House of Assembly - Fifty-Second Parliament, First Session (52-1)
2011-09-27 Daily Xml



111 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (27 July 2010). In relation to the storage of radioactive waste at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, including contaminated equipment and waste from clinical radiotherapy procedures—

(a) when was the last audit undertaken and what were the radiation level results; and

(b) what will happen to the radioactive waste stored in the basement when the Royal Adelaide Hospital is demolished?

The Hon. J.D. HILL (Kaurna—Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for the Southern Suburbs, Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts): I am advised:

(a) The last audit was undertaken in October 2009. Log books are kept of all individual radioactive waste containers. The log books are in continuous use and audited annually.

Radiation levels around all radioactive waste storage areas are well below radiation safety standard levels and are close to natural background radiation values.

(b) All radioactive waste will be transported to the new Royal Adelaide Hospital and stored in purpose built on-site storage facilities.