Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-06-27 Daily Xml


Chief Justice

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (15:11): Supplementary arising from the question: does the Attorney-General not see that this very public spat between the Chief Justice and the legal fraternity is actually quite damaging, and certainly in the community?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:11): I've got to say that I have not had one single member of the public who is not a barrister express their views about this issue to me at all. I have a lot of people, whether it is through friends, colleagues, and through other ways, express views about a whole lot of things in South Australia, including the cost of housing and the desirability for their children to be able to buy a house in the future, cost-of-living issues—a whole range of matters—but outside some barristers, I have not had a single other member of the public come to me and raise this as a concern. The honourable member may have people beating down his door raising concerns about what lawyers call themselves, but it is not raised as a general issue from members of the public with me at all.