House of Assembly - Fifty-Second Parliament, First Session (52-1)
2011-03-24 Daily Xml



Final Stages

Consideration in committee of the Legislative Council's amendments.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendments be agreed to.

Mr PISONI: These were amendments that were put to the house on behalf of the Liberal Party by the Hon. Mr Lucas and supported by both Family First and the Greens. The amendments themselves were tightening up the actual definition for the purpose of the act and addressing the problem of the examples where providers have not done the right thing, such as the APIC situation. They would no doubt assist the regulators to do their job more effectively. It has been provided by the parliamentary counsel and is based on the national precedent under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act.

It is only right that training providers are going to have to adhere to a definition of what a fit and proper person is and that they have a guideline to work from. It should not be a secret formula or a formula that is made up as it goes along. This was brought to the attention of the opposition after the initial amendments to the bill went between the houses. It was brought to the attention of the ACPET, which is a representative group representing about 100 private RTOs here in South Australia. We support the amendments.

Motion carried.