ATKINSON, Michael John
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Appropriation Bill
Easling, Mr T.
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electorate Services
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Local Government (Road Closures—1934 Act) Amendment Bill
Local Government Meetings
- Members' Allowances
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- News Limited
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- St Clair Land Swap
- Statutes Amendment (De Facto Relationships) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Assemblies and Addresses) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Lands Trust Act
- Adelaide West Special Education Centre
- Bowden Urban Village
- CFS Foundation
Country Health Services
- Defence Sector
- Disabled Children
- Ethnic Communities
- Film Classification
- Goyder Institute for Water Research
- Grant, Mr B.
- Greek Language Curriculum
- Indigenous Tourism Training
- Industry and Indigenous Skills Centre Program
- Industry Capability Network
- Inner Metropolitan Area Character Suburbs
- International Nurses Day
- International Students
- Knight Review
- Marathon Resources
- Native Fish Awareness Week
- Oakbank Easter Racing Carnival
- Partners of Veterans Association
- Public Hospital Statistics
- Public Sector Performance Commission
- Republic of Cyprus
- Road Safety
- Road Safety Strategy
- Science and Maths Teaching
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Sports Institute
- Treasurer's Portfolio
BEDFORD, Frances Ellen
- Address in Reply
- Alcohol Consumption
- Annual Lecture
Appropriation Bill
- Australian (Human Powered Vehicle) Super Series
- Australian Blind Bowlers Association National Championships
- Australian Defence Force
- Battle of Long Tan
Calisthenics National Championships
- Childhood Cancer Association
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Deaf CanDo
- Federal Health Funding
- Festival of Music
Generations in Jazz
Genetically Modified Crops
- Health and Community Service Rights
- History Festival
Hospital Parking
- International Women's Day
International Workers Memorial Day
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Muriel Matters
- NAIDOC Awards
- North East Residents Action Group
- O'dea, Mr D.
- Parental Leave
- Pedal Prix
- Photographic Film
- Renewable Energy
- Royal Wedding Gift
- SHine SA
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Dental Services for Older South Australians
- Social Development Committee: Same-Sex Parenting
- Social History Museum
- Sorry Day
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- South Australian Public Health Bill
Thorpe, Ms A.
- Titanic Commemoration
- Unification of Italy
Women in Sport
- Women's Christian Temperance Union
- Women's Sporting Achievements
- Wyatt, Mr K.
- Aboriginal Advanced Manufacturing Skills
- Aboriginal Education
- Aboriginal Women
- Active Club Program
- Affordable Housing
- Aged Support
- ANZAC Activities
- Coalition Budget Cuts
- Disability Services
- Elderly Citizens, Home Visits
- Fire Danger Season
- Health Services, North-Eastern Suburbs
- History Festival
- Homelessness
- Hospital Information Dashboard
- International Education Sector
- Kickstart Training Program
- Lower Lakes
- Mental Health
- Modbury Hospital
- Mustard, Dr F.
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Natural Resources Management Community Grant Scheme
- Recreation and Sport Facilities
- Refugee and Migrant Support
- Rehabilitation and Return to Work
- Remembrance Day
- School Leavers
- School Teaching and Learning Portal
- Schools, Statistics
- Science Initiatives
- Skills Strategy
- Sorry Day
- Stepping Up the Pace Program
- Thebarton Senior College
- Veterans' Advisory Council
- Vulnerable Species, Murray-Darling Basin
- Windsor Gardens Vocational College
BIGNELL, Leon William Kennedy
- Aboriginal Equality
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Amy's Ride
Appropriation Bill
- APY Lands
Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale
- Country Ambulance Stations
- Country Sporting Clubs
Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services
- Farmers
- Gemtree Vineyards
- Gifford, Mr Dun
- Grain Handling Industry
- Hackham South-East Development
- Mawson Electorate
- McLaren Vale Region
- Minda Incorporated
- National Broadband Network
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Onkaparinga, Buffer Zones
- Parliamentary Secretary
- Piazza Della Valle
Publishing Committee
- Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Regional Representation
- Richardson, Mr D.
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
Southern Expressway
- Unification of Italy
- Volunteers
- White Ribbon Ambassadors
- Wilmark Awards
- Yudum
- Adelaide Festival of Arts and Fringe Festival 50th Anniversary
- Agribusiness Council
Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale
- Better Behaviour Centres
- Ceduna District Health Service
- Child Protection
- Children in State Care
- Commonwealth Games
- Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region
- Country Hospitals
- Graffiti Vandalism
- History Week
- Hospitals, Funding
- Hospitals, Remembrance Day
- Humiliating and Degrading Images
- International Tourists
- Kangaroo Island Surfing Competition
- Local Government Accountability
Locust Plague
- National Health Reform
- Panasonic Kid Witness News New Vision Awards
- Prisoner Home Detention
- Remote Indigenous Services
- Riverine Recovery Project
- Schools, Physical Activity and Health Initiatives
- Science Initiatives
- Small Business Commissioner
- Standing Committee on Law and Justice
- Training Awards
- Training Organisations
- Trigeneration Energy
- Waterfall Gully to Mount Lofty Walking Trail
- Wire Rope Safety Barriers
BREUER OAM, Lynette Ruth
- APY Lands
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bohlin, Mr B.
- Brook, Mr P.
- Chairman of Committees, Election
- Chamber Bells
Chamber Dress Code
- Chamber Filming
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Drinking Water
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- Go Red for Women
- Governor's Speech
- Hunt, Mr D.
- International Women's Day
- Jackson-Nelson, Mrs M.
- Jacobs, Mr S.J.
- Jenkins, Mr H.
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Legislative Council Vacancy
- Lodge, Mr D.
Matter of Privilege
- Mcinally, Mr G.
- Member for Bragg, Naming
- Member for Norwood, Naming
- Member for Schubert
- Member for Torrens
- Members' Behaviour
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- New Prime Minister
- Parliamentary Committees
- Polish Air Tragedy
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee
- Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Reconciliation Week
Remembrance Day
- Rigney, Mr M.
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Seret, Mrs Claire
- Speaker, Election
- Standing Orders, Member Naming and Suspension
- Stone, Ms R.
Television Cameras
- Answers
BROCK, Geoffrey Graeme
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Country Health
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Fisherman's Bay Subdivision
- Members' Allowances
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2010-11
- Natural Resources Committee: South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board Region Fact Finding Visit
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Point Lowly Desalination Plant
- Port Pirie Schools
- Public Works Committee: Sustainable Industries Education Centre—Tonsley Park
- Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
School Bus Services
Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
- Standing Orders, Members' Conduct
- Stockport
- Supply Bill
Water Meters
- Country Hospitals
Displaced Effort Working Group
- Lotteries Commission of South Australia
Marine Parks
- Port Pirie Regional Health Service
- Tour Down Under
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Aboriginal Lands Trust Act
- Appropriation Bill
Arkaroola Protection Bill
- 2011-11-23
- Chairman of Committees, Election
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- Commissioner for Water Security
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Powers of Magistrates Court) Amendment Bill
- Draft Water Industry Bill
- Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
- Innamincka Regional Reserve
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Kangaroo Island Water Treatment Plant
- Klemzig Groundwater Testing
- Legoe Family
- Livestock Slaughter
- Madeley, Mr D.
Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
Murray River Water Allocations
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- 2011-02-09
Radiation Protection and Control (Licences and Registration) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
Royal Zoological Society of South Australia
- Select Committee on the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Stamp Duties (Partnership Interests) Amendment Bill
- Standing and Sessional Orders
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
Water Industry Bill
- 2011-10-19
- 2011-11-10
- Waterworks (Tiered Pricing) Amendment Bill
- Zero Waste SA (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide Gaol
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Water Distribution Network
- Banksia Environmental Awards
- Biodiversity
Birkenhead Groundwater Contamination
- Building Innovation Fund
- Bushfire Prescribed Burning
- Carbon Tax
Clayton Weir
- Container Deposit Legislation
- Contamination Testing
- Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region
Desalination Plant
Displaced Effort Working Group
Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
- Electronic Waste Disposal
- Endangered Species
- Environment and Natural Resources, Volunteer Awards
- Far North Water Supplies
- Floodplain Harvesting
- Gawler Ranges Prescribed Burning
Goyder Institute for Water Research
- Great Artesian Basin
- Kids Teaching Kids Conference
Klemzig Groundwater Testing
Lake Bonney
Lower Lakes
Marine Parks
Murray River
Murray River Flows
Murray River Irrigators
Murray River Water Allocations
- 2010-05-12
Murray River, Drought Compliance
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Narrung Bund
- National Parks
- National Recycling Week
- National Water Initiative
- Native Fish Awareness Week
- Natural Resources
- Natural Resources Management
- Natural Resources Management and Landcare Awards
- Natural Resources Management Community Grant Scheme
- North-South Interconnection Project
- Rann Government
- Recycling
Riverine Recovery Project
SA Water
- SA Water Operational and Service Contracts
- SA Water Salary Sacrifice
SA Water Survey
SA Water, Murray River Licence
- Sand Carting
- Save the River Murray Levy
- South Australian Heritage Fund
Stormwater Harvesting
- Stormwater Re-Use
- Sustainable Seafood
- Tod Reservoir
Union Hall
- United Water
- Uranium Enrichment
- Vulnerable Species, Murray-Darling Basin
Waste Management
- Water and Wastewater Charges
- Water for Good
Water Pricing
- Waterfall Gully to Mount Lofty Walking Trail
- Zero Waste Grants Program
CHAPMAN, Vickie Ann
Accessible Taxi Services
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Hills Mining
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Adelaide University Rural Properties
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Bangka Day
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Burnside Council
- Burnside Rotary Awards
- Capital Works Projects
- Chamber Dress Code
- Chelsea Cinema
- Children in State Care
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- Commercial Arbitration Bill
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Offences Relating to Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2011-10-19
- Crafers Speed Camera
- Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Credit (Transitional Arrangements) Bill
- Crime Statistics
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Considerations) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Bill
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electronic Transactions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Bill
Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill
Families and Communities Department
- 2011-09-29
- Female Practitioners Act
- Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information (Fees) Amendment Bill
- 2011-03-10
- Galapagos Islands
- Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Health and Community Service Rights
Health Budget
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Bill
Health Services Charitable Gifts Bill
- Home and Community Care Program
- Housing Trust
- Jacobs, Mr S.J.
- Kangaroo Island, European Settlement
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Land Management Corporation
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Legal Services Commission (Charges on Land) Amendment Bill
- Legoe Family
- Local Government (Interment of Human Remains) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Model By-Laws) Amendment Bill
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
Marine Parks
Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Member for Bragg, Naming
- Member's Remarks
- Members' Statement of Principles
- Mental Health (Repeal of Harbouring Offence) Amendment Bill
- Minda Incorporated
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Multicultural Affairs
- Minister's Remarks
- Moralana Station
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- One and All
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parks Community Centre
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Professional Standards (Mutual Recognition) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Burnside Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Eastern Community Mental Health Centre Clinical Accommodation Fit-Out
- Public Works Committee: New Youth Training Centre
- Public Works Committee: North South Interconnection System Project
- Public Works Committee: Youth Training Centre
- Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- SA Water
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Amalgamations
- Sex Offender Allegations
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- Social History Museum
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- State Government Elections
- Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Community and Strata Titles) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Criminal Intelligence) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (De Facto Relationships) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Directors' Liability) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax Avoidance Schemes) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Interest Disclosure) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Penalties) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Australian Consumer Law) Bill
- Sturt's Desert Pea
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Weapons) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-06-22
- 2010-06-23
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Trustee Companies (Commonwealth Regulation) Amendment Bill
- Unification of Italy
- United Kingdom General Election
University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- 2011-02-10
- Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Water Industry Bill
- Water Meters
Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
- Work Health and Safety Bill
- Abbeyfield Australia
- Adelaide Dry Zone
- Anti-Corruption Branch
- APY Lands
- Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale
Building the Education Revolution
- 2011-02-08
- Cavan Training Centre
- Ceduna Transitional Accommodation Centre
Child Abuse Report Line
- 2010-06-22
- Child Death and Serious Injury Review
Child Protection
- Child Sex Offender Register
Child's Death
- Children in State Care
- Commissioner for Social Inclusion
- Disability Equipment
Disability Funding
Disability Protection Report
- Disability SA
- Education and Child Development Department
- Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
Ellis, Mr B.
- Emergency Housing
- Film Hub, Glenside
- Financial Counselling Services
- Hicks, Mr D.
Housing SA
- Integrity Commission
Julia Farr Association
- 2011-06-07
- Ladder St Vincent Street
- Minister for Forests
- North-South Interconnection Project
- Parks Community Centre
Police Investigations
- Prisons Ppp Project
- Rebels Motorcycle Club
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water Operational and Service Contracts
- SA Water Salary Sacrifice
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
Spooner Judgement
- 2010-06-23
- Tomorrow Studio
- Transitional Accommodation Centres
- United Water
- University Vice-Chancellors
- Water Allocations
CONLON, Patrick Frederick
- 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Burnside Council
- Chairman of Committees, Election
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Legislative Review Committee
- Member for Bragg, Suspension
- Member for Norwood, Naming
- Member for Unley, Naming
Natural Resources Committee
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Premier
- Privileges Committee
- Public Works Committee
Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
Railways (Operations and Access) (Access Regime Review) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Social Development Committee
Standing Orders Suspension
Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas—Price Determination Periods) Bill
- 2010-06-24
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Retail Law) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
- Treasurer
- Valedictories
- WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act Review
Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Parklands
- Beelitz, Mr B.
Bowden Urban Village
Building the Education Revolution
- Burnside Council
- Carbon Tax
- Cavan Training Centre
- City Stadium
- Coal to Fuel Proposal
- Cooper Creek
- Development Plans
- Echunga School Project
- Elective Surgery
- Grant, Mr B.
- Labor Government Promises
- Myrtle Rust Disease
Newport Quays
- Parliamentary Procedures
- Political Fundraising
- Privileges Committee
- Public Building Works
- Solar Feed-In Tariff Review
- South Road
- Southern Expressway
Spotless Contract
Taxi Vouchers
TransAdelaide, Disciplinary Procedures
Transport Department Employees
Yorkeys Crossing
EVANS, Iain Frederick
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Adelaide Zoo Board
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Bangka Day
- Blackwood and District Community Hospital
Civil Liability (Charitable Donations) Amendment Bill
- 2010-09-16
Coroners (Reportable Death) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Prisoner Compensation Quarantine Funds) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Powers of Magistrates Court) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Pornography) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
- Easling, Mr T.
- Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Interment of Human Remains) Amendment Bill
Matter of Privilege
- Minister for Forests
Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill
Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- 2010-10-28
- Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Bill
- Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- Privileges Committee
- Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Rail Freight
- Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Use of Test and Analysis Results) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Sittings and Business
- Stamp Duties (Insurance) Amendment Bill
- Stamp Duties (Partnership Interests) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2011) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax Avoidance Schemes) Bill
- Stillbirths
Supply Bill
- Treasurer
Valuation of Land (Notional Valuations) Amendment Bill
- 2010-11-25
Work Health and Safety Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Employer Payments) Amendment Bill
Adelaide Oval
- 2010-06-23
- 2010-06-24
- 2010-07-20
- 2010-07-22
- Adelaide Zoo
- Adelaide Zoo Board
- Beelitz, Mr B.
- Budget Allocations
Budget Cuts
- Budget Savings Initiatives
- Building the Education Revolution
- Business Confidence
- Capital Works Projects
- Carbon Tax
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Community Hospital Funding
- Construction Industry Training Board
Credit Rating
- 2011-11-23
Cricket Association Debt
Debt Exposure
Easling, Mr T.
- Eden Hills Primary School
- Global Economic Conditions
Government Liability
- Health Budget
- Health Department
- Hospital Parking
- Housing Finance
- Land Tax
- Lotteries Commission of South Australia
- Mid-Year Budget Review
- Minister for Forests
National Health Reform
- Payroll Tax
Printer Cartridge Scam
Public Sector Employment
Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Public Sector Redundancies
Public Service Cuts
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2010-09-30
- 2011-02-09
- 2011-02-24
- 2011-04-06
- 2011-05-19
- 2011-06-08
SA Water Survey
- SA Water, Murray River Licence
Spotless Contract
State Budget
State Debt
State Finances
- State Forest
- State Savings Target
- Sustainable Budget Commission
TransAdelaide, Disciplinary Procedures
Treasurer's Remarks
- 2010-07-20
- United States Debt Crisis
- Water Pricing
FOLEY, Kevin Owen
Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- 2010-09-29
- 2010-10-14
- Budget Papers Corrigendum
- Chelsea Cinema
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Compulsory Third Party Premiums
- Credit Rating
- Cricket Association Debt
- Desalination Plant Fatality
- ForestrySA
- Integrated Design Commissioner
Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2010-05-26
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining Super Tax
Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill
- 2010-11-09
- Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- Opposition Staff Appointments
Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- 2010-05-26
- Police Call Centre
- Police Minister, Assault
Road Traffic (Use of Test and Analysis Results) Amendment Bill
- 2010-10-26
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Speed Cameras
- Stamp Duties (Insurance) Amendment Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Finances
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Members' Benefits) Bill
Supply Bill
- Sustainable Budget Commission
- WorkCover Corporation
- Questions
Adelaide Oval
- 2010-07-22
- BHP Billiton
- Black Hill Fire Siren
- Budget Allocations
Budget Cuts
Budget Savings Initiatives
- Building the Education Revolution
- Capital Works Projects
- Child Sex Offender Register
- Community Hospital Funding
- Country Health Services
Cricket Association Debt
- Defence SA
- Defence Sector
Desalination Plant
- Education, Adult Re-Entry
- Emergency Services
- Gillman Motorplex
- Hospitals, Funding
- Housing SA Rental Increases
- Investing Expenditure
- Joint Strike Fighter Program
Julia Farr Association
- Land Tax
- Mid-Year Budget Review
Mining Royalties
- 2010-09-15
Mining Super Tax
Minister for Forests
- Minister's Overseas Trip
- Mobile Phones
- Olympic Dam
- Parks Community Centre
- Payroll Tax
- Point Lowly Desalination Plant
Police Funding
Police Investigations
- Police Minister, Assault
- Prisons Ppp Project
Public Sector Employment
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- South Australia Police
State Budget
- 2010-05-11
- State Finances
- State Savings Target
- Surplus Employees
- Sustainable Budget Commission
- Taxes and Charges
- Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
Treasurer's Remarks
- Victims of Crime Data
FOX, Chloe Catienne
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill
- Burqas
- Dental Services
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Group Buying Sites
- Hallett Cove Development
- Local Government (Model By-Laws) Amendment Bill
Minda Incorporated
- Noarlunga Rail Line Revitalisation
- Paringa Park Primary School
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Women in Power
- World Business Summit on Climate Change
- Adelaide Film Festival
- Adelaide Fringe
- Adelaide Oval
- Carrapateena Deposit
- CommunicAsia
- Crime Statistics, City of Salisbury
- Dental Services
- Education and Children's Services Department Complaints Process
- Foster Care
- Government Advertising
- Graffiti Vandalism
- International Tourists
- Italian Consulate
- Kangaroo Island, European Settlement
- Literacy Education
- Longinotti, Senor Manlio
- Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic
- Mental Health
- National Volunteer Week
- Numeracy and Literacy
- Oncology Services
- Open Space Funding
- Political Fundraising
- Prisons, Contraband
- Road Safety
- Schools, Behavioural Centres
- Small Business Commissioner
- South Eastern Freeway
- Special Olympics
- State Strategic Plan
- Storm and Flood Assistance
- Stormwater Harvesting
- Tattooing Industry
Teacher Recruitment
- Teachers, Public Schools
- Thinkers in Residence
- Wine Industry
- Accessible Taxi Services
- Adelaide Railway Station
- Christmas Pageant
- Ministerial Code of Conduct
- National Rail Day
- Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Department Staff
- Premium City Central Bus Stops
Public Transport
- Public Transport Ticketing
- Taxi Driver of the Year Awards
- Transport, Seniors Cards
GARDNER, John Anthony William
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- 2010-10-14
- 2011-06-22
- Athelstone Primary Schools Amalgamation
Black Hill Pony Club
- Campbelltown Rotary Club
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Eating Disorder Unit
- Egyptian Christian Minority
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
Gorge Road
- Health Budget
- Jones, Mrs L.
