Legislative Council: Thursday, November 15, 2018


Rewards Wonder Campaign

In reply to the Hon. T.A. FRANKS (24 October 2018).

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment): I have been advised:

1. The data collected will be secure and only used for tourism purposes.

2. To the best knowledge of the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC), there were no technical glitches in the live streaming in public places, including Rundle Mall and Federation Square. It was a streaming service, it took roughly eight seconds for the stream to load, and during that time the consumer saw a 'test pattern' type screen or 'snow'. This is a standard process for any streaming as it loads, it did not affect the number of people viewing. The SATC ensured that there was wording on screen to advise the consumer that the stream was loading.

3. The SATC is proud of its collaboration with Music SA and local musicians as part of the recent Rewards Wonder campaign. The SATC has, and will always be, supporters of local musicians and seek to promote their work on the world stage wherever possible.

The SATC procurement policies are in accordance with those of the State Procurement Board and played no part in this issue.

It is important to note that 51 local artists were given the opportunity to participate in this initiative with only three declining. This acceptance rate suggests the initiative was an overwhelming success.