Legislative Council: Thursday, April 04, 2019



Statutes Amendment (Screening) Bill

Standing Orders Suspension

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:23): I move:

That standing orders be so far suspended as to enable me to move that the order made this day for the adjourned debate on the second reading of the Statutes Amendment (Screening) Bill to be an order of the day for the next day of sitting be discharged, and for the order of the day to be taken into consideration on motion.

The PRESIDENT: I note the absolute majority.

Motion carried.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: I move:

That the order made this day for the adjourned debate on the second reading of the Statutes Amendment (Screening) Bill to be an order of the day for the next day of sitting be discharged, and for the order of the day to be taken into consideration on motion.

Motion carried.