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legislative Review Committee: Criminal Intelligence
- Legislative Review Committee: Postponement of Regulations from Expiry
- Legislative Review Committee: Victim Impact Statements
- Liquor Licensing (Supply to Minors) Amendment Bill
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Members' Statement of Principles
- Montevergine Festa
- Morialta Electorate
- Newton Road/Graves Street Intersection
Norwood Morialta High School
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Web Streaming
- Photographs
- Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Magill
- Public Works Committee: Magill School Consolidation
- Rostrevor Lions Club
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Amalgamations
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Assemblies and Addresses) Bill
- Stillbirths
- Stradbroke Primary Schools Amalgamation
- Student Performances
Supply Bill
- Tonkin, Dr D.
- Tuckwell, Mr D.
- Unification of Italy
- United Nations Global Peace School Program
- Wyatt, Mr K.
- Youth Parliament
- Questions
GERAGHTY, Robyn Kathryn
Appropriation Bill
- Bangka Day
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
- Dernancourt Shopping Centre Traffic Lights
- Discount Airlines
- Hillcrest Community Fair
- Hospital Parking
- Italian Migration
- Jenny Reserve
- Klemzig Primary School
- Livestock Slaughter
- Maternal Mortality, Developing Countries
- Melanoma
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
Point Lowly Desalination Plant
- Primary School Principals
- Regional Assembly
- Statutes Amendment (Entitlements of Members of Parliament) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Interest Disclosure) Bill
- Valuation of Land (Notional Valuations) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Health Plan
- Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide Casino
- Adelaide Convention Centre
- Adelaide Oval
- Affordable Housing
- Barkuma
- Business Portfolio
- Country Health Services
- Defence Industry Training
- Disability Funding
- Endangered Species
- Fines Collection
- Home and Community Care Program
- Illegal Fishing
- Kangaroo Island Development
- Kangaroo Island Future Authority
- Major Developments
- Mineral Exploration
- Mining Development, Yorke Peninsula
- National Child Sex Offender Register
- National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- National Rail Day
- Office of Crown Advocate
- Olympic Dam
- Prison Accommodation
- Productivity Places Program
- Public Hospital Statistics
- Public Integrity
- Public Policy Debate
- School Services Officers
- Serious and Organised Crime
- Sexual Health and Respectful Relationships Education
- State Strategic Plan
- Strathmont Centre
- Sustainable Seafood
- Teacher Recruitment
- Tourism Commission Board
Vocational Education and Training
- Youth Training Centre
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Burnside Council
- Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2010-11
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2011-12
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises (Supplementary Report)
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill
- Mid Murray, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Mount Barker Development Plan Amendment
- Mount Barker, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Port Augusta, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Birdwood High School Redevelopment
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Road Safety Education
Road Safety Strategy
- Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
- Robe, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- School Bus Services
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
Speed Limits
- State Government Elections
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Penalties) Bill
Supply Bill
- Yankalilla, Moveable Signs Restrictions
Burnside Council
- Bushfire Management Committees
- Driving Standards Review
- Gawler Ranges Prescribed Burning
- Hoon Drivers
- Minister for Forests
- Ministerial Appointment
- Police Funding
- Prisoners, Security
- Red-Light and Speed Cameras
Rural Road Safety Program
- Speed Limits
Spooner, Mr Neil
- Volunteer Support Fund
GRIFFITHS, Steven Paul
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Blanche Terrace, Moonta Pedestrian Crossing
- Country Health
- Country Health Services
- Development (Building Rules Consent—Disability Access) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2010-11
- Education Funding
- Egyptian Christian Minority
- Electricity (Wind Power) Amendment Bill
- Electronic Transactions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Kangaroo Island Medical Services
- Kernewek Lowender
- Local Government (Interment of Human Remains) Amendment Bill
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining Development, Yorke Peninsula
- Moonta Health and Aged Care Service
- Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Net Fishing Bans
- No Fish Zones
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Port Wakefield Community Waste Management Scheme
- Puglia
- Racehorses
- Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rail Freight
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Railway Crossings
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Access Regime Review) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Regional Road Network
- Road Safety
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Bus Contracts
School Bus Services
- School Buses
Small Business Commissioner Bill
- South Australian Public Health Bill
- South Road
- Southern Expressway
- Speed Cameras
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-05-26
- 2010-06-23
- 2011-04-06
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Wool Bay
Adelaide Oval
Adelaide Parklands
- Auditor-General's Report
- Carbon Tax
- Employment Participation Rate
Hospitals, Funding
- Marine Parks
Newport Quays
- Office for Recreation and Sport Facilities
- Operation Rural Focus 2
- Penalty Rates
- Public Building Works
Public Transport
- 2011-11-10
- Puglia, Ministerial Travel
- School Bus Services
Small Business
- South Road
Transport Department Employees
- Transport, Seniors Cards
- Treasurer
HAMILTON-SMITH, Martin Leslie James
- Address in Reply
Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Bangka Day
- Battle of Long Tan
- Clapham Water Pumping Station
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Defence Industry
- Defence Service Personnel
- Dodgy Documents
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Bill
- Gillman Motorplex
- Government Accountability
- Internment Camps
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Manufacturing Sector, South Australia
- Minister's Remarks
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Pension Support for Veterans and Ex-Service Personnel
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide TAFE SA Campus
- Public Works Committee: Cowell Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Dukes Highway Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: East Grand Trunkway Gillman—Industrial Estate
- Public Works Committee: Evanston Land Release
- Public Works Committee: Greater Edinburgh Parks Transport Improvement Program (Stage 1)
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Chlorination Facility Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: North Terrace Cultural Institutions Security Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Park Office Accommodation Fit-Out
- Public Works Committee: RGH Teaching Aged Care and Rehabilitation Facilities Development
- Public Works Committee: Sustainable Industries Education Centre—Tonsley Park
- Public Works Committee: Wallara Early Years to Year 7 (New Morphett Vale Primary School) Redevelopment
- Rail Freight
- Remembrance Day
- Repatriation General Hospital
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
School Amalgamations
- School Amalgamations, Waite Electorate
Small Business Commissioner Bill
- South Australian Economy
- Special Air Service Regiment
- State Economic Reform
- Statutes Amendment (Community and Strata Titles) Bill
Supply Bill
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
- Valedictories
- Work Health and Safety Bill
Air Warfare Destroyer
- Auditor-General's Report
- Clevergreen Conference
- Council of International Trade and Commerce South Australia
- Defence SA
- Dodgy Documents
- Fiera Del Levante
- Gillman Motorplex
- Investing Expenditure
- KPMG Competitive Alternatives Study
La Réunion
- Minister for Forests
- Public Libraries
- Public Works Committee
- Puglia, Ministerial Travel
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
Sasanelli, Mr N.
- Small Business
- South Australia Innovation and Investment Fund
- South Australian Investment Symposium
- State Exports
- State Sponsorship and Employment Certification Targets
- Surplus Employees
- Teacher Exchange, Puglia Region
- Tiger Airways
Trade and Economic Development Department
Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
TradeStart Program
HILL, John David
- Address in Reply
- Alcohol and Drug Strategy
- APY Lands, Substance Misuse Facility
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bonython, Mr H.R. (Kym)
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Therapeutic Goods and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- 2010-11-23
- Country Health Services
Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- 2011-03-24
- Eating Disorder Services
- Elective Surgery
- Emergency Services Computer Aided Dispatch System
Food Safety Standards
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Health and Community Services Complaints (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Department
- Health Performance Council
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Bill
- 2010-05-25
- 2010-05-26
Health Services Charitable Gifts Bill
- Home Birthing
- Hospital Emergency Departments
- Hospitals
- Long, Dr R.
- Lyell McEwin Hospital Colonoscope
- Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic
- Mental Health
- Mental Health (Repeal of Harbouring Offence) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- National Energy Retail Law (South Australia) Bill
- Palliative Care Resources
- Pika Wiya Health Advisory Council
- Pseudoephedrine Sales
Repatriation General Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecology Department
- Rural Doctors
Safe Drinking Water Bill
- 2011-03-22
- 2011-03-24
- Seaford Ambulance Station
- Seaford Police Station
South Australian Public Health Bill
- State Sovereignty
Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- 2010-09-15
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Retail Law) Bill
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
Trustee (Charitable Trusts) Amendment Bill
- 2010-07-01
- Voluntary Euthanasia
Aboriginal Health Plan
Aboriginal Health Policy
- Aboriginal Renal Dialysis Services
- Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adelaide Fringe
- Adelaide Health Service Chief Executive
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
- Ambulance Stations
- Ambulatory and Primary Health Care Services
- APY Lands, Substance Misuse Facility
- Barossa Valley Health Facility
- Better Oral Health in Residential Care Program
BreastScreen SA
Budget Savings Initiatives
- Burra Hospital
- Cancer Treatment
- Carbon Tax
- Ceduna District Health Service
Central Northern Adelaide Health Service
Children, Youth and Women's Health Service
- 2011-06-07
- Citi Centre Building Nurses
- Clostridium Difficile Infection
- Common Ground Framework
Community Hospital Funding
Country Health
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health SA Scholarships
Country Health Services
Country Hospitals
Dental Services
- Departmental Invoices
- Drug and Alcohol Services
Eating Disorder Unit
- 2011-03-10
- Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
Elective Surgery
- Emergency Department Reforms
- Emergency Departments
- Emergency Medical Retrieval Service
Family Home Visiting Program
- Film Hub, Glenside
Flinders Medical Centre
- Glenside Hospital
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Funding
- GP Plus Health Care Centres
- Grant Expenditure
- Health Advisory Councils
- Health and Hospital Charge Schedules
- Health and Medical Services
Health Budget
Health Care
Health Department
- 2010-07-22
- Health Department Chief Executive
- Health Department Library
Health Minister, Advice
- Health Performance Council
- Health Programs
Health Savings
- Health Services
- Health Services, North-Eastern Suburbs
Health Services, Waiting Times
- Health Staff
Health System
- 2011-03-23
Health Workers
- Health, Freedom of Information Requests
- Health, Media and Communication Roles
- History Week
- Home Visiting Program
- Hospital Beds
- Hospital Data
- Hospital Demand
Hospital Emergency Departments
- Hospital Information Dashboard
- Hospital Safety
- Hospital Support Discharge Care Packages
- Hospitals
Hospitals, Funding
- Immunisation Programs
- Indigenous Health
- Infectious Diseases
- Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science
- International Nurses Day
- International Students, Health Services
- International Students, Pregnancy Terminations
- Kangaroo Island Medical Services
Keith and District Hospital
Lyell McEwin Hospital
- 2010-09-30
Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic
- Medical Appointments
Mental Health
Mental Health Facilities
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection
Metropolitan Health Services
- 2011-06-09
Modbury Hospital
- Model of Care
- Mount Gambier Ambulance Station
- Mount Gambier Water Fluoridation
- National Alcohol Early Intervention Pilot Program
- National Healthcare Agreement
- New Transition Care Program
- Non-Australian Citizens, Hospital Care
- Northern Health Services
- Northern Region Ambulance Stations
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nurse Training
Nursing and Midwifery Programs
Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle
- Oncology Services
- Out of Hospital Programs
- Outpatient Referrals
- Overseas Visitors, Health Services
Palm Lodge Mental Health Facility
Patient Safety Reports
- Paxton Review
Pika Wiya Health Service
Port Augusta Health Services
- 2011-11-22
- Port Pirie Regional Health Service
- Primary Prevention Plan
- Public Hospital Beds
Public Hospital Statistics
Public Hospitals
- Q Fever
- Regional Arts National Conference
- Regional Centre of Culture
- Renal Transplant Service
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Residential Aged Care
- Root Cause Analysis
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2011-02-22
- 2011-02-23
- 2011-03-09
- 2011-09-29
- 2011-11-23
- 2011-12-01
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Elective Surgery
Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecology Department
- 2011-10-18
- Royal District Nursing Service
SA Ambulance Service
- SA Health
- Salmonella Outbreak
- Sexual Health and Respectful Relationships Education
- Shared Services
- South Australian Health Commission
- South Australian Regional Centre of Culture
Southern Adelaide Health Service
- 2011-09-27
- State Library Delegation to New Zealand
- Suicide
- Supported Residential Facilities
- Surgical Patients
- Surgical Task Force
- Tobacco Control Measures
- Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
- Union Hall
Vaccination Programs
- 2010-11-09
- Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus Infection
- Veterinary Science Research Projects
- Vili's Bakery
- Women's and Children's Hospital
KENYON, Thomas Richard
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill
- Bangka Day
- Battle of Long Tan
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Dernancourt Shopping Centre Traffic Lights
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2010-11
- Freedom of Information (Fees) Amendment Bill
- Hermitage Fire Station
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Average Speed) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre
- Speed Cameras
- Spooner, Mr Neil
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Penalties) Bill
- Supply Bill
- Valedictories
Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Banksia Environmental Awards
- Child Protection
- China Development Bank Agreement
- Geothermal Energy
- International Education Sector
- Kersbrook Tavern Gaming Machine Licence
- Mining Industry
- Mount Barker Development Plan Amendment
- Social Housing
- South Australian Economy
- Supported Residential Facilities
- Water for Good
- Aboriginal Advanced Manufacturing Skills
- Aboriginal Veterans Commemorative Service
- Active Club Program
- Adelaide Oval
- Adult Literacy and Numeracy
- Community Education Training Initiative
- Connecting Aboriginal People to Mining Program
- Driving Standards Review
- Employment Figures
- Graduated Licensing Scheme
- Jobs Growth
- Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing
- Mount Gambier Harness Racing Club
- Mylicence
- Oakbank Easter Racing Carnival
- Partners of Veterans Association
- Productivity Places Program
- Rann Government
- Recreation and Sport Facilities
- Road Fatalities
- Road Safety
Road Safety Education
- Road Safety Strategy
- Safe October
- Skills Strategy
- South Australian Sports Institute
- South Eastern Freeway
- Speed Limits
- Spooner, Mr Neil
- Sport, Match Fixing
- Sporting Officials
- Stars on Cars Campaign
- State Strategic Plan
Unemployment Figures
- Veterans' Advisory Council
KEY, Stephanie Wendy
- Advance Directives
- Advanced Medical Institute
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Bikini Girl Massage Cafe
- Black Forest Primary School Pedestrian Overpass
Clean Start
- Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- 2011-03-24
- 2011-07-28
- Disabled Parking Permits
- Duncan, Dr G.
- Electoral History in South Australia
- Electricity (Renewable Energy Price) Amendment Bill
- Emily's List
- Families and Communities Department
- Families SA Funding
- Family Relationships (Parentage) Amendment Bill
- Female Practitioners Act
- Funeral Industry
- International Women's Day
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Justices of the Peace
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
- Millswood Subway
- Muriel Matters
- Mustard, Dr F.
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report
- Natural Resources Committee: Bushfire Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2010-11
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2011-12
Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- Natural Resources Committee: South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board Region Fact Finding Visit
- Natural Resources Committee: Upper South-East Dry Land Salinity and Flood Management Act
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Older Women's Speakout
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report
- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
- Polish Tragedies
- Rann, Hon. M.d.
- Same-Sex Marriage
- Second-Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Legislation
Sex Industry Reform
Sittings and Business
- Social History Museum
South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- South Australian Working Women's Centre
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
- The Big Issue
- Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- Wheat STEM Rust
- Women in Local Government
- Women's Christian Temperance Union
- Women's Organisations
- Women's Studies Resource Centre
- Aboriginal Engagement
- Aboriginal Students
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide Festivals
- Adelaide Film Studios
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Thunderbirds
- Appellation Scheme
- Australian War Memorial Exhibition
- Building Innovation Fund
- Bushfire Prescribed Burning
- Children's Centres
- Christmas Pageant
- City-Bay Fun Run
- Crime Statistics, City of Port Adelaide Enfield
- Duke of Edinburgh's Award
- Early Childhood Education
- Education Initiatives
- Environment and Natural Resources, Volunteer Awards
- Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia
- Lake Bonney
- Marine Parks
- Medical Devices Partnering Program
- Murray River
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Parks
- National Youth Week
- Natural Resources Management
- Nurse Practitioners
- Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Department Staff
- Recycling
- Riverbank Precinct
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Small Business
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Heritage Fund
- Tourism
- Waste Management
- Yuendumu Families
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval
Appropriation Bill
- 2011-07-06
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Correctional Services
Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services Staff
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited
- Egyptian Christian Minority
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2010-09-14
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Making Changes Prisoner Rehabilitation Program
Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Olympic Dam Expansion
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- 2011-11-08
- Sittings and Business
Small Business Commissioner Bill
- 2011-09-15
- South East South Australia Innovation and Investment Fund
- Sports Stadium
State Government Elections
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
Auditor-General's Report
- Business Portfolio
Carbon Tax
- Carrapateena Deposit
- China Development Bank Agreement
- Clevergreen Conference
- CommunicAsia
- Correctional Services Officer
- Correctional Services Uniforms
- Council of International Trade and Commerce South Australia
- Export Growth Figures
- Family Businesses
- Geothermal Energy
- Griffiths, Drew Claude
- Industry Capability Network
- Kersbrook Tavern Gaming Machine Licence
- KPMG Competitive Alternatives Study
- Marathon Resources
- Mineral Exploration
- Mining Development, Yorke Peninsula
- Mining Industry
- Minister's Remarks
- Olympic Dam Expansion
- Penalty Rates
- Plan for Accelerated Exploration
- Prison Accommodation
Prisoner Home Detention
- Prisoners, Security
- Prisons, Contraband
- Resource Partnerships
- Sbc-Me Program
Small Business
Small Business Commissioner
South Australia Innovation and Investment Fund
South Australian Exports
- South Australian Investment Symposium
- State Exports
- State Sponsorship and Employment Certification Targets
Tiger Airways
- Tomorrow Studio
Trade and Economic Development Department
TradeStart Program
- Uranium Enrichment
- Uranium Sales, India
MARSHALL, Steven Spence
- Abdulla, Mr I.W.
- Aboriginal Communities
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- 2011-06-23
APY Lands
- APY Lands, Substance Misuse Facility
- Battle of Long Tan
- Chelsea Cinema
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Parental Guidance) Amendment Bill
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Duck and Quail Hunting
- Electoral Material
- Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Government Contracts
- Government Performance
- Italy, Trade
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Magill Road, Pedestrian Crossing
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
- Mary MacKillop
- Member for Norwood, Naming
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- Premier's Legacy
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Small Business
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- South Australian Exports
- Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas—Price Determination Periods) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-05-27
- 2010-06-23
- 2011-04-05
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Trinity Gardens Primary School
Trinity Gardens Primary School Red-Light Camera
- Unification of Italy
- Wyatt, Mr K.
- Aboriginal Renal Dialysis Services
- Adelaide Oval
- APY Lands Child Protection Officers
- APY Lands, Child Sex Abuse
- APY Lands, Community Council Officers
APY Lands, Food Security
- APY Lands, Housing Audit
- APY Lands, Income Management
APY Lands, Safe Facilities
APY Lands, Substance Misuse Facility
- APY Lands, Youth Strategy
- Gientzotis Consulting
- Klemzig Groundwater Testing
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
- Overarching Bilateral Indigenous Plan
- Solar Power Project, Umuwa
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- APY Lands
- Bangka Day
- Battle of Long Tan
- Bicycle Lanes
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Black Hill Pony Club
- Bonython, Mr H.R. (Kym)
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Cigarette Packaging
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Therapeutic Goods and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
Diagonal Road Overpass
- Eating Disorder Services
Eating Disorder Unit
- Food Safety Standards
- Government Accountability
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Health Service Facilities Food Ban
- Health Services Charitable Gifts Bill
- Health System
Hospital Parking
- Hospitals
- Hospitals, Funding
- International Nurses Day
- Internet Filtering
- Internment Camps
King Street Bridge
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Live Cattle Exports
- Livestock Slaughter
- Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic
- Matter of Privilege
- Melanoma
- Mental Health
- Mental Health (Repeal of Harbouring Offence) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Health's Remarks
Modbury Hospital
- Moseley Square Post Office
- Oaklands Park Railway Crossing
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Public Health System
- Public Works Committee: Berri Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Area School Redevelopment—Stirling Campus
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Prison
- Remembrance Day
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Sacks, Dr N.P.M.
