Legislative Council: Thursday, June 20, 2019


Women's and Children's Hospital

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (14:53): Supplementary arising out of the answer: was the minister telling the truth when he told ABC TV in December last year that the task force is going to finalise its report by the end of the year?

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:53): In April 2018, the South Australian government established a task force to develop a fully costed plan and recommend a location for the new Women's and Children's Hospital. This is the one that Labor promised in 2013 and couldn't find the money, not a single doughnut. The task force has completed its objectives and produced a report, and work is continuing on a business case because we want to get it right.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Mr Wortley, a further supplementary?