Parliamentary Procedure
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Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
APY Lands General Manager
The Hon. F. PANGALLO (15:01): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs a question about the appointment of a general manager to the APY lands.
Leave granted.
The Hon. F. PANGALLO: Throughout last year, starting in April and finishing in October, I asked the minister a series of questions about the highly contentious process to select and appoint a new general manager to the APY lands. This followed the government's decision in March last year not to approve the terms and conditions of a new contract for the then incumbent general manager, Richard King, which set in play the controversial selection process for his replacement.
I have already articulated in this place the numerous controversies surrounding Mr King and the belief by many elders on the lands that Mr King is unsuitable for the role. They have alleged that he is a bully who resorts to abuse and violence to get his way. I also articulated in this place last year the seriously dubious selection process that followed, where highly qualified candidates who applied weren't even shortlisted for interview, while Mr King—who didn't apply for the position—was somehow recommended by the APY lands board to be reappointed.
When I asked the minister in October whether he had made a decision to approve Mr King's terms and conditions, he revealed that he hadn't at the time and had asked for further information. This is despite the fact Mr King has had more than 10 adverse findings against him in failed Supreme Court judgements, Ombudsman's reports and independent mediators' reports. My questions to the minister are:
1. Have you yet approved Mr King's terms and conditions?
2. What was the additional information you sought, and from whom and which department?
3. If so, how can you as the government representative approve the terms and conditions of his contract, virtually rubberstamping the board's contentious decision, given Mr King's controversial past?
4. Do you have any concerns over the entire selection process?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State) (15:03): I thank the honourable member for his question. As I have said a number of times in response to questions from the honourable member about appointments that the APY Executive make in relation to the general manager, it is not my decision as the minister about who is appointed. That is the decision—and that is how the legislation is written—of the APY Executive.
It is up to the minister of the day, as the previous minister, the former Premier, was minister of the day when Mr King's last contract was approved. Not to approve the actual appointment is not the role of the minister, but to approve the terms and conditions that are put forward. As I have said, I think—and I will double-check this—the correspondence said there was a unanimous resolution of the board to reappoint Mr King to the position.
I have asked for further information in relation to just a couple of aspects about the terms and conditions that were being proposed. I am happy to go and check. I will need to take on notice the specific aspects that were requested. That was at the end of last year, but I am happy to take that on notice and bring it back to the honourable member but, once satisfied of those, it is not my role, as I said, to determine who the APY Executive choose; it is to be satisfied of the terms and conditions.
The PRESIDENT: Supplementary question, the Hon. Mr Pangallo, arising from the answer.