Safe Drinking Water Bill
Salmonella Outbreak
- School Bus Services
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
South Australian Public Health Bill
- Speed Cameras
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- Trustee (Charitable Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Veterinary Profession
- Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- Wyatt, Mr K.
- Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
- Aboriginal Health Plan
Aboriginal Health Policy
- Adelaide Health Service Chief Executive
- Ambulance Stations
- Ambulatory and Primary Health Care Services
- APY Lands, Governance
- Better Oral Health in Residential Care Program
BreastScreen SA
Budget Savings Initiatives
Central Northern Adelaide Health Service
Children, Youth and Women's Health Service
- 2011-06-07
- Citi Centre Building Nurses
- Clostridium Difficile Infection
- Common Ground Framework
Community Hospital Funding
Country Health
- Country Health Care Plan
Country Health Services
- Departmental Invoices
- Drug and Alcohol Services
Eating Disorder Unit
Elective Surgery
- Elizabeth GP Plus Health Care Centre
- Emergency Department Reforms
- Emergency Departments
- Emergency Medical Retrieval Service
- Emergency Services
- Expiation Notice Refunds
Family Home Visiting Program
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Glenside Hospital
- Government Funding
- Grant Expenditure
- Health Advisory Councils
- Health and Hospital Charge Schedules
- Health and Medical Services
Health Budget
Health Care
Health Department
- Health Department Chief Executive
- Health Department Library
Health Minister, Advice
- Health Performance Council
- Health Portfolio
- Health Programs
Health Savings
- Health Services
Health Services, Waiting Times
- Health Staff
Health System
Health Workers
- Health, Freedom of Information Requests
- Health, Media and Communication Roles
- Home Visiting Program
- Hospital Data
- Hospital Demand
Hospital Emergency Departments
- Hospital Support Discharge Care Packages
- Hospitals, Funding
- Hospitals, Remembrance Day
- Immunisation Programs
- Indigenous Health
- Infectious Diseases
- Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science
- International Students, Health Services
- International Students, Pregnancy Terminations
Keith and District Hospital
- 2011-05-04
- Medical Appointments
Mental Health Facilities
- Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection
Metropolitan Health Services
- 2011-06-09
- Minister for Forests
- Mobile Phones
- Modbury Hospital
- Model of Care
- Mount Gambier Ambulance Station
- National Alcohol Early Intervention Pilot Program
- National Healthcare Agreement
- New Transition Care Program
- Non-Australian Citizens, Hospital Care
- Northern Region Ambulance Stations
Nursing and Midwifery Programs
- Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle
- Out of Hospital Programs
- Outpatient Referrals
- Overseas Visitors, Health Services
Palm Lodge Mental Health Facility
- Patawalonga Lock Gates
Patient Safety Reports
- Paxton Review
- Port Augusta Health Services
- Primary Prevention Plan
- Public Hospital Beds
- Public Hospital Statistics
- Public Hospitals
- Q Fever
- Renal Transplant Service
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Road Accident Victim Compensation
- Root Cause Analysis
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2011-02-23
- 2011-05-05
- 2011-06-09
- 2011-11-23
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Elective Surgery
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecology Department
- Royal District Nursing Service
SA Ambulance Service
- SA Health
- SA Water
- Salmonella Outbreak
- Sand Carting
- Shared Services
- South Australian Health Commission
Southern Adelaide Health Service
- 2011-09-27
- Suicide
- Surgical Patients
- Surgical Task Force
- Tapleys Hill Road
Taxi Vouchers
- Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
Vaccination Programs
- Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus Infection
- Veterinary Science Research Projects
- Vili's Bakery
O'BRIEN, Michael Francis
- Agribusiness Council
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee
Electrical Products (Energy Products) Amendment Bill
Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fishing Possession Limits
- Grain Handling Industry
- Livestock Slaughter
- Printer Cartridge Scam
- Public Works Committee
- Seaford Heights Development
- Sittings and Business
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety Bill
- Agribusiness Council
Agricultural Spraying Practices
Animal Health Biosecurity Fee and Property Identification Code
- Barley Exporting Act
Coober Pedy District Council
- Drought Recovery Program
- Electricity Prices, Coober Pedy
- Forestry Softwood Plantations
- 2010-10-26
- Fruit Fly Roadblocks
- Illegal Fishing
- Langhorne Creek Pipeline
Locust Plague
- Loxton Land Sale
Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Minister for Forests
- Motor Registration Labels
Murray Cod Fishery
- Myrtle Rust Disease
- Nuclear Energy
- Potato Industry
- Prawn Fishery
Property Identification Code
- Public Sector Performance Commission
- Regional Development Infrastructure Fund
- Remote Areas Energy Supplies Scheme
- Riverland
Solar Feed-In Scheme
- South Australian Fish Stocks
South Australian Research and Development Institute
Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
- State Forest
- Sustainable Seafood
- Trigeneration Energy
- Wine Industry
- World Aquacultural Symposium
- Address in Reply
- ANZAC Activities
- Australia Day Awards
- Correctional Services (Prisoner Compensation Quarantine Funds) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
- Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill
- Fairview Park Primary School
- Harmony Day
- International Barcode of Life Conference
- Maltese National Day
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Northern Futures
- Northern Schools Leadership Day
- Operation Flinders
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Playford Rotary Club
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant Main Pump Station Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Common Ground—Port Augusta
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project—Elizabeth Turnback Facility
- Public Works Committee: Sustainable Industries Education Centre—Tonsley Park
- Racehorses
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
- School Amalgamations
- School Pride Asset Program
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
Speed Cameras
- Speed Measuring Devices
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Work Health and Safety Bill
- Barley Exporting Act
- Coal to Fuel Proposal
- Community Safety
- Computer Games Classifications
- Correctional Services Uniforms
- Defence Industry
- Disability Funding
- Drug Traffickers
- Early Childhood Services
- Emergency Services, Communications
- Export Growth Figures
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Inner City Housing
- Innovative Community Action Networks
- Joint Strike Fighter Program
- Legal Profession Reform
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
- Mining Industry
- Murray Cod Fishery
- National Health Reform
- Natural Resources
- Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle
- Plan for Accelerated Exploration
- Police Funding
- Reconciliation Week
- Recreation and Sport Funding
- Resource Partnerships
- Riverland
- Sbc-Me Program
- Skills for All
- Social Inclusion in Mining and Energy Award
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Exports
- South Australian Sports Institute
- Sudanese Community
- Sustainability and Community Grants Program
- Tobacco Control Measures
- Uranium Sales, India
- Victims of Crime Data
PEDERICK, Adrian Stephen
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Animal Health Biosecurity Fee and Property Identification Code
Appropriation Bill
- Attorney-General's Remarks
- Battle of Long Tan
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Branched Broomrape
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Prisoner Compensation Quarantine Funds) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electrical Products (Energy Products) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Renewable Energy Price) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Wind Power) Amendment Bill
- Food Industry Awards
- ForestrySA
Freedom of Information (Fees) Amendment Bill
- Goolwa Tidy Towns Award
- Grain Handling Industry
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Services Charitable Gifts Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill
- Jervois Ferry
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Legoe Family
- Livestock Slaughter
- Lower Lakes
Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Members' Statement of Principles
- Mindarie-Halidon Races
Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill
- Mouse Plague
- Murray Bridge
- Murray Bridge Schools Amalgamation
- Murray River
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2011-12
- Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Bill
- Non-Government Organisations
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report
- Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee) Amendment Bill
- Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- Pork Industry
- Public Works Committee: New Murray Bridge Police Station
- Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Access Regime Review) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Bus Contracts
- School Bus Services
- Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Social Development Committee: Dental Services for Older South Australians
Speed Cameras
- Speed Limits
Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax Avoidance Schemes) Bill
- Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-06-23
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
- University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Viterra
- Water Industry Bill
- Wheat STEM Rust
- Wooden Boat Festival
- Woolworths, Murray Bridge
Agricultural Spraying Practices
Animal Health Biosecurity Fee and Property Identification Code
- ForestrySA
- Langhorne Creek Pipeline
- Locust Plague
- Loxton Land Sale
Marine Parks
Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Murray River, Drought Compliance
Myrtle Rust Disease
Property Identification Code
- Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
PEGLER, Donald William
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill
- Livestock Slaughter
- Local Government Reform
- Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Mount Gambier Mental Health Services
- Mount Gambier Water Fluoridation Plant
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Procedure Review
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Bill
- Pork Industry
- ReachOut.com
- School Bus Services
- Speed Cameras
- Standing Orders, Members' Conduct
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- United Kingdom General Election
- Mount Gambier Harness Racing Club
- Mount Gambier Water Fluoridation
South-East Forestry Industry Roundtable
- Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
PENGILLY, Michael Redding
- 'swim with the Tuna'
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- ANZAC Activities
Appropriation Bill
Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Bangka Day
- Battle of Long Tan
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- Egyptian Christian Minority
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Wind Power) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Parentage) Amendment Bill
- Ferguson, Mr Euan
Finniss Electorate
- Fishing Industry
- Food Safety Standards
- Fromelles
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Internment Camps
- Jacobsen, Councillor J.
- Kangaroo Island Community Education
- Kangaroo Island Development
Kangaroo Island Medical Services
- Kangaroo Island Rainfall
- Kangaroo Island Surfing Competition
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Light Rail Network Expansion
- Livestock Slaughter
- Local Government (Model By-Laws) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Elections
- Local Government Reform
Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- National Parks
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report
- Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Non-Government Organisations
- Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Personal Phone Calls
- Police Numbers
- Preschools
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Convention Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Birdwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Burnside Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Cowell Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Dukes Highway Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Evanston Land Release
- Public Works Committee: Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
- Public Works Committee: Magill School Consolidation
- Public Works Committee: Munno Para Railway Station Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: North South Interconnection System Project
- Public Works Committee: Northfield Correctional Facilities Infrastructure Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Osborne North Industrial Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Area School Redevelopment—Stirling Campus
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Prison
- Public Works Committee: Port Bonython Jetty Refurbishment
- Public Works Committee: Sustainable Industries Education Centre—Tonsley Park
- Regional Representation
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Bus Services
- Select Committee on Marine Parks in South Australia
- Shark Fishing, Normanville
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- Social Media Comment
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
Speed Cameras
- State Government Elections
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Suicide Prevention
Supply Bill
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- United Kingdom General Election
- Victor Harbor Schools Amalgamation
- Water Industry Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
- Yankalilla, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Questions
PICCOLO, Antonio
- 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill
- Argent, Ms R.
- Australia Post
- Coles Supermarkets
- Country Health
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Franchise Laws
- Freedom of Information (Fees) Amendment Bill
Gawler Racecourse
- Gawler RSL Club
- Grain Handling Industry
- History Week
- Infant Mortality
International Men's Health Week
- International Volunteers Day
- International Women's Day
- Internment Camps
- Kokoda for Cancer
Light Electorate
- Light Rail Network Expansion
- Lions Club of Gawler
- Local Government
- Loveday Internment Camps
- Men's Health
- National Association for Families of Immigrants
National Volunteer Week
- Neighbourhood Watch
- New, Mr G.
Pork Industry
- 2010-11-11
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Birdwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Cowell Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Dukes Highway Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Evanston Land Release
- Public Works Committee: Osborne North Industrial Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Park Office Accommodation Fit-Out
Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Area School Redevelopment—Stirling Campus
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Prison
- Public Works Committee: Youth Training Centre
- Royal Wedding Gift
- Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
- Service Club Week
- Service Clubs
- Sexton, Mrs N.
- Small Business
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- South Australian Public Health Bill
- Speed Cameras
- St John Ambulance Awards
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Australian Consumer Law) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill
- Telecommunications Towers
- Thom, Mrs A.
- Unification of Italy
- Valedictories
- Volunteers
- Wasleys
Wohlstadt, Mr M.
- Young Achievers
Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Water Distribution Network
- Adelaide, Eco-Friendly City
- Affordable Housing
- Autism Services
- Bartley, Mr K.
- Black Spot Program
- Building Family Opportunities
- Christchurch Earthquake
- City of Adelaide Development
- City Stadium
- Container Deposit Legislation
- Dental Services
- Disability Services, Regional South Australia
- Far North Water Supplies
- Gawler Birth to Year 12 School
- Great Artesian Basin
John Hartley School
- Kinship Carers
- Law Reform Institute
- Mark Oliphant College
- Multiculturalism
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Recycling Week
- Natural Resources Management and Landcare Awards
- Northern Health Services
- Playford Alive
- Potato Industry
- Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize
Renewable Energy
- Riverine Recovery Project
- Roseworthy Primary School
- SA Ambulance Service
- School Apprenticeships
- Skills for All
- Small Business
- Small Business Commissioner
- South Australian of the Year Awards
- Stars on Cars Campaign
- State Strategic Plan
- University College London
- Victor Harbor TAFE Campus
- Youthconnect Grants
PISONI, David Gregory
Address in Reply
- Adelaide High School
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
Carnegie Mellon University
- Chernobyl Anniversary
- Cigarette Packaging
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Coober Pedy Area School Principal
- Cranfield University
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Bill
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Parentage) Amendment Bill
- Food Safety Standards
- Government Performance
- Greek Diaspora
- Greek Language Curriculum
- Highgate Primary School
- Liquor Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mcternan, Mr J.
- Member for Unley, Naming
- Member for Unley, Point of Order
- Mitcham City Council
- Modbury Schools
- National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Para Hills Schools Amalgamation
- Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Save Our Schools Rally
- School Bus Services
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- Social Development Committee: Same-Sex Parenting
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2011) Bill
Supply Bill
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- APY Lands
- Auditor-General's Report
Building the Education Revolution
- 2010-09-15
- Carbon Tax
Carnegie Mellon University
- 2011-06-21
Childcare Centres
- Children with Disabilities
Coober Pedy Area School Principal
Cranfield University
- Echunga School Project
- Education Act
- Education and Children's Services Department
Education and Children's Services Department, KPMG Report
Education Department Redundancies
Education Funding
- 2011-02-22
Education Works
Education, Adult Re-Entry
Forbes Primary School
- High Schools, Adelaide
- History Curriculum
- International Students
Job Creation
- Mining Industry
- Minister for Forests
National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- Nuclear Energy
- Nurse Training
Police Investigations
- Public Sector Leave Entitlements
Right Bite Program
- Road Fatalities
Road Safety Education
- Salary Overpayments
School Amalgamations
- School Closures
- Schools, Funding
- Schools, Pinnacle Education
- Schools, Resource Entitlement Statements
- South Australian Certificate of Education
South Australian Visitor and Travel Centre
- Super Schools
Teacher Employment Email
- 2011-11-22
Training Organisations
- Unemployment Figures
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Adelaide Dry Zone
- Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan
- Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Bill
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Police Investigations
- Polish Air Tragedy
- Rigney, Mr M.
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Wyatt, Mr K.
- Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division
- Aboriginal Engagement
- Aboriginal Lands Trust Act
- Aboriginal Students
- Aboriginal Women
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Adelaide Dry Zone
- Adelaide High School
APY Lands
- APY Lands, Child Sex Abuse
- APY Lands, Community Council Officers
APY Lands, Food Security
- APY Lands, Governance
- APY Lands, Housing Audit
- APY Lands, Income Management
- APY Lands, Safe Facilities
- APY Lands, Substance Misuse Facility
- APY Lands, Youth Strategy
- Attorney-General's Department
Child's Death
- Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement
- Duke of Edinburgh's Award
- Early Childhood Education
- Education and Child Development Department
- Ethnic Communities
- Families SA
- Gawler Birth to Year 12 School
- Gientzotis Consulting
Italian Consulate
- Italy, Agreements
- Lease Incentives
- Longinotti, Senor Manlio
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
Minister's Travel, India
- Multiculturalism
- Muslim Task Force
- Mustard, Dr F.
- National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- National Volunteer Week
- National Youth Week
- Overarching Bilateral Indigenous Plan
Police Investigations
- Port Augusta Service Delivery
Puglia, Ministerial Travel
- Reconciliation Week
- Refugee and Migrant Support
- Remote Indigenous Services
- Roseworthy Primary School
Sasanelli, Mr N.
School Amalgamations
- School Leavers
- Solar Power Project, Umuwa
- Sorry Day
- South Australian Certificate of Education
- South Australian of the Year Awards
- State Transition Program
- Superannuation Benefits
Teacher Employment Email
- 2011-11-22
- Thebarton Senior College
- Translators
- Volunteer Support Fund
- Volunteers
- Youth Homelessness
- Youth Parliament
- Youthconnect Grants
Yuendumu Families
RANKINE, Jennifer Mary
- 'a Safer Night Out'
- Appropriation Bill
- APY Lands, Child Sex Abuse
- Auditor-General's Report
- Black Hill Pony Club
- Burnside Council
- Carman, Ms S.
- Child's Death
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Credit (Transitional Arrangements) Bill
- Don't Cross the Line
- Easling Judgement Costs
- Families and Communities Report
- Galapagos Islands
- Home and Community Care Program
- Housing SA Access Project
- King, Hon. L.J.
Liquor Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Speed Limits
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Australian Consumer Law) Bill
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Water Meters
- Woodville West Urban Renewal Project
- Abbeyfield Australia
Affordable Housing
- Aged Rights Advocacy Service
- Aged Support
- APY Lands
- APY Lands Child Protection Officers
APY Lands, Child Sex Abuse
- APY Lands, Safe Facilities
- Autism Services
- Barkuma
- Ceduna Transitional Accommodation Centre
Child Abuse Report Line
- 2010-06-22
- Child Death and Serious Injury Review
Child Protection
- 2011-06-07
Child's Death
Children in State Care
- Community Safety
Disability Equipment
Disability Funding
Disability Protection Report
- Disability SA
- Disability Self-Managed Funding
- Disability Services
- Disability Services, Regional South Australia
- Disability Supported Accommodation
- Easling, Mr T.
- Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
- Elderly Citizens, Home Visits
Emergency Housing
- Emergency Services, Communications
- Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia
- Financial Counselling Services
- Fire Danger Season
- Flinders Centre for Gambling Research
- Foster Care
- Home and Community Care Program
- Homelessness
Housing SA
- Inner City Housing
- Kinship Carers
Ladder St Vincent Street
- Medical Devices Partnering Program
- Parks Community Centre
- Playford Alive
- Social Housing
- South Australian Seniors
- Special Olympics
- Strathmont Centre
- Supported Residential Facilities
Transitional Accommodation Centres
- Youth Training Centre
RANN AC CNZM, Michael David
- Adelaide Oval
- Antisocial Behaviour Discussion Papers
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
Bonython, Mr H.R. (Kym)
- Bursill, Prof. D.
Christchurch Earthquake
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Cooper Basin Gas Project
- Cundell, Capt. R.G.
- Disability Reform
- Drought Recovery Program
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- Employment Figures
- Evans, Mr C.
- Gifford, Mr Dun
- Government Appointments
- Goyder Institute for Water Research
- Green Grid Plan
- Health and Hospital Reforms
- Inverbrackie Detention Facility
- Jacobs, Mr S.J.
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Land Tax Concessions
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Locust Plague
- Mary MacKillop
- Mcgee, Mr Eugene
- Member of Parliament, Criminal Charges
- Mining Development
- Ministerial Appointments
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- New Ministry
- New Prime Minister
- New Zealand Mining Disaster
- Nicoll, Mr Murray
- Northern Expressway Bridges
- Nuclear Waste
Olympic Dam
- Parks Community Centre
- Police, Shooting Incident
- Polish Air Tragedy
- Premier
- Public Integrity
- Rann, Hon. M.d.
- Renewable Energy Target
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Schneider, Prof. S.
- Singapore and India Mission
- Speaker, Election
- Timor-Leste Delegation
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Treasurer
- Trevorrow, Mr G.
