Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
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Answers to Questions
Future Jobs Fund Grant
In reply to the Hon. M.C. PARNELL (13 February 2019).
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): I have been advised of the following:
1. I am advised that the Australian Walking Company's development approved by the former Labor government is consistent with the original intent of the grant which was around creation of employment (30 FTEs).
I have been advised that the project approved under the previous government never contemplated that the accommodation would be on the trail and the current proposal is consistent with that intent.
In relation to the claim that there are now 10 kilometres of new road and trails, I have been advised that this is not the case. The project always required some level of trails to be developed and the 'roads' to be developed are better classified as narrow access tracks that can only be accessed by quad bikes or small vehicles. I am told that the tracks utilise existing disturbance where possible and are to be made of mulched vegetation to minimise soil disturbance.
I can further advise:
The structures envisaged for the development and their relative impact on the ground is consistent with the structures including luxury eco tents that were previously envisaged.
There are now two less structures than under the original proposal, and in total, the structures are now smaller than what was originally envisaged.
2. The full terms and condition for the grant are stated in the grant deed with the Australian Walking Company Pty Ltd. The grant deed is published in full on the SA Tenders and Contracts website in line with the government's policy for the disclosure of government contracts.
3. I am advised that the respective development applications are being processed in accordance with the relevant and established statutory requirements of the Development Act 1993.