Legislative Council: Thursday, June 20, 2019


Answers to Questions

Faulty Nail Plate Roof Trusses

136 The Hon. F. PANGALLO (14 May 2019). In relation to the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Notices 17/06 and 18/06 dated December 2006 and that some prefabricated roof trusses manufactured between 1970 and 1997 with nail plates have since proven faulty:

1. Have all public owned and managed residential housing properties, aged-care homes, and community facilities been checked by suitably qualified persons to identify if these structures are at risk from having these faulty nail plate roof trusses?

2. How many such public owned and managed properties have been checked to date?

3. Is the process of checking and reporting on faulty nail plate roof trusses complete?

4. How many such public owned and managed properties have had remedial work undertaken to rectify faulty nail plate roof trusses?

5. How many such public owned and managed properties are yet to have remedial work undertaken to rectify faulty nail plate roof trusses?

6. How many such public owned properties have been sold without remedial work being undertaken and is this fault disclosed to buyers?

7. Have all the residents of public housing and users of community facilities been notified of the faulty nail plate roof truss issue?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services): The Department of Human Services (DHS) and the South Australian Housing Authority (SAHA) have advised:

In relation to the properties DHS owns or manages, inspections of all properties are conducted at least annually by contracted facility management providers. No issues have been raised relating to faulty nail plate roof trusses.

In response to the advisory notices, as well as one additional site identified, inspections of 29 South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT) 'at risk' properties were completed in 2009 for the Department for Families and Communities by an independent engineer (FMG Engineers). Of those identified, six required remedial work, which has been completed. Since 2009, a small number of public housing properties may also have had remedial work undertaken. However, data collected does not specify work undertaken to that degree.

SAHA will continue to address faulty nail plate roof trusses as required. If an issue is suspected in a public housing property, an inspection is undertaken and remedial maintenance work is undertaken.

No DHS or SAHA properties that have had faulty nail plate roof trusses identified have been sold prior to remedial work taking place.

SAHA residents and users of DHS facilities are notified if and when issues are identified.