Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 04, 2025


Office for Autism

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:07): My questions are for the Minister for Autism regarding the Office for Autism operations:

1. As Minister for Autism, what are your key roles and responsibilities?

2. Which department is the Office for Autism sitting under, or are there plans for there to be a standalone department?

3. What is the current budget and FTE, and has that changed since she has become Minister for Autism?

4. Which minister does the Office for Autism now report to?

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Autism, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (15:08): I thank the member for her question and I congratulate her on her new position. The Office for Autism is still based in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. That is where it was established and that is where it is. It is an incredible nation-leading policy to have the Office for Autism and one that we are very proud of.

Their role is to make sure that the community can reach out to them and be supported and to be driving our policy agenda in this space, and that is something I am really proud of. Now, going on the journey from being the Assistant Minister for Autism and now becoming the Minister for Autism and being able to take those voices directly to the cabinet table is an incredible outcome for the autistic and autism communities.