Legislative Council: Thursday, June 20, 2019


International Tourism Marketing

The Hon. J.E. HANSON (15:10): Yes. Given that at the Tourism and Transport Forum chief executive, Margy Osmond, of that described South Australia's drop in international tourist numbers as incredibly worrying for the state and blamed the drop on the lack of investment in tourism promotion, what is the minister doing about it, given that he hasn't finalised anything yet?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (15:11): I won't repeat the answer that I gave one of his colleagues. I outlined significant investment that we are making in tourism, significant commitment to ongoing marketing, something the members opposite, when they had their fortune and South Australia's misfortune for them to be in government—they didn't have any long-term investment in marketing. We have the long-term investment in marketing.

We are on track to get to $8 billion by 2020. We are investing in the future of tourism, and we will continue to interrogate the figures. We will always look at ways we can improve our performance. We will meet our target of $8 billion by 2020, and I am sure we will meet the next target set for 2030.