- Valedictories
- Water Trading Laws
- Wellington Weir
- Wilson, Mr G.I.
- Windlass, Mr K.
Woomera Prohibited Area
- Yuendumu Families
Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide Casino
- Adelaide Festival of Arts and Fringe Festival 50th Anniversary
- Adelaide Festival of Ideas
- Adelaide Festivals
- Adelaide Film Festival
- Adelaide Film Studios
Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Parklands
- Adelaide Thunderbirds
- Adelaide, Eco-Friendly City
Air Warfare Destroyer
- Anti-Bikie Legislation
- ANZAC Activities
Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Arts Annual Programs
- Arts Grants
- Arts SA
- Australian War Memorial Exhibition
Book Publication, Nicola Sasanelli
- Bowden Urban Village
- Budget Leak
- Burnside Council
- Campbelltown Leisure Centre
Carbon Tax
Carnegie Mellon University
- CFS Foundation
- Child Protection
- China Trade Trip
Christchurch Earthquake
- 2011-03-08
- City-Bay Fun Run
- Coalition Budget Cuts
- Commissioner for Social Inclusion
- Commissioner for Water Security
- Commonwealth Games
- Community Centre Closures
Cranfield University
- Crime Statistics, City of Salisbury
- Cultural Institutions, Private Benefactors
- Defence Industry
- Elizabeth GP Plus Health Care Centre
Ellis, Mr B.
- Employment Participation Rate
- Fiera Del Levante
- 2011-05-04
- Geothermal Energy
- Government Advertising
- Greek Language Curriculum
- Health Department
- Hectorville Shooting Incident
- Heritage Restoration Work
High Court Decision, Totani
- History Festival
- History Trust and Museum Board
- Hospitals, Funding
- Hospitals, Privatisation
- Integrated Design Commissioner
Job Creation
- Kangaroo Island Development
- Kangaroo Island, European Settlement
- Klemzig Groundwater Testing
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
La Réunion
Labor Government
- Locust Plague
- Lotteries Commission of South Australia
- Low Emission Vehicles
Mcternan, Mr J.
- Member for Mawson
Mining Industry
- Mining Royalties
Mining Super Tax
- 2010-05-12
Minister for Forests
Minister for Police
- Ministerial Appointment
Ministerial Code of Conduct
- Mount Barker Development Plan Amendment
- Multiculturalism
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Child Sex Offender Register
National Health Reform
Olympic Dam
- Opinion Polls
OzAsia Festival
- Panasonic Kid Witness News New Vision Awards
Parks Community Centre
- Patawalonga Lock Gates
Police Minister, Assault
Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize
- Premier's Reading and be Active Challenges
- Premier's Trade Mission to India
- Public Libraries
Public Sector Employment
- 2010-09-28
- Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Public Sector Redundancies
- Public Service Association
- Public Service Association Legal Challenge
- Public Service Review
- Puglia, Ministerial Travel
- Rann Government
Renewable Energy
- Republic of Cyprus
- Richard Llewellyn Arts and Disability Trust
- Riverbank Precinct
- Road Accident Victim Compensation
Roberts, Ms R.
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water
Sasanelli, Mr N.
- Schools, Funding
- Science Initiatives
- Social Inclusion in Mining and Energy Award
- Solar Energy
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Exports
- Special Envoy, Higher Education and Research Europe
- State Election
- State Governor's Establishment
- State Promotion Expenditure
State Strategic Plan
- Storm and Flood Assistance
- Super Schools
- Supplies and Services
- Sustainability and Community Grants Program
Sustainable Budget Commission
- Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Tapleys Hill Road
- Teacher Exchange, Puglia Region
- Thinkers in Residence
Tour Down Under
Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
- Treasurer
Treasurer's Remarks
- University College London
- Uranium Mining
Water Allocations
- Water Pricing
- Yuendumu Families
RAU SC, John Robert
- 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Adelaide Casino
- Bail Processes
- Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Business Names Registration (Transitional Arrangements) Bill
- Character Preservation (Barossa Valley) Bill
- Character Preservation (McLaren Vale) Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- 2010-10-26
- 2010-11-25
- 2011-02-24
Commercial Arbitration Bill
Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2010-07-20
Controlled Substances (Offences Relating to Instructions) Amendment Bill
- 2011-05-19
- Coroners (Reportable Death) Amendment Bill
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
- Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Credit (Transitional Arrangements) Bill
- Criminal Appeals
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Considerations) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Pornography) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
Development (Building Rules Consent—Disability Access) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report
Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- 2010-06-29
Electronic Transactions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Hearsay Rule Exception) Amendment Bill
Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill
- Evidence Act Review
- Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- High Court Decision, Totani
- Jacobs, Mr S.J.
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- King, Hon. L.J.
Legal Services Commission (Charges on Land) Amendment Bill
- 2011-09-29
- Legislative Review Committee: Victim Impact Statements
- Madison Park Schools
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Ngarrindjeri People
- Organised Crime Legislation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committees (Membership of Committees) Amendment Bill
Professional Standards (Mutual Recognition) Amendment Bill
- 2010-09-14
Public Integrity
- Public Works Committee
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
South Australian Visitor and Travel Centre
- Statute Law Revision Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Community and Strata Titles) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Courts Efficiency Reforms) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Criminal Intelligence) Bill
- 2010-11-10
Statutes Amendment (De Facto Relationships) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Directors' Liability) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Personal Property Securities) Bill
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- 2011-06-07
- 2011-07-26
- 2011-09-13
Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
- 2011-05-19
Summary Offences (Weapons) Amendment Bill
- 2010-10-28
Trustee Companies (Commonwealth Regulation) Amendment Bill
- 2010-07-20
- Adelaide Convention Centre
- Anti-Bikie Legislation
- Anti-Corruption Branch
- Appellation Scheme
Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale
Burnside Council
- City of Adelaide Development
- Computer Games Classifications
Criminal Appeals
- 2011-09-27
- Cyberthugs
- Drug Traffickers
Easling, Mr T.
- Film Classification
- Fines Collection
Graffiti Vandalism
- Hicks, Mr D.
- Humiliating and Degrading Images
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Inner Metropolitan Area Character Suburbs
- Integrity Commission
International Tourists
- Kangaroo Island Future Authority
- Kangaroo Island Surfing Competition
- Law Reform Institute
- Legal Profession Reform
- Legal Services Commission
- Local Government Accountability
- Mount Barker Development Plan Amendment
- Nuclear Energy
- Office of Crown Advocate
- Open Space Funding
- Police Funding
Police Minister, Assault
- 2011-05-18
- Public Integrity
- Rebels Motorcycle Club
Remote Areas Energy Supplies Scheme
- Rundle Mall Shop Trading Hours
- Serious and Organised Crime
- Sexual Offences
South Australian Visitor and Travel Centre
Spent Convictions Legislation
- Spooner Judgement
- Standing Committee on Law and Justice
- State Election
- Tattooing Industry
- Tourism
- Tourism Commission Board
- Vulnerable Witnesses
Yuendumu Families
REDMOND, Isobel Mary
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Bonython, Mr H.R. (Kym)
- Collier, Dr Paul
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- ForestrySA
- Government Performance
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill
- Jacobs, Mr S.J.
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- King, Hon. L.J.
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Larcombe, Sapper Jamie
- Leader of the Opposition, Qualifications
- Mount Lofty Botanic Garden
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- New Prime Minister
- Polish Air Tragedy
- Premier
- Rann Government
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Speaker, Election
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (De Facto Relationships) Bill
Supply Bill
- Treasurer
- Valedictory Speech
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
Adelaide Oval
- 2010-05-27
Adelaide Zoo
Anti-Bikie Legislation
APY Lands
- 2011-09-15
APY Lands, Child Sex Abuse
APY Lands, Food Security
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Arts Annual Programs
- Arts Grants
- Arts SA
- Attorney-General's Department
- Auditor-General's Report
- Birkenhead Groundwater Contamination
Book Publication, Nicola Sasanelli
- Budget Cuts
- Budget Leak
Budget Savings Initiatives
- Building Approvals
Burnside Council
Carbon Tax
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Child's Death
- Children with Disabilities
- China Trade Trip
- Community Centre Closures
- Country Health Services
Cranfield University
Desalination Plant
- Easling, Mr T.
- Eating Disorder Unit
Education, Adult Re-Entry
Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
- Families SA
Flinders Medical Centre
- Griffiths, Drew Claude
Health Department
- 2011-11-23
- Health System
- Heritage Restoration Work
High Court Decision, Totani
- History Trust and Museum Board
- Hospital Emergency Departments
- Hospitals
- Hospitals, Funding
- Hospitals, Privatisation
- Housing SA Rental Increases
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Jobs Growth
Klemzig Groundwater Testing
Labor Government
- Labor Party Leadership
- Lease Incentives
- Lotteries Commission of South Australia
Lyell McEwin Hospital
Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic
- Marine Parks
Mcternan, Mr J.
- Member for Mawson
Mining Royalties
- Mining Super Tax
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
- Minister for Forests
- Minister for Police
- Minister's Overseas Trip
Minister's Travel, India
Ministerial Code of Conduct
- 2010-06-22
- Mount Barker Development Plan Amendment
- Mount Lofty Bushfire Prevention Group
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2010-10-14
- Olympic Dam
- Opinion Polls
Parks Community Centre
- Parliamentary Procedures
- Penalty Rates
Police Attendance Procedure
- Police Funding
Police Minister, Assault
- Printer Cartridge Scam
- Prisoner Home Detention
- Public Policy Debate
Public Sector Employment
- 2010-09-28
Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Public Service Association
- Public Service Review
- Puglia, Ministerial Travel
Rann Government
- Regional Arts National Conference
- Richard Llewellyn Arts and Disability Trust
Roberts, Ms R.
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2010-05-06
- 2011-04-06
- 2011-06-09
- 2011-06-21
- 2011-09-29
- 2011-12-01
Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecology Department
- Sasanelli, Mr N.
- School Amalgamations
- Schools, Funding
Solar Feed-In Scheme
South Australian Visitor and Travel Centre
- Southern Expressway
- Special Envoy, Higher Education and Research Europe
State Election
- State Governor's Establishment
- State Library Delegation to New Zealand
- State Promotion Expenditure
- State Taxes
- Superannuation Benefits
- Supplies and Services
Sustainable Budget Commission
- 2010-09-15
- Taxes and Charges
- Tiger Airways
Trade Promotion, Puglia Region
Transitional Accommodation Centres
- Translators
Treasurer's Remarks
- Unanswered Questions
Unemployment Figures
Union Hall
Uranium Enrichment
Water Pricing
- Water Trading Laws
Yuendumu Families
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide High School
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Autism Services
- City of Adelaide (Capital City Committee) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Parental Guidance) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Cyclist Safety
- Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Hindley Street Post Office
- Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Leukaemia Foundation
- Lien Heng Grocery Stand
- Local Government (Model By-Laws) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Road Closures—1934 Act) Amendment Bill
Non-Government Organisations
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide TAFE SA Campus
- Public Works Committee: Bowden Urban Village
- Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Red Nose Day
- Rundle Mall
- Rundle Mall Shop Trading Hours
Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct
- Sexualisation of Children in Media
Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- 2011-03-24
Statutes Amendment (Public Assemblies and Addresses) Bill
- Sturt Street Bike Track
Suicide Prevention
- Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- Questions
SIBBONS, Alan John
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill
- Australian Consumer Law
- Cigarette Packaging
- Curnow, Mr J.
- Dernancourt Shopping Centre Traffic Lights
- Desalination Plant
- General Motors Holden
- Go Home on Time Day
- Health System
- Industry Capability Network
Legislative Review Committee
- 2010-05-26
- 2010-06-23
- 2010-06-30
- 2010-09-15
- 2010-09-29
- 2010-10-27
- 2010-11-09
- 2010-11-10
- 2010-11-24
- 2011-02-09
- 2011-02-23
- 2011-03-09
- 2011-03-23
- 2011-04-06
- 2011-05-18
- 2011-06-08
- 2011-06-22
- 2011-07-06
- 2011-07-27
- 2011-09-14
- 2011-09-28
- 2011-10-18
- 2011-10-19
- 2011-11-09
- 2011-11-22
- 2011-11-23
- 2011-12-01
- Legislative Review Committee: Criminal Intelligence
- Legislative Review Committee: Postponement of Regulations from Expiry
- Legislative Review Committee: Victim Impact Statements
- Liquor Purchase Scheme
- Melanoma
Mitchell Electorate
- Naevus Support Australia
- Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Bill
- Non-Government Organisations
- Patritti Winery
- Premier's Community Initiatives Fund
- Prisons, Smoking
- Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Relationships Australia
- Remembrance Day
- Reynella Kiwanis Club
- Roadsafe Youth Driver Awareness
- Small Business
- South-Western Suburbs
- Southern Expressway
- Statutes Amendment (Public Interest Disclosure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Australian Consumer Law) Bill
- Subordinate Legislation
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- Westfield Marion Car Parking
- Workplace Safety
- Accessible Taxi Services
- Adelaide Railway Station
- Adult Literacy and Numeracy
- Biodiversity
- Defence Industry
- Disability Equipment
- Drought Recovery Program
- Geothermal Energy
- GP Plus Health Care Centres
- Hospital Beds
- Hospital Emergency Departments
- Legal Services Commission
- Low Emission Vehicles
- Murray River
- Muslim Task Force
- Mylicence
- Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle
- Olympic Dam
- OzAsia Festival
- Privileges Committee
- Research Fellowships
- Road Safety Education
- SA Ambulance Service
- Solar Energy
- South Australia Innovation and Investment Fund
- South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre
- South Australian Certificate of Education
South Australian Exports
- South Australian Regional Centre of Culture
- South Australian Seniors
- Sport, Match Fixing
- State Transition Program
- Stormwater Harvesting
- Taxi Driver of the Year Awards
Tour Down Under
- Vaccination Programs
- Volunteers
- Youth Parliament
SNELLING, John James
Address in Reply
Adelaide Pacific International College
Appropriation Bill
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- Cossey Review
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentencing Powers of Magistrates Court) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- ForestrySA
- Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- Kimberly-Clark Australia
- Local Government (Model By-Laws) Amendment Bill
Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2010-07-20
- Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill
- Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Bill
- Palliative Care Resources
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Remuneration Act
- Playford Electorate
- Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Publishing Committee
- Road Toll
- SA Health
- SA Water
- Seaman, Mr G.F.
- Sittings and Business
- Skills for All
- Speed Limits
- Stamp Duties (Insurance) Amendment Bill
- Standing Orders Committee
- Standing Orders Suspension
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2011) Bill
- 2011-06-21
- 2011-06-22
Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- 2010-07-21
Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax Avoidance Schemes) Bill
- 2011-05-17
- 2011-05-18
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Australian Consumer Law) Bill
Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill
- Torrens University Australia
Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Vocational Education and Training
- Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
Work Health and Safety Bill
- WorkCover Corporation
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Employer Payments) Amendment Bill
- Abilities for All
Adelaide Oval
Adelaide Zoo
- Adelaide Zoo Board
- Auditor-General's Report
- Black Spot Program
- Budget Cuts
- Building Approvals
- Building Family Opportunities
- Business Confidence
Carbon Tax
Carnegie Mellon University
- Catherine House Incorporated
- Construction Industry Training Board
Credit Rating
- 2011-11-23
Debt Exposure
- Defence Industry
- Defence Industry Training
- 2011-11-08
- 2011-12-01
- Global Economic Conditions
Government Liability
Health Department
- Health Portfolio
- Hospital Parking
Hospitals, Remembrance Day
- Housing Finance
- Indigenous Tourism Training
- Industry and Indigenous Skills Centre Program
International Education Sector
- International Students
- Julia Farr Association
- Kickstart Training Program
- Knight Review
Lotteries Commission of South Australia
- Minister's Travel, India
- Mylicence
National Health Reform
Printer Cartridge Scam
Public Sector Leave Entitlements
Public Service Cuts
- Red-Light and Speed Cameras
- Rehabilitation and Return to Work
Remembrance Day
Road Safety
- Road Safety Education
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2011-02-09
- 2011-02-24
- 2011-05-05
- 2011-05-19
Rural Road Safety Program
- Sasanelli, Mr N.
- Science Initiatives
- Skills for All
- Skills for Jobs Plan
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Health Partnership
South-East Forestry Industry Roundtable
Spooner Judgement
- Spooner, Mr Neil
- State Budget
State Debt
State Finances
- State Taxes
- Stepping Up the Pace Program
- Sustainable Budget Commission
- 2010-09-14
- Training Awards
Training Organisations
- 2010-06-22
- Treasurer's Portfolio
- Treasurer's Remarks
- United States Debt Crisis
- University Foundation Studies
- University Vice-Chancellors
- Victor Harbor TAFE Campus
Vocational Education and Training
- Water Pricing
- Wire Rope Safety Barriers
SUCH, Robert Bruce
- Aboriginal Equality
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- ANZAC Activities
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Battle of Long Tan
- Carbon Management Strategy
Chamber Dress Code
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Civil Liability (Charitable Donations) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Parental Guidance) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Crime Statistics
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (No Conviction on Election to be Prosecuted) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Pornography) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Looting) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Review, Sexual Behaviour
- Drinking Water
- Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2010-11
- Education Funding
- Egyptian Christian Minority
Electoral (Contents of Writ) Amendment Bill
- 2011-06-23
- Electoral (Optional Preferential Voting) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Voting Age) Amendment Bill
- Electorate Services
- Expiation Notices
- Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill
- Facial Identification Bill
- Food Safety Standards
- Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Checks, School Children
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill
- Internment Camps
- Judicial Reform
- Legoe Family
- Light Rail Network Expansion
- Liquor Licensing (Supply to Minors) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Purchase Scheme
- Livestock Slaughter
Lobbying and Ministerial Accountability Bill
- 2011-06-09
Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
- 2010-09-30
- Local Government (Boundary Reform) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Interment of Human Remains) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Reform
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
- Magistrates Court, Traffic Matters
- Melanoma
- Members' Allowances
- Members' Statement of Principles
Mid Murray, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Motoring Revenues
Mount Barker, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Nanomaterials Regulation
- Native Flora and Fauna
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2011-12
Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Bill
- 2011-04-07
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Procedure Review
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Bill
- Police Complaints Authority
- Polish Tragedies
- Population Policy
- Pork Industry
Port Augusta, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Preventative Health Measures
- Prisoner Rehabilitation
- Prisons, Smoking
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide TAFE SA Campus
- Public Works Committee: Berri Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Public Works Committee: New Youth Training Centre
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project—Elizabeth Turnback Facility
- Public Works Committee: Reynella East Child Parent Centre to Year 12 School Consolidation
- Public Works Committee: Sustainable Industries Education Centre—Tonsley Park
- Racehorses
- Rail Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rail Freight
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Regional Assembly
- Residential Speed Limits
- Road Signage
- Road Toll
- Road Traffic (Consumption of Liquor While Driving) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
Robe, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- School Bus Services
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Signs on Council Land
- Social Development Committee: Same-Sex Parenting
- Social History Museum
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- South Australian Certificate of Education
- Southern Expressway
Speed Cameras
- Speed Limits
- Speed Measuring Devices
- Standing Orders, Members' Conduct
- State Government Elections
- Statutes Amendment (Anti-Bullying) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2010) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Entitlements of Members of Parliament) Bill
- 2011-04-07
- Statutes Amendment (Public Assemblies and Addresses) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Penalties) Bill
- Suicide Prevention
- Summary Offences (Prescribed Motor Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- Surgical Robot
- Terrorism (Surface Transport Security) Bill
- University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Veterinary Profession
- Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- Wheat STEM Rust
Yankalilla, Moveable Signs Restrictions
- Youth Centres
- Chamber Dress Code
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Community Hospital Funding
Spent Convictions Legislation
THOMPSON, Mary Gabrielle
- Aboriginal Equality
- Adult Literacy
- Amnesty International
- ANZAC Activities
- Appropriation Bill
- Brain Injury Awareness Week
- Christie Downs Community House
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Parental Guidance) Amendment Bill
- Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians
- Community Foodies
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
Domestic Violence
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Economics
- Education Funding
- Educational Opportunities
- Electoral (Contents of Writ) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Families and Communities Department
- Flinders Centre for Gambling Research
- Francis, Mr C.W.
- Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Gender Equity
- International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists
International Women's Day
- Keeping Safe in Emergencies Guide
- Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Criminal Intelligence
- Lonsdale Heights Primary School
- Opal
- Public Works Committee: Wallara Early Years to Year 7 (New Morphett Vale Primary School) Redevelopment
- School Retention Rates
- School Violence and Bullying
- Social Development Committee: Dental Services for Older South Australians
- South Australian Training Awards
Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
- Stokes, Mr T.
- Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill
Thinkers in Residence
- Unification of Italy
- Volunteer Support Fund
- Wilson, Mr P.
- Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adelaide Festival of Ideas
- Adelaide Gaol
- Advantage SA Awards
- Affordable Housing
- APY Lands, Food Security
- Asbestos Victims Memorial Day
- Broadband Internet
- Catherine House Incorporated
- Children's Centres
- Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement
- Community Education Training Initiative
- Connecting Aboriginal People to Mining Program
- Cyberthugs
- Disability Supported Accommodation
- Education and Child Development Department
- Electronic Waste Disposal
- Employment Figures
- Family Businesses
- Flinders Centre for Gambling Research
- Goyder Institute for Water Research
- Health Care
- Hectorville Shooting Incident
- Illegal Drugs
- Inverbrackie Detention Facility
- Kids Teaching Kids Conference
- Mining Industry
- Motor Registration Labels
- Mylicence
- National Water Initiative
- OzAsia Festival
- Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize
- Premier's Trade Mission to India
- Premium City Central Bus Stops
- Regional Centre of Culture
- Road Safety
- SA Ambulance Service
- University Foundation Studies
- Vulnerable Witnesses
- Waste Management
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Zero Waste Grants Program
TRELOAR, Peter Andrew
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- 2010-10-14
- 2011-06-22
- 2011-07-07
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
Country Shows
Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Farm Plagues
- Flinders Electorate
- Grain Harvest
- Land Tenure
Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- Mining Exploration, Eyre Peninsula
- Mortlock Shield Football Carnival
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Nuffield Scholarships
- One Night Stand Concert
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee) Amendment Bill
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- Point Lowly Desalination Plant
- Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Cowell Area School Redevelopment
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Bus Services
- School Buses
- School of the Air
- Small Business
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- South Australian Tourism Awards
Supply Bill
- TradeStart Program
- Valedictories
- Water Industry Bill
- Marine Parks
- Public Service Association Legal Challenge
Remote Areas Energy Supplies Scheme
- 2011-03-09
- School Bus Contracts
- School Buses
- Tod Reservoir
- Aboriginal Equality
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Car Parking
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Central Oval, Port Augusta
Community Event Liquor Licences
- Country Health
- Country Volunteer Organisations
- Electoral (Contents of Writ) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Services Charitable Gifts Bill
- Innamincka Regional Reserve
- Kapunda Homicides
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Land Rezoning
- Magistrates Court (Small Claims Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill
Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2010-11
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2011-12
- Natural Resources Committee: Little Penguins
- Natural Resources Committee: South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board Region Fact Finding Visit
- Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Orroroo Carrieton District Council
- Outback Roads
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee) Amendment Bill
- Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- Port Augusta
- Port Augusta Power Stations
- Public Works Committee: Common Ground—Port Augusta
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Area School Redevelopment—Stirling Campus
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Prison
- Racehorses
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Remote Areas Energy Supplies Scheme
Road Safety
Road Traffic (Emergency Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- 2011-11-24
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Rural Infrastructure
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- School Bus Services
- Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
- Shared Services
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Small Business Commissioner Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Assemblies and Addresses) Bill
- Stuart Electorate
Supply Bill
- Tobacco Product Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Volunteers
- Water Industry Bill
Water Meters
- Work Health and Safety Bill
- Wyatt, Mr K.
Yorkeys Crossing
- Yudum
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Burra Hospital
- Cooper Creek
- Electricity Prices, Coober Pedy
Kapunda Primary School
Pika Wiya Health Service
- Point Lowly Desalination Plant
Port Augusta Health Services
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Water Pricing
Yorkeys Crossing
VENNING, Ivan Howard
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
- Agriculture Education
Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Australian Year of the Farmer
- Barossa Valley
- Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale
- Barossa Valley Health Facility
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Christchurch Earthquake
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Protection for Farmers
- Eden Valley Wind Turbine
- Egyptian Christian Minority
- Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Wind Power) Amendment Bill
- Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill
- Fisherman's Bay Subdivision
- Food Producers, Chemical Use
- Food Safety Standards
Food Security
- Freedom of Information (Fees) Amendment Bill
- Government Spending
- Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Grain Handling Industry
Historic Numberplates
- Innamincka Regional Reserve
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Livestock Slaughter
- Local Government Reform
- Member for Schubert
- Member's Remarks
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Minister's Remarks
- Ministerial Staff
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Health Reform
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Invasive Species Inquiry
- Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Nuffield Scholarships
Operation Flinders Foundation
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Webcasting) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report
- Parliamentary Committees (Bushfires Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Procedure Review
Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Birdwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Rest Area and Heavy Vehicle Inspection/weigh Station on Sturt Highway at Yamba
- Rail Freight
- Rail Safety (Safety Coordination) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Access Regime Review) Amendment Bill
- Railways (Operations and Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Rann Government
Road Toll
- 2010-06-24
- Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Sargent, Mr A.V.
- School Bus Contracts
- School Bus Services
- Select Committee on the Grain Handling Industry
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
Speed Cameras
Speed Limits
- State Budget
- State Election
- State Government Elections
- Statutes Amendment (Land Holding Entities and Tax Avoidance Schemes) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Penalties) Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-05-27
- 2010-06-23
- Tarac Technologies
- University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Wheat STEM Rust
- Wine Expos
- Wine Industry
- Work Health and Safety Bill
- Questions
VLAHOS, Leesa Anne
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill
- Australian Red Cross
- Burton
- Ceduna Streetscape
- Civil Liability (Charitable Donations) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Therapeutic Goods and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Cycle for Smile
- Electoral (Optional Preferential Voting) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Budget
- Health Checks, School Children
- Hoa Hao Buddhist Congregation
- KESAB Sustainable Communities Award
- Legoe Family
- Leveda Accommodation and Community Support Service
- Lilydale Chicken Processing Plant
- Lobbying and Ministerial Accountability Bill
- Midnight Basketball Program
- National Health Reform
- Organ, Tissue and Eye Donation
- Overseas Chinese Association
- Parliamentary Friends of the Hellenic Republic
- Penfield Recreation Precinct
- Preventative Health Measures
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Convention Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide TAFE SA Campus
Public Works Committee: Berri Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Public Works Committee: Bowden Urban Village
- Public Works Committee: Burnside Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: East Grand Trunkway Gillman—Industrial Estate
- Public Works Committee: Eastern Community Mental Health Centre Clinical Accommodation Fit-Out
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth Railway Station Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth South and Gawler Railway Stations Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Gawler Birth to Year 12 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Glen Osmond Metropolitan Fire Station
- Public Works Committee: Greater Edinburgh Parks Transport Improvement Program (Stage 1)
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Chlorination Facility Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
- Public Works Committee: Lyell McEwin Hospital Redevelopment—Stage C
- Public Works Committee: Magill School Consolidation
- Public Works Committee: Munno Para Railway Station Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Murray Futures Riverine Recovery Project
- Public Works Committee: New Murray Bridge Police Station
- Public Works Committee: New Youth Training Centre
- Public Works Committee: North South Interconnection System Project
- Public Works Committee: North Terrace Cultural Institutions Security Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northfield Correctional Facilities Infrastructure Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Oaklands Park Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Scheme
- Public Works Committee: Osborne North Industrial Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Port Bonython Jetty Refurbishment
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Electrification
- Public Works Committee: Rest Area and Heavy Vehicle Inspection/weigh Station on Sturt Highway at Yamba
- Public Works Committee: Reynella East Child Parent Centre to Year 12 School Consolidation
- Public Works Committee: RGH Teaching Aged Care and Rehabilitation Facilities Development
- Public Works Committee: South Para Dam Flood Mitigation and Remedial Works
- Public Works Committee: Wallara Early Years to Year 7 (New Morphett Vale Primary School) Redevelopment
- Royal Flying Doctor Service
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- South Australian Kids Teaching Kids Conference
- Spiritual Care Australia
- St Dimitrios Parish Festival
- Statutes Amendment (Arts Agencies Governance and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Driving Offences) Bill
- Suicide Prevention
- Supply Bill
- Surgical Robot
Taylor Electorate
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Two Wells Service Centre
- University of Adelaide (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
- Vietnamese Farmers' Association of South Australia
- Vietnamese Invalid Veterans' Association
- Woolworths Indigenous Pre-Employment Program
- Young Adelaide Voices
- Abilities for All
- Aboriginal Veterans Commemorative Service
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Zoo
- Aged Rights Advocacy Service
- Cancer Treatment
- Contract Teachers
- Country Health SA Scholarships
- Cultural Institutions, Private Benefactors
- Digital Education Revolution
- Disability Self-Managed Funding
- Graduated Licensing Scheme
- Hospital Emergency Departments
- Hospital Safety
- Innovative Community Action Networks
- Italy, Agreements
- Kruse, Mr E.g. (Tom)
- Ladder St Vincent Street
Locust Plague
- Mental Health
- Multiculturalism
- Port Augusta Service Delivery
- Prawn Fishery
- Premier's Reading and be Active Challenges
- Public Hospitals
- Public Transport Ticketing
- Regional Development Infrastructure Fund
- Remembrance Day
- Road Safety Education
- Roma Mitchell Secondary College
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Safe October
- Skills for Jobs Plan
- South Australian Certificate of Education
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- Sporting Officials
- Supported Residential Facilities
- Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Trade Cadetships
- Uranium Mining
- World Aquacultural Symposium
- Year 12 Exams
- Youth Homelessness
- Answers
Auditor-General's Report
- Capital City Committee
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Exemptions and Approvals) Amendment Bill
- Collier, Dr Paul
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Bill
- Education Dispute
- Johnston, Mr E.f.
- Members' Behaviour
- Members' Travel Provisions
- Mullighan, Mr E.p.
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- New Schools PPP Program
- Parliamentary Secretary
- Premier
Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- School Bus Services
- School Retention Rates
School Violence and Bullying
- Select Committee on the Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Bill
- Urban Renewal
- Valedictories
- Aboriginal Education
- Adelaide High School
Adelaide West Special Education Centre
- Advantage SA Awards
- Asbestos Victims Memorial Day
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bartley, Mr K.
- Better Behaviour Centres
- Broadband Internet
Building the Education Revolution
Carbon Tax
Childcare Centres
Children with Disabilities
Children's Centres
- Contract Teachers
Coober Pedy Area School Principal
- Digital Education Revolution
- Diplomatic Tour 2012
- Disabled Children
- Early Childhood Services
- Eden Hills Primary School
- Education Act
- Education and Child Development Department
Education and Children's Services Department
- Education and Children's Services Department Complaints Process
Education and Children's Services Department, KPMG Report
Education Department Redundancies
Education Funding
- Education Initiatives
Education Works
Education, Adult Re-Entry
- Even Start Program
Forbes Primary School
- ForestrySA
High Schools, Adelaide
- History Curriculum
Innovative Community Action Networks
- International Students
- Inverbrackie Detention Facility
Italian Language Teachers Conference
John Hartley School
Julia Farr Association
- Kangaroo Island Community Education
Kapunda Primary School
- Labor Party Leadership
- Literacy Education
- Major Developments
- Marine Parks
- Mark Oliphant College
- Minister for Forests
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2011-11-08
National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- Numeracy and Literacy
Penalty Rates
- Printer Cartridge Scam
Public Policy Debate
- Public Sector Employment
Public Sector Leave Entitlements
- Public Service Cuts
- Public Transport
- Research Fellowships
Right Bite Program
- Roma Mitchell Secondary College
- Salary Overpayments
School Amalgamations
- School Apprenticeships
School Bus Contracts
- School Bus Services
- School Buses
- School Closures
- School Services Officers
- School Teaching and Learning Portal
- School Uniform Subsidy
- Schools, Behavioural Centres
- Schools, Funding
- Schools, Physical Activity and Health Initiatives
- Schools, Pinnacle Education
- Schools, Resource Entitlement Statements
- Schools, Statistics
- Science and Maths Teaching
- Skills for All
South Australian Certificate of Education
- Stradbroke Schools
Teacher Recruitment
- Teachers, Public Schools
- Trade Cadetships
- Unanswered Questions
- Water Trading Laws
- Windsor Gardens Vocational College
- Women's Safety
- Year 12 Exams
WHETSTONE, Timothy John
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Biosecurity Cost Recovery
- Carbon Tax
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Parental Guidance) Amendment Bill
- Country Health
- Fab Scouts Program
- Flood Watch Alerts
- Food Labelling
- Freight Transport
- Fruit Fly Roadblocks
- Internment Camps
- Member's Remarks
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Murray River Irrigators
- Murray River Weeds
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2010-10-26
- 2011-07-06
- 2011-07-07
- Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Police Call Centre
- Public Works Committee: Berri Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Murray Futures Riverine Recovery Project
- Public Works Committee: Rest Area and Heavy Vehicle Inspection/weigh Station on Sturt Highway at Yamba
- Quarantine Stations
- Radioactive Waste
- Regional Libraries Funding
- Regional Tourism
- Riverland Levee Banks
- Riverland Motorsport and Training Complex
- Riverland Storm Damage
- Road Safety
- Road Safety Strategy
- Road Traffic (Traffic Speed Analysers) Amendment Bill
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Safe Drinking Water Bill
- Stormwater Harvesting
- Summary Offences (Tattooing, Body Piercing and Body Modification) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill
- 2010-06-22
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Water Industry Bill
- Questions
WILLIAMS, Michael Richard
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Oval
- Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Bill
Appropriation Bill
Arkaroola Protection Bill
- Bonython, Mr H.R. (Kym)
- Chamber Bells
- Coal to Fuel Proposal
- Criminal Appeals
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill
- Dunstan, Sir Donald
- Electorate Services
- Electrical Products (Energy Products) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Electricity (Renewable Energy Price) Amendment Bill
- 2011-04-07
- Health Budget
- Innamincka Regional Reserve
- Keith and District Hospital
- Legoe Family
- Marine Parks
- Marine Parks (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Amendment Bill
- Mary MacKillop
- Member for Unley, Naming
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Mining (Royalties) Amendment Bill
- Mining Industry
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Energy Retail Law (South Australia) Bill
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Upper South-East Dry Land Salinity and Flood Management Act
Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Management (Review) Amendment Bill
- Non-Government Organisations
- Nuclear Industry
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Parliamentary Committees (Membership of Committees) Amendment Bill
- Premier
- Radiation Protection and Control (Licences and Registration) Amendment Bill
- Rodda, Hon. W.A.
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Amendment of Indenture) Amendment Bill
- Shop Trading Hours (Rundle Mall Tourist Precinct) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australia, Settlement Celebrations
- Speed Cameras
- Standing Orders, Member Naming and Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas—Price Determination Periods) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Members' Benefits) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Retail Law) Bill
Supply Bill
Television Cameras
- Treasurer
- United Kingdom General Election
Water Industry Bill
- Water Pricing
Waterworks (Tiered Pricing) Amendment Bill
- 2011-02-24
Adelaide Oval
Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- BHP Billiton
Birkenhead Groundwater Contamination
- Bowden Urban Village
Carbon Tax
Clayton Weir
- Commissioner for Water Security
- Contamination Testing
Coober Pedy District Council
- Correctional Services Officer
- Country Hospitals
Criminal Appeals
- 2011-09-27
Desalination Plant
- Development Plans
- Education Funding
Edwardstown Groundwater Contamination
- Floodplain Harvesting
- Forestry Softwood Plantations
- Integrated Design Commissioner
Italian Language Teachers Conference
Keith and District Hospital
- 2010-10-27
Klemzig Groundwater Testing
- Labor Government Promises
- Lower Lakes
Marine Parks
- Mining Industry
Mining Royalties
Mining Super Tax
- Minister for Forests
Minister for Police
- Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing
- Minister's Remarks
Ministerial Code of Conduct
- Murray Cod Fishery
- Murray River
Murray River Flows
Murray River Irrigators
Murray River Water Allocations
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Narrung Bund
- Nuclear Energy
Olympic Dam
- 2011-03-22
- Penalty Rates
- Rann Government
- Residential Aged Care
Royal Adelaide Hospital
SA Water
- SA Water, Murray River Licence
- Sexual Offences
Solar Feed-In Scheme
- Solar Feed-In Tariff Review
- South Australian Health Partnership
- Stormwater Re-Use
- Sustainable Seafood
Treasurer's Remarks
- 2010-06-24
- Union Hall
- Water and Wastewater Charges
Water Pricing
WRIGHT, Michael John
- Appropriation Bill
- Bushfire Task Force
Economic and Finance Committee
Economic and Finance Committee: Annual Report
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy 2011-12
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises (Supplementary Report)
- Hunt, Mr D.
- Kemppainen, Ms Pirjo
- Police Attendance Procedure
- Police Numbers
Recreation Grounds (Regulations) (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- 2010-11-23
- Questions
- Adelaide Oval
- Bushfire Management Committees
- Crime Statistics, City of Port Adelaide Enfield
- Expiation Notice Refunds
- Illegal Drugs
- Mount Lofty Bushfire Prevention Group
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Office for Recreation and Sport Facilities
- Operation Rural Focus 2
Police Attendance Procedure
- Recreation and Sport Funding
- South Australian Sports Institute
- Sudanese Community
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 13 May 2010.)
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg) (11:02): I rise to speak on this bill, which was introduced by the Attorney-General—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: I can hear the former attorney-general bleating already. The bill was introduced by the new Attorney-General in the government, and it is now for consideration and debate. Essentially, this bill was introduced to amend the Electoral Act to deal with two specific issues. I summarise those as the circumstances in which a candidate can publish certain matter during the course of the election, and it purports to deal with what has been known as the 'dodgy how-to-vote card' issue to ensure that, in future elections, a penalty will be imposed in the event that anyone attempted to do so. This is to legislate with respect to a practice which, the government is well aware, is unacceptable and which it needs, it appears, to have legislation to make sure that it does the right thing.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
Ms CHAPMAN: Some further comment will be made about that, but the second aspect deals essentially with internet authorisations and the obligation for those to be imposed. It became a complete farce after statements were made by the former attorney-general in the early part of the election campaign during which he purported to interpret what would be required at the internet level, with particular reference to Facebook and other social sites, and his inconsistent expectation (the opposition says) with what had been disclosed by the Electoral Commissioner during briefings, as well as with commitments made by minister Holloway in another place and about which the government, again during the election campaign, was caught out, and it ultimately conceded by using the regulation power to withdraw from the insistence thereof, and I will refer to that shortly.
The opposition's position on this matter is that the bill should be referred to the newly established Select Committee on Matters Related to the General Election of 20 March 2010. The opposition takes the view that this should be referred, but that is not to say that we are not supportive of the intent of the government now to remedy its own misconduct by dealing with this issue, and we want to ensure that it is done properly and, also, comprehensively, in a circumstance where the government is clearly attempting to quarantine any further investigation as to the conduct of the Australian Labor Party during the recent past election.
Its way of doing this, of course, is to simply say to the people of South Australia, 'Look, we knew we did wrong, and we are going to amend that and produce the legislation to remedy that'; narrow it to those issues and then expect the public to believe that that is the extent of its misconduct, to quarantine itself against further criticism. It will then to try to argue to the people of South Australia that, if we do not immediately support the passage of this bill, the opposition are squawking about this bill and they are not supporting it right here when they have an opportunity to do so.'
The reason for that is simply that we are not satisfied this is the extent of the misconduct. Quite obviously, the Australian Labor Party is desperate to do this. Not only is that our assertion, but the very conduct of the government, in coming in with this bill after there had been a motion passed for the establishment of the select committee, only corroborates exactly what we are saying, that is, the government is attempting to narrow the issues of misconduct during the campaign to what it has been caught out on only, and suggest that any delay in this will now be our fault.
