Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Office for Autism
The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:09): Supplementary: given the role overlaps with other departments, what is your plan to ensure that, as Minister for Autism, you are able to work with those departments for the best outcomes? Also, if you would like to take on notice around the budget and FTE, that would be great.
The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Autism, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (15:09): In regard to how we can make this work in the best way for not only the government but also the community, I am really proud that it is based in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. It is enabling us to work across the entirety of government. I made very clear when we established the office that having it there enables us to work across all government departments. My role as minister is to make sure we are getting the right people to the table to have those conversations and to facilitate those conversations, and I am really proud that we have been able to achieve that.