Legislative Council: Thursday, July 07, 2022


Cross Border Commissioner Bill

Final Stages

The House of Assembly agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the House of Assembly desires the concurrence of the Legislative Council:

No 1 Clause 3, page 2, line 13 to page 3, line 32 [clause 3, definitions of government agency, responsible Minister and State authority]—Delete the definitions

No 2 Clause 5 Delete this clause

No 3 Clause 8, page 5, line 13 [clause 8(g)]—Delete ‘in accordance with section 9’ and substitute:

in consultation with the Minister

No 4 Clause 9 Delete this clause

No 5 Clause 10 Delete this clause

No 6 Clause 15, page 7, line 19 [clause 15(1)]—Delete ‘Act’ and substitute:


Sitting suspended from 13:02 to 14:15.