
- Restaurant & Catering Awards for Excellence
- Rotary Club of Adelaide
- Rotary Club of Adelaide Central
SA Youth Week
- Sam Smith Concert
Singapore Airlines
- Soft Plastics Recycling
- South Australian Film Corporation
- South Australian Motor Sport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Museum
- Statutes Amendment (Education, Training and Skills Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sex Industry—Exit Strategies and Spent Convictions) Bill
- StudyAdelaide
- Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill
Tourism and Transport Forum Australia
- Tourism Industry Council South Australia
- Turkiye-Syria Earthquake
- United Nations Association of Australia (SA Division)
- Variety, The Children's Charity
- Vietnam War Anniversary
- Wade, The Hon. S.G.
- World Teachers' Day
World Tourism Day
Youth Opportunities
Zoos SA
Aboriginal Affairs
Aboriginal Affairs Action Plan
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle
Aboriginal Children and Young People in Care
- Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
- Aboriginal Education Strategy
- Aboriginal Remains, Riverlea Park
Adelaide Beach Management Review