Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-09-25 Daily Xml


Australia Sri Lanka Association

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:

That this council—

1. Congratulates the Australia Sri Lanka Association (ASLA) for reaching a special milestone, their 50th anniversary, in 2024;

2. Recognises that ASLA is a pioneering community organisation that has been serving the Sri Lankan-Australian community by providing valuable networks and platforms for community members to develop friendships, to exchange ideas and to share the rich traditions of Sri Lankan culture in Adelaide;

3. Acknowledges the important work of founding members, current and past presidents, committee members and volunteers of ASLA for their hard work, dedication and contributions in delivering 50 years of outstanding community service in South Australia;

4. Commends ASLA for working collaboratively with small businesses and food vendors to deliver the popular Sri Lankan Food and Cultural Day as a flagship event for over 10 years in Adelaide; and

5. Reflects on the many achievements of ASLA over five decades and recognises the impact of ASLA and its contributions to enrich multicultural South Australia.

(Continued from 16 May 2024.)

The Hon. M. EL DANNAWI (22:56): I rise on behalf of the government to indicate our support for this motion and speak briefly to congratulate the Australia Sri Lanka Association on their enormous achievement. Fifty years is an important milestone for any community association. It is a testament to the vision, resilience and commitment of the Sri Lankan community to preserve and carry on their language, traditions and culture while enriching our state.

As a longstanding development cooperation partner for Sri Lanka, Australia is proud to support initiatives and projects that further advance Sri Lanka and its residents, but what we are most proud of is the fact that 6,300 people of Sri Lankan ancestry have chosen to call South Australia home. The community has seen growth not just with those who first made the original journey to South Australia but newer migrants and those who came here to study as well. Their involvement and contributions to local communities across the state are exemplary.

ASLA should take credit and pride for creating a home for the community to flourish in and for the support they have provided over the years and continue to provide to those less fortunate. As we celebrate the organisation's 50th anniversary, we must acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable individuals who led the way and the dedication of committee members and volunteers past and present over the last five decades. These people are the heart and soul of this organisation and for so many years have worked behind the scenes to promote intercultural understanding and social cohesion.

To the current president, Nishani Seneviratne, the committee and all your current volunteers and supporters, we wish you all the best as you continue this journey to support the community for the next 50 years and beyond. The state government and parliament wholeheartedly thank you.

The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (22:58): I would like to thank the Hon. Mira El Dannawi for her contribution to support this motion to congratulate the Australia Sri Lanka Association for their 50th anniversary. I thank her very much for her support and I commend the motion.

Motion carried.