So I want to make it quite clear that the select committee motion had been in place well before the introduction of this bill, and I want to briefly remind members that, not only was there disclosure of this conduct during the course of the campaign and, indeed, on the day of the election (20 March 2010), but also there was public outcry subsequent to this occurring and, indeed, subsequent to hearing the Electoral Commissioner's finding on the complaint about this matter.
There was such public outcry in the general media that there was a call by minor parties, including the Family First Party, who were in support of the Liberals' position, that we must have an inquiry into the conduct of activities during the election, and it must happen quickly and it must have a term of reference that is sufficiently narrow to ensure it can occur quickly. The charter of that committee, as supported in the Legislative Council by the passing of the motion, was very clear: it had to be narrow enough to be able to be dealt with quickly but with sufficient investigative parameters to ensure that it was comprehensive enough to deal with the conduct of any of the parties during the election campaign. I want to place on the record the select committee's charter. It states:
A select committee of the Legislative Council of South Australia has been established to inquire and report upon—
(a) the use of bogus how-to-vote cards and other election day material to mislead voters and measures that may be necessary to ensure that electors are not misled;
(b) provision of voting services including voting by post, services to people with disabilities and residents of declared institutions;
(c) the integrity of the roll, including the identification of voters presenting and measures for subsequent verification; and
(d) management of the election by the Electoral Commission, including the powers and resources available to the commission.
As members would be aware, the committee has been established, invitations to make submissions have been called for, and later this week on 2 July submissions are to be presented to the committee secretary, Mr Guy Dickson. I do not doubt for one moment that they are flooding in because, although again the government's attempt is to try to narrow this issue to what it has been caught out on, clearly the parliament through the Legislative Council has identified a lot of other areas of concern that need to be dealt with and cleared up.
One of the reasons it is very important is that members will be aware that the Electoral Commissioner is also responsible here in South Australia for the supervision of elections at local government level. We obviously are about to embark on a period of campaigns for, ultimately, an election in November this year, which is only a few months away, and campaigns will start to be very active at local government level, which the Electoral Commissioner has the jurisdiction to monitor and supervise. Therefore, it is important that we sort out any of these issues.
This select committee inquiry covers the use of bogus how-to-vote cards, which is a principal aspect—in fact, one of only two aspects—of this bill, so it is fair to say that the presentation by the government in this bill covers one of the aspects of the inquiry. But the government got this wrong back when it made amendments to the Electoral Act. The government mucked it up then. Of course, they try to blame us by stating that our amendments were the problem and that amendments made in the upper house, which they ultimately acceded to, were our fault. But they are the government, and when that bill came back down to the lower house they nodded. That was their issue. They presented the amendments and they have thrown them back here without any proper inquiry.
There has been no indication in the very brief contribution made by the Attorney-General as to who he has consulted on this, whether in fact he has any legal or Crown Law advice on whether this rare insertion of a provision in the bill will remedy the problem or not—nothing! There was just a two paragraph submission presented to us with this bill. We certainly are not satisfied. We say the government mucked it up in the first place. It attempted to push this through with a whole lot of other reforms under the Electoral Act, which it has mucked up. We want it remedied, but we want it remedied properly.
It is wrong for the government to come in here and make an assertion that, if there is a delay of a few months by having an inquiry on this matter, that is somehow our fault, and not support our bona fides in supporting an inquiry, when, in reality, the government knows that this conduct was wrong during the election campaign. It wants to try to get the people of South Australia to believe that they are capable of doing it again and need to be in some way directed by a change of law to know what is the right and decent thing to do, to know that this was unacceptable behaviour. We say that it should be culpable and it should have been acted upon by the Electoral Commissioner during the campaign.
In relation to the bogus how-to-vote card issue, and for the purposes of the record for those who might follow this debate, this relates to the Australian Labor Party's use of how-to-vote cards, we say, to try to mislead electors on 20 March. Essentially, they dressed up Labor Party officials, supporters, members, sympathisers or people who were sucked in—I am not sure—people who volunteered or maybe were paid—in any event, people committed to the Labor cause—with T-shirts that were emblazoned with the Family First slogan. They distributed how-to-vote cards which also bore the Family First slogan but which directed preferences contrary to what the Family First party had on its how-to-vote cards.
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: Just like Brokey did in 2006.
The SPEAKER: Order! One speaker at a time.
Ms CHAPMAN: On the day these fake how-to-vote cards were distributed, they had in small print the authorisation by M. Brown. Members of political parties may be well aware that he is Secretary of the Australian Labor Party, but poor old average people in the general community do not know that. These how-to-vote cards were distributed in some state electorates, in particular, Morialta, Mawson, Light—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
Mr PENGILLY: I have a point of order, Madam Speaker. I refer to standing order 131 in relation to the member for Croydon.
The SPEAKER: The member for Croydon is very vocal this morning, but I do not uphold the point of order. The member for Bragg.
Ms CHAPMAN: After it was clear that these cards had been distributed in the circumstances I have described and a complaint was made to the Electoral Commissioner, I am advised that on election day she gave an oral assessment of the circumstances, claiming that she did not consider there was a breach of the Electoral Act by virtue of this distribution on the day. Subsequently, she dealt with the matter in writing.
In a letter of 15 April 2010 the Electoral Commissioner (Kay Mousley) responds to the formal complaint by the Liberal Party of Australia (SA Division). The letter states:
I refer to your clients' complaint of 9 April 2010 regarding material published and distributed by the Australian Labor Party in the electorates of Morialta, Mawson, Light and Hartley on polling day in the 2010 State election.
I have considered the complaint and whether it discloses an offence under the Electoral Act 1985 ('the act'), in particular whether an offence under sections 111, 112B and 113 of the Act has been committed.
After closely considering the material you have provided to me, I am not satisfied that any offence has been committed under these provisions of the Act.
Section 112B
An offence is committed under section 112B(1) of the Act if a person publishes or distributes an electoral advertisement or a how-to-vote card that identifies a candidate by reference (relevantly) to the registered name of the registered political party, unless either the candidate is endorsed by the relevant registered political party (section 112B(1)(c)) or the relevant registered political party has consented to the use of the relevant name (section 112B(1)(d)).
I am satisfied that the material that is the subject of the complaint constitutes electoral advertisements or how-to-vote cards and that the material identifies candidates by reference to the registered name of a registered political party. I am also satisfied that each candidate that is so referred to is the endorsed candidate of the relevant registered political party. As a result, section 112B(1)(c) is met.
Accordingly, I am satisfied that no offence was committed under section 112B of the Act.
Sections 111 and 113
An offence is committed under section 111 of the Act where a person hinders or interferes with the free exercise or performance, by any other person, or of a right or duty under the Act.
An offence is committed under section 113(2) of the Act if an electoral advertisement contains a statement purporting to be a statement of fact that is inaccurate and misleading to a material extent.
I understand your clients to be asserting that the material published and distributed by the Australian Labor Party in the electorates of Morialta, Mawson, Light and Hartley would have given voters the impression that the material was published by or on behalf of the Family First Party and was the Family First Party's recommendation to voters as to whom they should give their second preference in those electorates. I understand this assertion to be the crux of your clients' submission that section 111 and 113 of the Act was breached.
I am not satisfied that the material is capable of bearing the interpretation that is asserted in your clients' complaint. In my opinion, a reasonable reader of the material would understand that the material was not distributed by or on behalf of the Family First Party but that it was distributed by or on behalf of the Australian Labor Party as that Party's recommendation to voters as to whom they should give their second preference. In forming this opinion, I have taken into account the content, language and tone of the material and, in particular:
that the recommendation to '[p]reference someone who shares your values, preference Labor' is likely, because of its tone, to appear to the reasonable reader to have been more probably made by the Australian Labor Party than the Family First party;
the marked differences in appearance between this material and the Family First how-to-vote cards; and
that the material states explicitly that it is' authorised…for the Australian Labor Party'.
Accordingly, I am not satisfied that sections 111 and 113 of the Act have been breached by the material.
Yours sincerely,
K Mousley
Electoral Commissioner
That is the full extent of the letter, and I want it all to be on the record.
I would like to make the following comments. First, Family First itself—on the face of it, the first victims of this dodgy practice by the Australian Labor Party on 20 March—says that not only are they without authorisation but, yes, they have also used their slogan, they have breached that, and they are very strongly taking objection to that.
I do not quite understand—and this is why it is important that we have an inquiry—how the Electoral Commissioner herself is able to make an assessment on the tone of a piece of paper and the statement in it, nor do I have anything from this correspondence which identifies the basis upon which she makes the finding that the appearance of the dodgy material was likely to give a reasonable reader the impression that it had come from the Labor Party and not Family First. There is absolutely no basis whatsoever disclosed in this correspondence.
My second comments relate to the marked difference in appearance of the dodgy material and the Family First material. When a voter comes along to the polling booth and picks up these dodgy how-to-vote cards from the dodgy Labor Party official who is handing them out, and they give the impression, and the prospective voter forms the view, that they have collected the Family First material, why on earth would the voter go along and try to find another Family First official to get the correct, authentic, original material approved by Family First if they believed they already had it from Family First?
How would the voter possibly be in a position to receive both on the day and make the assessment—in the clear light of day and subsequent to the event—that the Electoral Commissioner does? She pulls together these two pieces of material—the real ones and the dodgy ones—and says that there is a difference, and she notes that there is a marked difference. How would the reasonable, prospective voter be in a position to make that assessment at the time? In any event, the opposition does not accept the finding of the Electoral Commissioner that in fact there were marked differences—even when they were put side by side—that would readily give a reasonable reader the impression that it was an Australian Labor Party piece of material.
The final point the Electoral Commissioner relies upon is the claim that the material is explicitly authorised for the Australian Labor Party. Well, we have a whole lot of laws about authorisations and a whole lot of laws about disclosing all sorts of things in fine print. Let me give an example: we have laws that say that an airline carrier must disclose to its passengers, on every ticket issued, information about what their obligations are in terms of not carrying illegal product or weapons and the like on aircraft, what amount of baggage they can carry, their conduct, their acceptance of the ticket price, all sorts of things.
All of that has to be disclosed to the passenger every time the passenger has an exchange of contract with the airline carrier. If members look on the back of any of their airline tickets—that is, if they still have them, because we often now just go to the counter, show our driver's licence and get on the plane—they will see all those explicit obligations that the passenger accepts on entering the aircraft and subsequently undertakes to do or not do. But how many of you read it? How many people can honestly say that they have said, 'I have read all the small print and consciously made a decision to purchase a ticket to travel on that particular aircraft?'
Obviously, in the case of the prospective voter, who enters the polling booth area and picks up the dodgy how-to-vote card, believing that it is a Family First vote card, why would they then, having formed that belief, read the fine print at the bottom, which says, 'Authorised by M. Brown, Australian Labor Party?' Of course, they do not do that. They pick up the how-to-vote card, having worked out themselves which party is their preferred preference. Believing they have picked up a Family First how-to-vote card, they walk into the polling booth to vote and they have the option then to follow that how-to-vote card if they so wish. I ask members: how many of you have ever read the authorisation on the bottom of the how-to-vote cards that you have picked up as you have walked into a polling booth?
Members interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: Well, we have one exception, of course, and that would be the member for Croydon, who is an exception in every way, no doubt about that. We can never regulate for stupidity or for the eccentrics of the world. It is absurd, the opposition suggests, that the tiny fine print on the bottom of a how-to-vote card has alerted the prospective voter that it is actually an Australian Labor Party how-to-vote card and that it had been authorised by the Labor Party.
Some voters going into the polling booth who knew about this tactic of the Labor Party may well have been alert to what was going to happen there and thought, 'Well, I'm going to go along and pick up one of these cards'—but they were already in on the secret. What we are talking about is the prospective voter who goes into the polling booth, having made the decision that it is likely they want to support the Family First Party, and they are told on a piece of paper issued by the Labor Party in disguise the best way to do that.
That is a dodgy practice, even though, after the election, Michael Brown, the Secretary of the Labor Party, gave a clear indication that he would do it again. I note that the Premier has distanced himself from the practice. He has claimed that he did not know anything about it at all, which I find completely unbelievable.
Mr Griffiths: He didn't know about the Adelaide Oval.
Ms CHAPMAN: He didn't know about all sorts of things. However, that is the position. Some Labor Party candidates have publicly said that they had that practice in their electorate but that they would not do it again. This practice was carried out in the electorate of the member for Mawson, who was the candidate and sitting member for that electorate. At the time of the declaration of the poll, he publicly indicated that he considered this was a practice he would not participate in again in the future. Good on him for recognising, at the very least, post the event, that he would not participate in that practice again. There is a question about why he would sign up to that practice in the first place if he knew in his heart that it was wrong.
I give credit now to the member for Bright, who was also an Australian Labor Party candidate during the election that is the subject of this bill. She publicly stated that she had been offered the opportunity to have this dodgy practice within her electorate and she declined it, and I give her credit for that. She knew full well that this was an unacceptable practice, and she was prepared to reject it and to fight the election without the use and support of that crutch and devious way to win the election. I give credit to her for that, because she said, 'No, I'm not going to accept it,' even though she would have known, during the lead-up to the election, that she would be under some pressure in respect of that vote and that she may well have lost her seat, given the public indication that there was a swing to the opposition and that she was one of those who would be at risk.
Clearly, at the end of the election campaign and final completion of scrutineering of the votes in the seat of Bright, it was a pretty longwinded and, no doubt, nerve-racking exercise for the member, as I know it was for our candidate, Maria Kourtesis, and I am sure that, for some of the others who had genuinely participated in that electorate in the election, that ultimate decision was heartbreaking. To her credit, the member for Bright had taken that risk in the full knowledge that she was one of the vulnerable candidates, in the end winning by a only few hundred votes out of the 23,000-odd within her electorate. Good on her for acknowledging that.
What is incredible to me is that not only was the Australian Labor Party, in the knowledge that this practice was clearly unacceptable, so desperate to try to retain office and used this practice but it was also on full alert that some of its own people refused to participate in its use, even people like the member for Bright, who were at risk and yet were prepared to say no.
With Michael Brown and the Australian Labor Party, I include the Premier in this as the parliamentary head of the Australian Labor Party and who, of course, is well experienced, not only as a parliamentarian but also as the federal president of the Australian Labor Party. If the Premier does not know what the rules are in the Australian Labor Party and in elections, then who would? He is a man who has been around for 30 years in Australian politics, who maintains the position as head of the Labor Party in South Australia and who has been federal president of the Australian Labor Party.
The Premier knew what the rules were and the party knew what the rules were. Michael Brown ultimately consented to his name being put on the dodgy how-to-vote cards in the full knowledge that at least one member who was in a vulnerable position had said, 'No. I reject the use of that practice in my electorate. If I am not the member for Bright, so be it, but I reject that being used. It is an unsatisfactory practice that I will not participate in.'
We need to properly investigate this matter and make sure that we get it right as a parliament. We need to make sure that, in the government's rolling over on what was inadequate law, as the Electoral Commissioner says, we actually get it right so that she gets a very clear legislative message about what her obligation is in the interpretation of breaches of the act for such reprehensible conduct.
The second matter is internet authorisations. Much has been said when we debated this matter under the Electoral Act reforms in 2009. I will place on the record the opposition's position. Again, for members' benefit and those reading these debates, this was the inclusion in the Electoral Act—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
Ms CHAPMAN: —that, in addition to authorisations on printed material, there be a requisite authorisation on the publication of material on an electronic medium. The argument of the government was that in this day and age we have use of electronic media, including websites, which publish material that, clearly, would have some influence relating to the support or otherwise of a political party or candidate—Independent included—and that, because those media are so readily available, it is rather a nonsense to require authorisation on a printed piece of material but not on that which is published and distributed electronically.
When the matter came to the opposition for briefing, the Electoral Commissioner attended, in addition to the bevy of people who were sent along from the Attorney-General's office, who generally ably assisted with advice on the amendments proposed. I attended the last of these briefings on behalf of the opposition. This issue was raised because there had been a change of representatives on attorney-general matters for the opposition, and it became my responsibility to attend to get a full briefing on the bill and to make sure that, where possible, as we had indicated, we would support the passage of the bill, because we already supported much of it.
In fact, a number of its aspects had been the subject of inquiry and investigation over a number of years, and a number of aspects needed to be looked at, and we were supporting the government on them. There were a number of very significant aspects that we opposed, about which we had had significant debate. My predecessor as spokesperson (now leader, the member for Heysen) had undertaken those debates. So, at this briefing, which I attended, along with representatives of the former attorney-general's office and the Electoral Commissioner, this particular amendment was the subject of discussion. We indicated, as the opposition, that in principle we supported electronically published material, for example, on websites coming under this umbrella.
We discussed this specifically, because websites, for example, of members of parliament, which we particularly looked at, on which material could be published before and during an election campaign, we accepted could reasonably be included—there is not much point in us having to have authorisation for what we put out on the street. In fact, on the day we discussed with the Electoral Commissioner the practical implementation of how we would address material that had been published or placed on our websites well prior to an election campaign, and which stayed on it. Was it going to be necessary, with this amendment, to trawl back through everything that is published on our websites and make sure that we added authorisations? The Electoral Commissioner's answer—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson interjecting:
Ms CHAPMAN: —notwithstanding the absurd interruptions by the member for Croydon—was not no. Her answer to that question was that she agreed that that would be impractical, and that, when she considered the drafting of the regulations to go with this, she would appreciate the concern we had raised and look at it in the drafting of her regulations.
Some would argue that, if she excluded everything prior to the issuing of the writs that had been published on the internet, if its continued publication meant that you avoided an authorisation, of course, every effort would be made, say, 40 days before an election—because we now have a fixed date—for everyone to download onto their websites everything that they wanted to publish and therefore be excluded from being caught. Again, this was a very practical example given by the opposition where we conceded to the principle, but where the practical implication would need a lot of work on it to make sure that we did not produce the absurd; and that was important.
During the course of the briefing we also touched upon other electronic media in a general sense. We did not specifically ask whether this requires an approval on Twitter, or whether this requires an approval on Facebook, that any poor person, who is not even interested in politics, who has Facebook, who hears something on the news, makes some comment about how hopeless the Premier is, or whatever, needs to put an authorisation on it, yet they would not even know what the Electoral Act says nor care. Would they be caught under that?
None of that was discussed but what was indicated to us was that under 'other electronic publication' the electronic publications of newspapers and media outlets was an aspect which was discussed in that briefing. There was no mention of Twitter, Facebook or the social page interaction that became clear during the course of the election, which became an absolute farce.
The Electoral Commissioner had clearly indicated to us that her drafting of what would be the interpretation of the applicability of this clause would be read down. We were given this very clear indication.
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: Yes, that's right. Read down. Exactly right.
The SPEAKER: Order!
Ms CHAPMAN: Subsequently, in the debates in the other place when this issue became alive again, minister Holloway gave a very clear commitment that this would not apply to social websites. What happened then? On the eve of the election proper—if I can say that, by mid-February we were into the lead up to the election proper—the former attorney-general issues the edict about what is to actually apply—and it covers everything.
Not surprisingly, the public were outraged. The media outlets were outraged, and the consequence was that the former attorney-general was called in to answer, via media outlets, questions as to what on earth was going on. We had the undertaking by minister Holloway and the briefing from the Electoral Commissioner and now we had the former attorney-general, on the eve of the election campaign, saying that it was going to apply across the board and expecting authorisations on everything. He publicly confirmed that, of course, and it was clear to us then, in opposition, that it was always the intention of the former attorney-general to bring to account anyone who dared to issue a statement or publication in any form whatsoever, in this state, that was critical of his party or the government.
The reason that was crystal clear to us was because one of the people who came forward during the course of this public debate and outrage claimed that he was the anonymous party who had published a criticism and had been referred to by the former attorney-general as someone who did not exist at all. It was clear to the opposition when this person came forward and said, 'Here I am; I actually exist; I made this statement and that's what I feel. I haven't got the authorisation and I would be someone who would be caught under this', that, even if—and we assume this for the moment—we assume the possibility that the attorney-general hadn't shared with the Electoral Commissioner or minister Holloway or possibly other members of his cabinet what his intent was, his intent was revealed. It was disclosed, and what he wanted to do became very obvious.
