Legislative Council: Thursday, June 20, 2019


Women's And Children's Hospital

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (14:56): Supplementary to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing: considering the fiscal disaster that the new Royal Adelaide Hospital was, is the government considering financing this through a private-public partnership? Can the minister explain what will happen to the current site of the Women's and Children's Hospital when the plans are finalised and the move will happen?

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:57): The Hon. Frank Pangallo's question highlights that this is a project of state significance. This is the largest investment in health for more than a decade, so I'm very pleased to have the backup of my cabinet colleagues in this task. To be frank, my understanding is that the Hon. Stephan Knoll will be responsible for the long-term management of the disposal of the North Adelaide asset.

Certainly, as always on financial matters, I take the lead from the Hon. Rob Lucas. But it is my responsibility to make sure that, when I go to the Treasurer to seek the funding for the project, I have done due diligence, to make sure that I am building a hospital that meets the best needs of South Australians, that it is value for money in terms of capital and it will be delivered on time. The former Labor government failed on the new RAH on all three of those. I am working hard to make sure that I don't repeat their failures.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. S.G. WADE: And I don't mind a bit of mocking while we are getting on and doing the job. We are going to be a workmanlike government, delivering better outcomes for South Australians, and they will be our paragons of what to avoid.