Legislative Council: Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Scissor Lifts

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (14:57): Supplementary: did the Treasurer pre-empt this discussion meeting of 5 July, that he should have been well aware was to take place, with his previous statements in recent months on this matter in the council, and will he now clarify whether the government's position on the use of spotters and standards on sites using scissor lifts is open, to be announced at a later date, or whether he stands by his previous comments that the government would not consider the Coroner's recommendations?

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Franks, that concerns directly the bill, so I am going to have to probably rule that out of order.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: No, it actually pre-empts the discussion meeting that the Treasurer called himself; it has nothing to do with the bill. The government could bring forth a bill and clarify their position, but it is not actually a question about the bill.

The PRESIDENT: Treasurer, do you have anything to add to that question?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:58): Other than it directly relates to the issues in the bill that the Hon. Mr Pangallo is canvassing. I am in your hands, Mr President. My understanding of the standing orders is—and there have been rulings before when we were in opposition—that, if there is a bill before the house, we are not entitled to canvass the issues that are in the bill. The Hon. Ms Franks has been here for a number of years and she would be familiar with those previous rulings, so this is nothing new.

We will have the opportunity to discuss these issues, Mr President, but I am in your hands. The standing orders are the standing orders. There's a bill before the house which canvasses all these particular issues. You ruled earlier that I could answer questions in relation to the meeting, which I have done so. These questions are now canvassing matters which will be canvassed and will have to be determined as part of the response to the Hon. Mr Pangallo's bill.