Legislative Council: Thursday, April 04, 2019


The Bend Motorsport Park

The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (14:55): I thank the minister for that answer. If the minister is ruling out indenture legislation, is he ruling out other legislative interventions to provide exemptions?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:56): I think what I said was I am not aware of any proposal for an indenture in relation to it but, when you say any 'legislative interventions', I think the former government, if they did take action, must have taken action by way of regulation. I note that the member, who is a lawyer, said 'legislative'. I would include regulatory as part of a legislative intervention. I would invite the member to clarify his question, if he wanted to, but I would interpret legislative as being regulatory, or legislation through the parliament, so I am not going to rule anything out along those lines.

If the former government used regulations, for example, as its mechanism, that might be a mechanism the new government might like to contemplate, but I am not foreshadowing anything other than, clearly, the issues have been raised both with the former government and now with the new government. We will have to consider them, so I am not ruling anything out. I am just saying I am not aware of any proposition for an indenture. It doesn't necessarily require an indenture. It may well be a number of regulatory changes that might be proposed, which of course, as we have discussed earlier today, are capable of disallowance by the member or indeed anybody else.