The crux of all of this is that the only logical explanation as to why the former attorney-general would want to require such an absurdly broad interpretation of what this was to apply to was because he wanted to know who was going to be criticising him, or the government, and he wanted to be able to hunt them down and give them a barrage of his response, which he has done plenty of times before. When he has been able to find them, he gives them a bucketful of correspondence in response.
I myself have made statements, after which the attorney-general has sent off a barrage of correspondence demanding apologies, demanding this and that in lieu of defamation action, and so forth. It is just horrific. As a member of parliament, I can take it, but we had one person in my electorate of Bragg who had written to the attorney-general during the course of the preceding term about his concerns in respect to the David Hicks issue. I want members to appreciate how vindictive and nasty the former attorney-general can get when he finds out that someone has written to him and he objects to a statement that they have made.
The attorney-general wrote back to this constituent in Hazelwood Park and he explained what the government's position and policy were in respect to David Hicks. The first page actually seemed quite rational. It was an explanation of the government's position and it was quite clearly set out as to the position that the government had taken. On page 2, however, in the penultimate paragraph, this poor hapless member of the community gets a spray of abuse from the attorney-general—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: Quote it!
Ms CHAPMAN: I am going to bring it in during the course of this debate—a spray of abuse—but how dare he even have the audacity to raise this issue in objection with the attorney-general. After all, he was a resident of Hazelwood Park so he should be complaining to the local member and not to him as the attorney-general. Let me remind members that members of the government are supposed be there for all South Australians, irrespective of where they might live. If they live in Hazelwood Park or any other Liberal electorate, or whether they live in the Treasurer's electorate of Port Adelaide, they are entitled to representation. To be rudely responded to in a reply which utterly rejected and complained of the audacity of someone to even write to the attorney-general on this important issue—
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: Quote it, Vickie.
Ms CHAPMAN: I will bring the quote in. It was a disgrace, an absolute disgrace. We know that the former attorney-general has got form. It was no surprise, in the end, that when this debate went wild in the public early in the election campaign and the outrage from the public that followed, we knew then what the attorney-general's form was like. He just corroborated it by his behaviour on radio subsequently. When he was caught out even in the simple case of someone he claimed did not even exist, eventually he comes crawling back with his response and that was, 'Oh, we put this through and this is my interpretation, but the Liberal Party supported it'.
I ask members to remember, as was evident from the other place, the undertakings that we were given in respect to this. It is a disgraceful situation when we are told one thing in a briefing, and even the parliament, and yet the attorney-general would come back and purport to introduce his new definition about what it should be. His behaviour is reprehensible. However, it occurred and possibly his announcement on the day after the election that he was retiring may have had something to do with how the rest of his colleagues thought about it.
Mr Pengilly: He got retired.
Ms CHAPMAN: He got retired, I am sure. The important thing is this: he asserted this and he was found out. He then said, 'Well, I can't do anything about this. It is not only the Liberals' fault because they consented to it, but I cannot do anything about this.' I pointed out on radio that there was a regulation power that he could use to remedy this, to ensure that it was not abused during the forthcoming election. In fact, what did the former attorney-general do? He came out and said, 'That is outrageous. I cannot possibly interfere with the parliament. I cannot possibly do that. That would be unconstitutional,' and that was his claim publicly.
Well, of course 24 hours later he came crawling back (probably beaten up by the Premier and other members of the cabinet, who must have been thinking by this stage, 'We've got a real problem here. This bloke has to go,') and said, 'Well, actually, she's right. I can do that, and I now will do that.' He then sent me the draft regulation that he proposed to put out to try to remedy this. Isn't it amazing? Never in the history of the eight years I have been here—and I have covered law and order in the lower house, either completely or as a representative for the party—never once did the attorney-general send me a draft regulation for approval—never once, and nothing during the caretaker period in 2006.
Mr Pengilly: He's gone the Adelaide Oval defence.
Ms CHAPMAN: That's right, 'I know nothing. Nobody told me, or I can't remember,' whichever applies, whichever is necessary to deal with it. However, the regulations were there. The regulations are in place which protect, at the moment, the abuse of this occurring. This bill introduces an amendment to ensure that it is dealt with at the parliamentary level. I mention that because I want members to be aware that, by sending this matter to a select committee, we are not leaving the public at risk. Even if a by-election were called tomorrow (possibly for Croydon, but who knows?), there would be no risk because the regulations are there. They are already in place, they have not been challenged by the parliament, they are being carried out, and so there is no risk of the people of South Australia being dragged into this during the course of this inquiry. That is the protection that we have in the meantime.
We agree that, ultimately, this issue should be resolved legislatively and that it is not a matter that should be within the parameters of regulation, but it has been utilised in the meantime in the emergency of the situation, and it is there to continue to provide that protection pending the inquiry by the select committee. During the course of the election, and subsequently, it became clear that there were other practices or events, which we had become aware of and in fact had been reported to the Electoral Commissioner, which clearly needed to have some attention given to them. That is why it is important that we clean up quickly all these issues related to the 2010 election.
We were disappointed to note that in another place, this motion being presented, attempts were made to bring up all sorts of other expanded terms of reference that predated the 2010 election. They are matters that can be the subject of a separate inquiry if they wish, but it was clearly the opposition's position, supported by other minor parties, that we needed to clear up the problems that occurred during the 2010 election, of which there are a number. Regrettably, this bill attempts to deal with only two, but the other clauses of the select committee's terms of reference of inquiry, including the provision of voting services, do need to be looked at.
The postal vote process, which apparently was inadequate to allow a sufficient number of people to get their postal vote before the requisite period in sufficient time to return it and cast a valid vote, was at risk during the election. There were a number of complaints in respect of that and, in relation to services to people with disabilities and residents of declared institutions and the accessibility to have an opportunity to vote, one example was the apparent omission of a number of prospective electors in the Flinders Medical Centre Emergency Department on election day who, it is alleged, were deprived of the opportunity to vote. It is very important that we quickly get to the bottom of the integrity of the role. The subsequent assertions, which form the basis of some litigation pending in the courts—a court of disputed returns hearing—relate to this question of the integrity of the role.
We have always had challenges in making sure that everyone who is legally entitled to vote gets a chance to vote, and everyone who is not on the roll and should not be on the roll, is excluded. There is also a category of electors on the roll whom we need to protect ourselves from; for example, multiple voters. These are aspects that we need to consider, and they have been the subject of correspondence and media coverage since the election. We need to make sure we have adequate measures and verification to ensure that we are protected against any abuse by an elector, whether it is by multiple voting or the use of a dead person's name to vote, etc. These are the sorts of things that we need to look into.
We suggest that the management of the election also needs to be considered. The Electoral Commission is a body funded by the government, and there needs to be a yearly review about whether it has adequate resourcing, because it is not only responsible for state elections but also for local government. For example, when the APY lands have an election, it is under the supervision of the Electoral Commissioner, and there are various powers under the act to refer other elections to be supervised.
The Electoral Commissioner has a very important responsibility to ensure that we have honest and fair elections, and he or she must have adequate resources to do so, and to particularly make sure that we uphold the high level of democracy on which this state was established, the history of which we are proud and want to maintain.
The inquiry also gives an opportunity for members, or other candidates—indeed, anyone in the public—to put forward a submission about aspects of this last election that may not have become apparent or published but which are of concern to them. During the course of the election, there were complaints that did not necessarily receive formal status. I am aware of one, for example, where the member for Enfield—now Attorney-General—published a document which attempted to give himself some credibility by relying on the quote of the Leader of the Opposition, the then shadow attorney.
The member for Enfield made a statement during the course of debate in the parliament that he was the star on the other side. I would not have put that in a pamphlet, because it is all relative. If you are a star amongst a whole bunch of idiots, that is one thing. I would not have rushed to that. However, he did use it, and whether that was on the relativity argument or the accuracy of it, as I understand it, the Electoral Commissioner, in the oral inquiry, did not think it was inaccurate or misleading; in fact, it was merely a statement that had been made. However, as to the veracity of the statement or as to whether or not it actually helped him, I do not know. I think the member's vote dropped about 12 per cent or 15 per cent, or something incredible, like all of the cabinet members of the Rann government.
Fortunately for most of them, they had a sufficient cushion in voting numbers, which just confirms to me that clearly that was a strategy of the union movement in South Australia which was outraged with the conduct of the government over issues such as WorkCover and decided it would give them all a belting in their own electorates. That was pretty effective, especially when it came to the one in the marginal seat, the Hon. Jane Lomax-Smith, who was then the minister for education and held other portfolios. She suffered the same fate and, because she was in a marginal seat, she is of course no longer here in the parliament.
It is reasonable for candidates to refer to quotes from the parliament. What we say in here is to be accepted as a statement that is made; it is accurately recorded by our good friends from Hansard. I think one of the most effective that was used by the Liberal candidate against the candidate for the Labor Party in the seat of Enfield was the statement made by the candidate in which he said of his time in parliament, 'I usually sit here quietly, not really expecting to have to say anything.' That is his great contribution to the parliamentary debates during the course of his time previously here in the parliament. Sometimes they are helpful; sometimes they are not.
The Liberal candidate, Mr Westley, is now the Liberal Party of Australia's preselected candidate in the federal seat of Adelaide. I personally wish him great success, particularly as part of that electorate covers the state electorate of Bragg, as it also overlaps the state seats of Adelaide, Norwood and Unley. The state members of the house who represent those areas are all on the Liberal side, and we are very keen to support Luke in his endeavours in making sure that we bring back federal Adelaide to the Liberal Party. He was an outstanding candidate during the state campaign, and he will no doubt be an outstanding candidate against minister Ellis.
The position then is that we support in principle remedying these two defects that are the isolated and, we think, too-restrictive provisions of the bill. However, we want them to be properly investigated, with others, in the select committee inquiry, that the terms of reference of that select committee inquiry are sufficiently narrow to ensure that that can happen promptly and, finally, that we should come back with proper consideration of this matter and have a bill before us which remedies these defects so that we properly progress not only to the next state election but also any other local government or other elections of which the Electoral Commissioner is vested to supervise.
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon) (12:03): In the O'Connor side of my family the 1949 election campaign is folklore; in particular, that part of it when the member for the federal division of Reid, Jack Lang, accused Ben Chifley in the hours before polling in 1949 of being a moneylender. Jack Lang's accusation, completely false as it was and designed to get an Independent some publicity, was very damaging to prime minister Chifley, who was campaigning for the nationalisation of the banks.
As a result of that, according to O'Connor family folklore, the Menzies government that was elected at that election changed the law so that there would be an electronic media blackout for 48 hours before an election to stop people like Jack Lang making damaging false allegations that were calculated to affect the result of the election—not that I accept for a minute O'Connor family folklore that that is why Ben Chifley lost the election. That is my understanding of why the electronic media blackout came in. Of course, the commonwealth does not have the power to impose a non-electronic media blackout for 48 hours and that is why it is confined to the commonwealth constitutional power over electronic media.
It is important that material issued in the course of an election campaign, disseminated widely in The Advertiser, The Australian, the Messenger newspapers, and in an online journal like Adelaidenow, which is calculated to affect the result of the election, is labelled as being from a real person. It is important, in my view, that material issued under noms de plume or deliberately false names not be issued in the course of an election campaign because that material one day is going to affect the result of a general election, it is going to affect the results in lower house seats and it may affect the result in the upper house. If that material is issued, someone should take responsibility for it, and that is why I introduced the provision I did in the electoral bill.
I said on the eve of the campaign that the Adelaidenow website was a sewer of criminal defamation, identity theft and fraud. I said it without the cover of parliamentary privilege, and I stand by it. I notice that David Penberthy, the News Limited reporter, came out with a column after this controversy and said, 'Michael Atkinson is right about that,' because the online blogs have become just that: a sewer of criminal defamation, identity theft and fraud. I could give many examples in this house today that—
Ms Chapman interjecting:
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: Sorry, I do not have an hour to speak like the member for Bragg; I have only 20 minutes. I could give many examples but I will give just one. Obviously, Paul Starick, Michael Owen-Brown and Colin James, who run the Adelaidenow website, thought it was appropriate that a blog should be published saying that the Premier is a friend and protector of kiddie fiddlers. That will give you the tone of the Adelaidenow blog site. It is not just Labor that suffers; it is also MPs from other parties and Independents. Who takes responsibility for that? Well, certainly not the author because it was published under a nom de plume or a false name.
When I talk about identity theft and fraud, even in the aftermath of this controversy when you would have thought Adelaidenow would be on its best behaviour, there were something like, it appeared, six different people using my name and my address to blog on the Adelaidenow website. I ask members opposite to think: is that a good thing; should that be allowed? Well, I don't think so.
I stand by the original intention which was to say that material issued in an online journal like Adelaidenow in the election period, and only in the election period, should carry a real name, checked by the publication, and a postcode. Of course, the requirement for printed material is greater than that: it has to be a real name and a home address. I think that is a good requirement for civilising political discourse. Someone has to take responsibility in the election period—and it is only in the election period. In the other four years, the law lets it rip. In the other four years, people can continue to criminally defame people online under false names or noms de plume.
So, it affects only the four weeks every four years during an election period. Nevertheless, because News Limited has a commercial interest, ultimately, in sexing up its online content and ultimately charging for it (making you pay for it), News Limited had a commercial interest in stopping this law, and News Limited came out and said, 'You will stop this law.' And even though all 69 MPs in this parliament agreed to this law, they ran like rabbits the minute News Limited came out and said, 'We want this law repealed.'
I found myself out there supporting this law and, really, no-one else backing me, least of all the member for Bragg who invented some story about not understanding it and blamed those splendid people from the policy and legislation section of the Attorney-General's Department for misleading her. I don't think so! We had the claim from Hendrick Gout of TheIndependent Weekly that, in saying that we would repeal this law after the election, we were somehow forcing him to break the law—no such thing.
What we did do, though, is pass a regulation which clarified the scope of the parent statute so that hardly anyone would be caught by this provision during the election period. The original contribution of the member for Bragg to this debate was to reverse her position, to fall into line with her News Limited masters and say that she was now against this law and that you should be allowed to defame people anonymously or under a false name during the election period in a way calculated to affect the result of the election.
The member for Bragg said that the then attorney-general (namely me) should suspend the operation of the law. Well, early that morning, I told ABC radio that I could not suspend the operation of the law because that was unconstitutional; and, indeed, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 had occurred so that the executive could not suspend the operation of laws passed by parliament.
Ms Chapman: The guillotine.
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: No, they did not use the guillotine at that time; that was a century later, in a different country, for the benefit of the member for Bragg. But when the member for Bragg said that we could pass a regulation to limit the scope of the law and to clarify it, I said within hours that that was a good idea and I accepted it, and I did it in a display of holy bipartisanship, entirely matching my vulnerable political position.
We did pass that regulation, so neither Hendrick Gout nor any other publisher was at any risk of being prosecuted during the election period. The government was not encouraging anyone to break the law, nor did my public servants ever mislead the member for Bragg or anyone about the scope of the effect of this law. Indeed, minister Holloway quite correctly stated the scope of the law; and, indeed, for the member for Bragg to say that I ever issued an edict saying anything different is straightforward verballing, and the member for Bragg will be unable to find such an edict or introduce it to the house.
I notice that, in the aftermath of the murder of Carly Ryan, there is some concern about people such as her murderer misrepresenting themselves online, and the harm and the damage that can be done in our society by people using blogging, the internet and social networking sites to deceive and mislead people, in this case, leading to the death of Carly Ryan. I think Nick Xenophon has had some good things to say about how we should regulate this, yet we see here—admittedly on a much smaller scale—the same problem, that is, blogging sites being used to mislead readers. Things are being added to blog sites, calculated to affect the result of the election, that are blatantly untrue. The member for Bragg, and all those who live in servitude to News Limited, come into this house and change the law—quite a sensible law—just to pander to the commercial interests of News Limited.
I am not even exempting myself from this, because I am as guilty as the rest of you because I announced the change of policy on the eve of the election campaign. However, eventually, there is going to be a federal or state election, the outcome of which is corrupted or perverted by someone going online and making criminally defamatory allegations, that is, allegations knowing them to be untrue or recklessly indifferent to whether they are true, and doing so under a false name or a nom de plume. In my view, we are all going to squeal when it happens but, here we are, making it possible.
There is a man in our society who is something of an expert on information technology and he took me aside after all this happened and said, 'Mick, I agree with you. People who publish things online in the course of an election campaign ought to put their real name to it. However, mate, you have to realise this: you are about 50 and I am about 50, and we all think that because we have grown up with it.' But there is another generation coming along, my son's generation, who regard it as their right to be able to publish false and misleading material online under a false name, because that is what they do. They get a kick out of it. It is the nature of blogging. This man said to me, 'Mick, don't worry about it, no-one takes it seriously. They only read their own blog. They don't bother to read anyone else's. They only go online to see what they contributed, and no-one believes it. It's junk.' I think that man is giving me good advice. I think he is correct.
But the problem we have is that people such as Paul Starick, the editor of the Adelaidenow website and the blog site, pulls material off his electronic site and then tries to treat it as representative of public opinion. So, he will publish a story on Adelaidenow saying X number of people or this percentage of bloggers think this and the government should respond to it. We had the extraordinary poll that he commissioned on Adelaidenow asking people, 'Who is going to win the state election?' Most of them said the Liberal Party. The second largest group said Gamers4Croydon were going to win the general election, even though they did not have enough candidates to form a majority in the House of Assembly. Apparently, the second-largest number of Adelaidenow readers and bloggers thought that Gamers4Croydon were going to win the general election. Of course, the third-largest number thought the Australian Labor Party was going to win.
We also had the Adelaidenow online poll after the now deputy leader (then the member for MacKillop) came out and told the truth about the Liberal Party and the city stadium, and he said the Liberal Party has not promised that taxpayers' money is going to go into a city stadium. That was true but, because it was contrary to News Limited policy, the editor of Adelaidenow put up a poll saying—and I cannot remember the exact terms—'Mitch Williams is a wally, Mitch Williams is a git, Mitch Williams is a fool, Mitch Williams is a moron' and, if you agreed with Mitch Williams and thought he was a good bloke and wanted to vote for him, you did not have a button that you could press. That was not a choice available to you.
So, this is the quality of the publications that will cover civic life in South Australia from now on. Make no mistake: The Advertiser is the past, Adelaidenow is the future. We are now voting to give them a licence in the election period to publish deliberately false and misleading material under false names or under a nom de plume.
Turning to the second element of the bill, the so-called dodgy how-to-vote cards, I notice that the member for Bragg made no analysis of the figures in Mawson, Morialta, Light or Hartley purporting to show that they affected the outcome of the election. Nevertheless, I agree with this provision because it was me who put it up in the electoral bill before the election. If the Liberal Party and Family First had agreed to pass my electoral bill in its original form, what happened with the dodgy how-to-vote cards in Morialta, Mawson Light and Hartley could not have happened because it would have been against the law.
Why did I introduce this provision? Well, because the Liberal Party did the same in the state district of Mawson in 2006. Of course, that is why the Hon. Robert Brokenshire did not want this provision to go through—because it would have prohibited what he himself did as the Liberal member for Mawson in the 2006 general election. It is a good provision, and I hope it passes both houses of parliament swiftly.
One final comment about the dodgy how-to-vote cards: it is my experience that about two-thirds of Family First preferences normally go to the Liberal Party and about one-third go to the Labor Party, if one calculates it purely in two-party preferred terms. If Family First directs its preferences to the Labor candidate (as I am pleased to say it did in the state district of Croydon), then Labor can get a bit more than 33 per cent of Family First preferences. We might get 50 or 60 per cent, but we certainly do not get more than that.
Family First is a minor party and generally gets a pretty small proportion of the vote, and two-thirds of the preferences are predetermined, so we are only talking about the one-third of Family First second preferences in the middle of that admittedly small vote. We are talking about very small beer, and really I do not understand why it was done by the Liberals in 2006, and I do not understand why it was done by some of our candidates in 2010.
Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (12:23): I have greatly enjoyed sitting here this morning listening to the contributions of the members for Bragg and Croydon, the defunct former attorney-general. However, I do not know whether legislation will ever be able to outmanoeuvre those who seek to beat the system. I was greatly interested in what the member for Croydon had to say, particularly about blogs, websites and God knows what else, because I actually agree with him. I think the whole thing is totally out of control. Anybody can say anything and not be responsible or accountable; this is the problem. I have no argument with that whatsoever. It concerns me how on earth we will elect people to this place from any party in the future with this sort of thing going on. That is the worry of it.
I come from a very conservative country electorate, and the vast majority of people in that electorate, whether they be 18 or 88 years old, could not have been bothered with that sort of nonsense, they really could not have been. It is interesting that, even in 2006, when I was first elected to this place, The Times newspaper in Victor Harbor ran a blog poll. From memory, I think it showed that the Labor Party candidate would get about 90 per cent of the vote and I was doomed. Well—and this is how stupid it is—our people got on there and levelled things up a bit. As it turned out, the Labor Party candidate in that election got beaten—and got beaten by an even larger amount in the election of 20 March; so I am quite happy about that.
It is an issue and, as technology and our means of communication change over the next five, 10, 20 or 30 years—and it is questionable whether they will improve, I might add—I seriously wonder whether people who stand for election in this place—if the federal parliament has not tried to get rid of us—will get a fair go and who will be elected to this place with all the stuff that is perpetrated online these days.
I find it extremely devious, and I was quite appalled at what was perpetrated through the last election in those seats where the artificial Family First T-shirt campaign and posters were put in place. I believe in a fair go. I come from a long line of Australians who believe in a fair go, and I suspect people in this place believe in a fair go. However, some of our political apparatchik do not believe in a fair go. They believe in 'win at all costs'. That's wonderful but let me tell you, Madam Deputy Speaker, that I would prefer to be on that side of the house than this side of the house, so things may change.
Quite clearly, this legislation has created a substantial amount of debate in the Liberal Party, as it rightly should. There are those from either side who watched with alarm the outcome of the election in some seats as a result of dubious practices by the Australian Labor Party, in particular, in an attempt to shore up its candidates in a couple of seats.
I will watch and listen with interest to further debate in this place. I am not sure whether we will get much more debate in this house, but I am sure that in the upper house, with the wealth of knowledge and the different members from different parties and the Independents in that place, it will be debated long into the night when it finally gets there; and I suspect that, if it is considered in a committee, it will come back in a different form from what it is in this place. It will not go away in a hurry. We need to try to get it as right as possible. I know that we will not always be in agreement on it, but I watch with interest the passage of the bill and how it eventually ends up.
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:28): I will contribute briefly to this debate. This is an important issue, and I am pleased to say it was not an issue that played out directly in the electorate of Stuart. I was fortunate enough to be running against quite a decent chap from the Labor Party. We spoke early on—well in advance of a year of the election—and agreed that neither of us wanted to be part of anything dodgy, underhanded or personally malicious. I credit him with not having participated in anything like that (to the best of my knowledge) and if he did, it did not work.
This issue is more broad than just the electorate of Stuart and, clearly, the electorates of Morialta, Mawson, Light and Hartley were directly affected by it. I think the bottom line is that the Labor Party participated where it thought it might make a difference; with very few exceptions—which, I understand, includes the member for Bright, and I congratulate her on that—the Labor Party did it where it thought it would make a big difference. That is sneaky, deceptive and very disappointing.
It does give me the opportunity to show the leadership of our two parties in great contrast, because there is no way that this sort of thing would have gone on without the leaders of the parties, the then and current Premier and the Leader of the Opposition, having the opportunity to weigh into this and very actively take part in discussion about whether their parties would participate. It clearly shows a very contrasting style of leadership and a very contrasting style of electioneering, both before and after the election.
In the last election our leader did absolutely nothing along these lines, and I think that is tremendous. I think from the top down, all the way from the current Premier through to candidates at the last election, this was clearly a plan of the Labor Party. It might be possible that some of the candidates whose electorates would not be affected by this were unaware of it, but from the top down the Labor Party would have known exactly what was going on. I repeat: I am sure that—with very few exceptions, including the member for Bright's electorate— the party did it where it thought it would work. To try to stay on any high moral ground any more than that does not count.
The other thing I would like to say is that I was not aware of this; I was not aware of this at all until immediately after the election—that is okay; Stuart is a long way from where all this happened—but guess what? Neither was the public. The public was not aware of this either until after it was too late. It was clearly designed to be a sneak attack at the last minute to deceive everyone involved. Then, when the public outrage became so clear and when everyone was so angry and upset—and we all know that at the time the public view of the Labor Party and the government was very dim with regard to this particular issue—the government decided it was important to bring forward this bill.
Of course the opposition supports this bill in this house. Our position is that we also want to refer it to the newly established select committee in the other place, but of course we support opposition to anything to do with fraud and deception at any time, and particularly when it comes to the public leading up to an election. Another thing that I believe it is very important to say—if you will allow me to move a little off the strict topic here, Madam Deputy Speaker—is that the select committee will look into a slightly broader range of issues than this bill puts forward and, on behalf of the people of Stuart, I would like to say a few words about postal votes, which are related to this topic.
We had a great deal of concern about postal votes in Stuart. Because of the timing of the issuing of the writ it was actually impossible for the Electoral Commission to get all the work done that needed to be done between the issuing of the writ and the election date. What happened was that a lot of people in Stuart—and I am sure in a lot of other electorates, particularly the further flung ones more distant from Adelaide—applied for postal votes on time, did everything expected of them according to the schedule asked but did not get their postal votes back in time to vote. So it was physically impossible for them to vote.
That caused a great deal of difficulty for a lot of people, and a lot of people contacted Graham Gunn's office before the election to talk about this issue specifically. This is a structural problem that needs to be addressed. I understand that the Labor Party would have looked to issue the writs as late as possible, quite likely with regard to causing this problem, but there were lots of people who did not receive their postal votes until during the week before the election—so, less than one week before the election. Now, you may have applied for a postal vote because you would be away on holidays or because you would be away working and would not be home to get it and, in a remote place in my electorate, you could not go to an alternative polling booth or a post office or something like that.
If you are in a remote place and you have applied for a postal vote and you get mail once a week, which happens in an enormous part of outback South Australia, you might get your postal vote back during the week before the election, and it is impossible, even if you have not gone away, to return your postal vote. So, that is a big issue, and I appreciate, Madam Deputy Speaker, your allowing me to talk about that for a minute. Going back to the core issue, I say that no-one can deny that the Labor Party pursued this strategy in the lead-up to the election because it thought it would work, not because they were manipulated or because any candidate in any particular electorate was allowed to twist someone's arm. It was a Labor Party policy. It was disgraceful and something I would like to think we will never enter into in the future.
Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (12:36): I rise to speak on the Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill. It is with great concern that I speak on this bill, because I think it is inadequate in relation to correcting the problem it sets out to fix. I think it is appropriate that we signal that this should be considered by the Legislative Council select committee, as the opposition has done. Having said that, I want to briefly touch on what that select committee will be investigating.
The select committee was brought about by a motion in the Legislative Council that predated the introduction of this bill, so I am very interested in what that select committee comes up with. The select committee's terms of reference are as follows:
(a) the use of bogus how-to-vote cards and other election day material to mislead voters and measures that may be necessary to ensure that electors are not misled;
(b) provision of voting services, including voting by post, services to people with disabilities and residents of declared institutions;
(c) the integrity of the roll, including the identification of voters presenting and measures for subsequent verification; and
(d) management of the election by the Electoral Commission, including the powers and resources available to the commission.
Clearly, as other speakers have noted, this bill deals with two specific issues, that is, the bogus how-to-vote cards and the publication of people's names when they place content on internet sites.
I do not have any particular comment to make in relation to the second point. However, in relation to the bogus how-to-vote cards, I stand here as one of the four members who represent electorates in which these bogus how-to-vote cards were used. I proudly stand here as the only one of those members who was not responsible for using those bogus how-to-vote cards.
As others have done, I congratulate the member for Bright on her integrity in refusing to allow her moral standing to be compromised, and I think she did a very good job for her electors in maintaining their faith. However, the point is that the electors went to the polling booth and were confronted by people who were presenting as Family First volunteers. In many cases, those electors who sought out the Family First how-to-vote cards were not provided with that how-to-vote card—those people who wanted to support that party were given a misleading and deceptive how-to-vote card by the Australian Labor Party.
Obviously, as a candidate at the election, I was not able to hand out how-to-vote cards on election day, because for a candidate to hand out how-to-vote cards election day is obviously against the law. However, I was keeping in close touch with many of the volunteers in the Morialta electorate who were handing out how-to-vote-cards for me. I think it is worth placing on the record the chain of events as they happened. Of course, in the morning, all of the volunteers from both sides (that is, the Labor Party and the Liberal Party) arrived, often quite early in the morning and in most booths in Morialta the night before and they looked after the booths through the night.
At 7 o'clock the Family First people arrived and put up their posters as well, and they started handing out how-to-vote cards. At 8 o'clock, a separate group of supposedly Family First volunteers arrived wearing slightly different coloured T-shirts. They had the words 'Put your Family First' on their T-shirt, with the words 'Family First' in extremely large font to the point where they were clearly presenting as apparent Family First volunteers. Initially, we were wondering what was going on. We thought that maybe Family First had an idea that they would have some blue people and some red people.
About half an hour later, when people started coming back with questions, it became apparent that these were, in fact, bogus how-to-vote cards, they were preferencing Labor. Also of note is that they were presenting as Family First volunteers. I am looking at the Family First Hartley ticket here, which is along the same lines as the one that was in Morialta, but it does not even mention the Family First lead candidate in the Legislative Council. So, people were accepting this Family First how-to-vote card and they were not even being advised to vote for Family First in the Legislative Council. It could not be more deceptive.
At about 9 o'clock the Family First candidate in Morialta, who is a very fine woman and who I was in contact with (through my campaign team) regularly throughout the morning, was visiting polling booths to see what was going on. She was distraught at the fact that she had given up her time and made the effort to put herself on the line to offer herself for election, I think, it is fair to say, primarily in order to support the Hon. Robert Brokenshire as the lead Family First candidate in the Legislative Council. That the Labor Party volunteers would seek to completely devalue that effort was distressing to her, and she was distressed that in many booths the Labor Party's volunteers—and I use that term advisedly, which I will come to—were outnumbering the Family First how-to-vote card people, so as to suggest that maybe they were the legitimate ones.
We know from the public record that has been admitted in the media by a number of people involved, that we are talking about staffers for Labor ministers interstate, members of the Labor Party and close personal associates of people in the Labor Party presenting as Family First volunteers. I think the Family First Party is absolutely justified and it is totally understandable why they would be so upset. I note that the leader of the Family First Party, the Hon. Dennis Hood, described it as 'deceptive, misleading, and plainly shows nothing but contempt for the political process.'
In his comments earlier, the member for Croydon, I noted, was talking a little bit about analysis of the election, so I thought it would be appropriate to consider some of the analysis that was given to the election. The member for Croydon, in his speech, spent most of the time actively disapproving of the Adelaidenow website and News Limited and also had a go at Hendrik Gout, but I will leave that until later. I will start with somebody who is generally respected across the board as an astute political analyst, Flinders University political scientist Dean Jaensch, who said it is 'the worst example of its kind I've seen in a 40-year career' and 'it is deceitful, deliberately designed to mislead voters. No doubt at all.'
The Independent Weekly, when it was dealing with this, helpfully, on the front page of the paper, provided a definition of the word 'fraud' as 'noun: trickery, sharp practice, any deception, artifice or trick,' and it is difficult to consider this matter without actually bearing that word in mind, and many have not. Hendrik Gout, in his article, said:
South Australian voters have been deceived in an election that was largely about trust, by a political party that apparently has no moral qualms about duping its way into government.
How apt. The Sunday Mail took a similar line, explaining:
Labor candidates who participated in this naked grab for power by allowing voters to be deliberately tricked should consider their victories forever tarnished, if not illegitimate. While they enjoy the fruits of office, the damage that has been wrought on our political system is horrendous. The public's faith in those who seek office has been enormously eroded, and the price on that trust is beyond measure.
I take very seriously the standards to which our communities expect us to behave in this place. I think that it is a great shame that the Labor government, through its candidates and its party's head office, has chosen to act in this way and to disregard those principles and standards to which we should all hold ourselves. The Sunday Mail also pointed towards William Glasser's choice theory by pointing out that 'people are responsible for their own behaviour, including where they set their ethical bar'. Again, I congratulate the member for Bright in setting her ethical bar higher than the Labor Party administration and those who have sought to retain power at any price; as Graham Richardson used to say, 'Whatever it takes.'
The member for Croydon, in his earlier contribution, said that the Liberal Party is being disingenuous by providing no analysis of the figures. I think he was trying to make the point that perhaps this poor behaviour by his side of politics did not change the results in any seats. Some people have described this to me as the attempted murder defence: I never actually killed him, so therefore what is the harm, what is the foul? The fact is, when people make a decision to behave in an immoral and irresponsible fashion, completely discarding the principles which we should hold dear as we pursue a liberal democracy, they are stepping over that line. They are responsible for their own behaviour, including where they set their ethical bar. They have been found to be unworthy.
I think that this warrants sincere consideration by more than a two paragraph press release from the Attorney-General, by more than a three-page piece of legislation that is introduced without any serious consideration of what the best way to go is; therefore, I support this being dealt with by a select committee. I hope that, over the next few days as the time draws near for the submissions to go to that select committee on 2 July, many people who feel as I do, that this behaviour is not good enough, will continue to do so. I hope that the government will reflect on its behaviour. It should not be the case that this sort of behaviour needs to be illegal in order that it not be pursued by a government that claims to want to represent the people of South Australia; they should know better than that.
Mr BROCK (Frome) (12:47): I, along with other members in this house, would like the opportunity to speak on the Electoral (Publication of Electoral Material) Amendment Bill. First up, I will make it quite clear that I believe in honesty, being upfront and giving all my opponents a fair go. I believe that everybody who puts their name up for an election, whether it is in state, federal or local government, should be honest and everything should be equal. They put themselves up to serve their electorate in whatever form, and the people of their communities will make their decision based on the information that is given to the media of that particular region and also based on what is in the state media. I have some grave concerns—and it did not happen in my electorate of Frome—and I was very surprised and disappointed when I saw some of the misleading information in other electorates of the state leading up to the previous state election.
As do other members here—and I will mention the member for Stuart in particular—I believe in allowing certain things, for example, what happens with the corflutes. Whilst time allowed us to put up those corflutes, I was on the road with three other groups, and we split my electorate into different regions. Basically, we were allowed to go in straight after midnight, but we got on the road at 7am. We went to some of my small communities in the electorate of Frome. In terms of my staff and volunteers, I am very appreciative of the 125 people who gave me a hand on the day.
We had to place my corflutes basically on every pole that I could grab in the small communities leading into that region. I do not think that is the best way to do it. If you have five candidates for an election, each one is entitled (if they are legally entitled) to put up that promotional material, ensuring that we all share the small amount of space and that we do not pollute the small communities. In the electorate of Frome everybody wore T-shirts, but the message on them was very clear. They very clearly showed the candidate's name and whether they were Independent, Country, Labor, Family First, or whatever they were; they were very clear messages.
So, when people come to the polling booth on the day, it is very confronting because, if five candidates are standing, and five people are trying to get there first to give out the how-to-vote cards, it is terrifying for some people, and some are so concerned or disappointed that they really fear going to a polling booth for fear of being intimidated. I honestly have to say that I pay tribute to every candidate in my electorate, because it was very fair. It was very clean and clear, with no misinterpretation to the electors. The only thing I would say is that, if you are handing out how-to-vote cards, the card should state the name of the candidate whose No. 1 vote is being asked for.
We had a how-to-vote card for the leader of one of the major parties, and I believe that is very misleading, as small communities are going to vote for the person who they think should represent them for the next four years. We do not personally pick the Premier of the state or the Prime Minister of our country. The parties pick those, and that is the democratic system. Similarly, the how-to-vote cards should be for the candidate themselves, not for the leader of the political party. This was very confusing and daunting to some of the older people, and to some of the younger people, who really do not understand the system.
I will now touch on the postal voting cards that went out. Both major parties send these out to as many as they can in their electorates, and it is very confusing for the voters out there. People came to me saying, 'Why haven't I got one of your postal vote cards?' I explained that I did not believe in doing that and that, if they wanted an application for a postal vote, they should apply to the Electoral Commissioner. However, it is very confusing because people see that card and ask why they need to send that application (they presume it is an actual voting card) back to the candidate of that electorate. Going forward, this is something that I believe we really should be putting a stop to, and I would love the committee to be able to look at that as one of those items.
On the occasion of the last election, one of the major parties (I am not going to name the party as they know who they are) sent how-to-vote applications to aged-care facilities in the electorate. I am a novice at this, as I have only been here for 14 to 16 months, but even I know that the Electoral Commissioner has people who go to hospitals and aged-care facilities. The major parties should not send application cards or applications for postal votes to aged-care facilities.
It becomes very confusing because what happens is, as you are probably aware, Madam Deputy Speaker, they get these cards, they think it is the only card they have to fill out and they send it back. When the Electoral Commissioner comes around on polling day with their staff, the professionals from the Electoral Commission, they are very confused because they then vote again, which puts more pressure on the Electoral Commissioner. If the polling in that particular electorate is very close, it can put the result in doubt or make it a long time before a decision is made. That is something that we really need to do going forward, and I hope that this committee will look at that.
The member for Stuart paid tribute to his opponents. I will do that with mine. I will compare this general election with the by-election. In February last year, the by-election was entirely different. It was very clear, very fair and we all got on very well. We all knew that we would put our hands up and the people would make the choice. I am grateful that the people of Frome gave me the opportunity to represent them for the next four years and I will be working with all the parties here to ensure that we go forward.
We have a couple of minutes remaining. One of the things is that, in the community, there is a fair bit of cynicism towards major parties and politics. I think we need to be very clear and upfront, because leading up to an election we all get bombarded with promises and lots of statements and commitments, and it is very confusing. If we had to pay for all the commitments made during the election campaign, I think we would be up to about $1.5 billion, which is not going to help the budget going forward.
The last thing we should do is create more confusion for the electors on polling day. Electors should be able to come to a polling booth and, when they are approached, it should be in a friendly manner. There should be very clear—not misleading—information on people's T-shirts and/or the how-to-vote cards. The member for Stuart has just handed me a note; I agree with the member for Stuart. We get on very well, we have adjoining electorates and we will be working very closely together on various issues, as I will be with the member for Schubert and the member for Goyder, among others. I will finish by referring to the member for Stuart's note: 'The way you campaign indicates the way you will operate as a member if you are successful.' I thank the member for Stuart for that: it is a very good saying and I certainly endorse it. I rest my case.
Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (12:58): Thank you to the member for Frome for attempting to drag his contribution out to one o'clock. I, too, would like to echo the sentiments of the member for Frome and also the member for Stuart and say that, in the seat of Flinders, the election was fought as a very clean fight. In fact, all my opponents fought the clean fight. We saw a lot of each other during the election. In a country community, we were often all at the same event at the same time.
In many ways, we in Flinders were untouched by the election trickery that occurred on 20 March this year. I note that there were no dodgy how-to-vote cards in my electorate. There were no dodgy T-shirts used in my electorate. However, I would like to put on the record my absolute disdain for the deceitful conduct of the Australian Labor Party in those marginal metropolitan seats where bogus how-to-vote cards were used. In fact, I think it goes to the very heart of our parliamentary democracy, and I think South Australians were rightly outraged by what occurred at that state election. I believe that this bill seeks to ensure that such a deceptive practice never occurs again at any future election. I seek leave to continue my remarks.
Leave granted; debate adjourned.
[Sitting suspended from 13:00 to 14:00]