Legislative Council: Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Deer Culling

In reply to the Hon. T.A. FRANKS (19 June 2019).

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services): The Minister for Environment and Water and the Department for Environment and Water has advised:

1. On 30 April and 1 May 2018, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) conducted an aerial shooting operation (the operation) in the southern Fleurieu region for the purposes of deer culling.

I am advised that prior to conducting the operation, landowners were given an opportunity to elect to participate and shortly before it commenced, DEW undertook a neighbour notification process via Australia Post. A phone call, letter or email was sent to all properties that directly adjoin the control area, advising them of the upcoming operation, using contact information extracted from the Land Titles office using ArcGIS. This notification provided landowners with an opportunity to contact DEW with questions or concerns about the proposed operation.

As the member is aware, an error occurred in relation to this operation, namely shooting occurred on a property where the landowner had not elected to participate in the operation. I am advised that only one landowner was affected by this error. Upon receiving notification of the error, DEW immediately ceased all aerial shooting operations and commenced an investigation into the incident.

I am advised that following that investigation, DEW has provided further training to relevant staff involved with the planning phase of aerial shooting operations and have also implemented a number of additional requirements to strengthen existing protocols, to prevent the reoccurrence of this error.

I am advised that one of the additional requirements is to apply a more stringent verification process, to confirm that landowners who have elected to participate in the operation have been accurately identified. Additional staff are now used to provide multiple reviews of the control area prior to the operation. I am advised that all landowner participants in the aerial shooting operation must now be contacted within 72 hours of the scheduled clearance occurring.

2. Please refer to response provided in question 1.